Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6847: A conspiracy

For Li Tian, ​​this matter is no longer a question of whether he wants to do it or not.

It was a question of what he had to do and how to do it. Even if he knew in his heart that this was only a conspiracy of the enemy, he still had to do it like this.

The Nether Demon Emperor is a lunatic, and he also has a very powerful means of saving his life. If the barbaric **** is summoned, the entire flames of war will spread to the gods.

He doesn't need to bear such consequences, and he doesn't think this is a big problem.

But Li Tian can't.

All of this happened because of Li Tian. It can be said that it has an inescapable responsibility for this matter. If he did not stand up to stop it at this time, how would the people behind him treat it? This matter, so I don’t care about what I’m thinking about. At this time, I’m already familiar with how this matter should be done. It’s not a question of who’s willing or not, it’s a must. Things.

So, this is a very obvious trap.

But it was also a trap that Li Tian could not miss.

Even if he knew that all of this was a conspiracy of the enemy, he still wanted to jump in with a look of willingness, just to stop this thing, if he could say that even his own power could not stop anything, then all of this is naturally no way. changed.

"It looks like you should really have an awareness of yourself. Since you are like this, I don’t need to say anything. Everything depends on your own efforts. Whether you can change the situation. , Whether you can let things proceed according to your own mentality, it all depends on your own awareness and your own means. I hope to see you succeed!" She said with a smile.

"I will. This matter is of great significance to many people. It is impossible for me to fail easily like this. He thought that this time I could easily control me, but I would use my own strength to tell him, This is something that is simply impossible to achieve." The expression on his face is serious, and he truly has his own awareness of this matter.

Since this is a fate that can't be avoided, then face it calmly, even if the front is really dangerous, you can't easily give up all this.

"The next thing is left to you to arrange. I want to arrange for them to mobilize troops to the border of the Demon Race during this time. In this way, we will put pressure on them from the periphery, forcing the main force of the Demon Race to support them , So that your plan will be successful, it is also a good help for you." The little witch said with a smile.

"Although it is unlikely that the main force of the Demon Race will participate in this event, if it is really defeated, I believe that even the ghost emperor will let these people participate in this war. So it’s also a good choice to control them. If the marshals are smart, they know that they can’t give up on the frontier this time, so the pressure on my side will be relieved a lot.” Nodded, for this little witch He still agrees with the idea, and this thing can only look like this.

Their opponents are much stronger than they thought, and at this time they can only rely on such methods to barely stick to them.

"Then it's settled like this. As for what happens after this, all this is a problem that we can't think about at this time. I just hope that the next thing will not be as bad as we thought before." The little witch smiled. Seeing the look of confidence on this guy's face also eased a lot. If this matter was left to Li Tianlai, there might indeed be no problem.

This guy still has his own thoughts on this matter. Although the Ghost Emperor has arranged a lot of methods this time, it is hard to say who will be the final winner.

It's just that all of this is to be done in a secret state, even if Li Tian wins, no one will know how great this young man helped them.

He has such a responsibility and has done so many things for humans, but he still has to be hated by many people, and he still has to be confronted by them as their own enemies, and even hesitate to kill this young man in any way, even In this state, Li Tian still didn't give up on human beings, as before, thinking about helping humankind in his own way.

With such thoughts and beliefs, there is definitely no way for anyone to do it.

But Li Tian did it.

He knows that he has no choice. Although human beings don't want to see him, he still belongs to the same race as himself. No matter what he is, he still has a human in his heart, a real human.

He watched his own clan almost be wiped out, watched a huge conspiracy sweeping the entire mankind, it was impossible for him to stop this matter like this.

Therefore, we must stand up and stop anyway.

This is Li Tian, ​​regardless of whether he is willing to believe it, or whether he is willing to help, nothing he has to do will change in the slightest. He is a guy who always fights for his beliefs.



Among the mysterious castle, Bai Qi sat on the throne, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance: "I didn't expect that he has just returned to the Northern Cold Land and he has brought us so much. news."

"It seems that the problems in the human world are much more complicated than we imagined. If this is the case, we might be able to crush them easily!" A woman's voice rang.

"Don't have this idea anymore. What we have to do at this time is to see how the Seven Great Families are going to deal with us. They have been accumulating their own strength. The United States and Europe act rashly. But I don't want to see the storm of thunder, but I will never feel soft when I have to deal with it." Bai Qi said with a cold snort, clenching his fist.

"Then, we are going to miss a good offensive opportunity. Are you really ready to cooperate with humans, or with the so-called Son of God?" The voice asked strangely again, as if not at all. Understand what is going on in this matter.

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