Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 680: Are you involved?

It's just that Li Tian hadn't had a good conversation with Feng Qingzi during the time he knew each other.

At the moment when he saw Feng Qingzi, Li Tian was excited and ready to sit up.

"Feng Lao..."

Li Tian already knew the name of Feng Qingzi, not only shouted there.

Feng Qingzi also saw Li Tian at the moment, and smiled slightly and said, "How is it, is your health better?"

Li Tiandao said: "It's much better."

"That's good."

Situ Ningbing watched Feng Lao come in and couldn't stay too much here, and said to the two of them: "Then you talk first, I will go out first."

After speaking, he turned and walked outside.

In the room at this moment, only Li Tian and Feng Qingzi were left.

"Old Feng, Li Tianwan didn't expect you to be Kunlun's Xuanmen Grandmaster... you really have no eyes." Li Tian said regretfully.

At that time, Li Tian thought that this old guy was a joke, full of nonsense, and Li Tian still deeply remembered that the scene where Feng Qingzi gave him a fortune telling, Li Tian completely thought it was a joke.

But now I didn't think that Feng Qingzi was the master of Xuanmen, living in Kunlun, now Li Tian recalled, of course, a little embarrassed.

Feng Qingzi laughed loudly.

"Do you remember? I told you that we will meet again, and it will happen now." Feng Qingzi said with a smile.

"Feng Lao is too right." Li Tiandao said.

Feng Qingzi smiled and looked at Li Tiandao and said, "Since you left that small county town, I think you can be made. It seems that I made no mistake."

Li Tianqian smiled and said, "In fact, all of this is your credit."

"My credit?" Na Feng Qingzi pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, it's all due to your old age."

"Old Feng, do you remember a broken book that you left when you were sitting on a train with me?" Li Tian said with a smile.

Li Tian still doesn’t know that the celestial scroll that Feng Qingzi left behind was deliberately left to him, let alone that the "broken book" left to him turned out to be one of the famous ancient relics. Dan Juan.

Feng Qingzi laughed loudly when Li Tian said this.

Of course he knew what Li Tian was talking about, and Feng Qingzi laughed even more when he heard that Li Tian said that the pill scroll was a broken book that day.

"Really? That broken book?" Feng Qingzi asked with a smile.

"It's the one." Li Tian said as he pointed at the table in front of him.

Looking around, the old heavenly book pill scroll was really placed there motionless.

After seeing the Tianshu Danjuan, Feng Qingzi walked over slightly, then held it in his hand with a smile.

"Oh, you're talking about this book..."

"Well, this is the book. At that time, I actually wanted to give it back to you, but unfortunately I didn't see you as soon as I turned around... But fortunately, I have kept this book for you." Li Tiandao.

When Li Tian said this, Feng Lao laughed again.

"It's okay, it's okay, what about this book? Actually, it's useless to my old man." Feng Qingzi said with a smile, looking at the Tianshu Danju in his hand.

Li Tian heard that Feng Qingzi said that the book was useless, so he immediately retorted, "Feng Lao, you are wrong, this book is very useful."

"Actually, Li Tian must be grateful to Feng Lao. If it weren't for Feng Lao to leave this book, Li Tian would probably not be able to reach this point today, let alone have the opportunity to see you." Li Tian told the truth. Say it there.

When Feng Qingzi heard Li Tian say this, his eyes blinked slightly. Of course he knew that Li Tian relied on Tianshu Danju to become like this, so he just smiled at the moment, but pretended not to know Li Tiandao who was in front of him. Say: "Oh? Really?"

"What is the use of that book for you?" Feng Qingzi asked Li Tian, ​​looking at Li Tian with his eyes shining brightly.

Feng Qingzi studied the book pill scroll in Kunlun for twenty years, but he did not have any results. After he gave the book pill scroll to Li Tian, ​​he did hide a little selfishness. That is, he also wanted to know what the ancient relics book pill scroll hides. secret.

Now Li Tian finally came up with the mystery of the book pill scroll that day. Of course Feng Qingzi was happy, so on the surface he still pretended not to know anything, but he was really anxious inside.

But seeing that Li Tian was surprised and said, "Don't Feng Lao know the effect of that book?"

"What effect? ​​I will treat it as a broken book." Feng Qingzi said with a smile.

"It's you, what effect do you see?" Feng Qingzi asked Li Tian with blinking eyes.

Li Tian sat up from the bed with a grunt, and then took the book that day.

"Old Feng, I actually didn't see it too clearly... But sometimes I think I can see it clearly."

Li Tian slowly stretched out his hand to open the Heavenly Book Pill Scroll in his hand while talking.

After opening it, Na Feng Qingzi leaned over, blinking at Li Tian.

Of course he wanted to know what secrets this Heavenly Book Pill Scroll hides in his heart. Legend has it that there is a mysterious martial arts... But Feng Qingzi has studied Kunlun for more than 20 years and has not studied it.

He really couldn't understand how Li Tian could see it, staring at Li Tian with blinking eyes at this moment.

But after seeing Li Tian opened the Tianshu Danju in his hand, he pointed to the tadpole and said, "Old Feng, this is the thing."

Feng Qingzi frowned depressed.

Since he obtained the Tianshu Danjuan more than 20 years ago, he has begun to look up information and research hieroglyphs. During this period, he has more than once asked those experts and knowledgeable people to read this tadpole script. Just to understand, what exactly is this tadpole text talking about, and what is it? Or mentality? But so far, Feng Qingzi has not figured it out.

But after Li Tian pointed at the tadpole text in front of him, Feng Qingzi frowned at Li Tian, ​​and said with a look of disbelief: "Do you know this tadpole text?"

"I don't know!" Li Tian told the truth.

"Don't you know?" Feng Qingzi thought that Li Tian knew the tadpole characters, so he could understand the mystery of the book of the pill scroll. At this moment, when Li Tian said that he did not know him, he was a little depressed. Since Li Tian does not know him How can this tadpole text break the mystery of this heavenly book?

"Yeah, I don't know anything about this thing. Let alone the dense fonts." Li Tian said with an embarrassing smile.

Feng Qingzi furrowed his brows and looked at Li Tiandao deeply and said: "Then how do you decipher the mystery?"

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