Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6905: Negotiation

"What we have to do next is also very simple, go to Outland, and negotiate with the eight big families over there." Li Tian looked at them and said.

"Negotiate? You're not really kidding me. I believe everyone knows what kind of guys those races in Outland are. They are all unblinking murderers, and the grievances between us humans, even It's deeper than the grievances between us and the demons. How can we negotiate with them at this time." Hearing Li Tian's statement, the number two here was astonished.

In her impression, the guys in Outland were really participating in the horrible existence, because after the defeat of the war, they had been trapped in Outland, and their hatred for humans was also rising. Now they can’t be killed. I still want to cooperate with them. This is simply a fantasy. Although I recognize the strength of Li Tian in front of him, I have to say that in this matter, Li Tian still thinks about this matter too simply. Up.

"I know what you guys want to say, but my negotiation this time is not for ourselves, nor for them, but for the entire God Realm. If they don’t want to cooperate with us, it’s okay. At least I know Baiyu The spirit family and ours are also somewhat connected. If this is the case, I can use the Bai Yuling family to find some records about the past history. Maybe I can know about the soul crystal." Li Tian naturally here It has its own considerations.

Bai Yuling's family still has a connection with him. If he asked for it, I believe Bai Qi would also be willing to tell him something.

He had known from Bai Ling before that the Bai Yuling family had fairly detailed records of the development history of the entire God Realm, and the Bai Yuling family was equivalent to a very old and powerful family.

In the entire God Realm, the history of their family is even comparable to the history of some races, so Li Tian also knows that if he can find Bai Qi this time, maybe he can learn some key news from their hands. At this time, what they need is such critical news. As long as they find a little bit of clues, many of the following problems can be easily solved.

It's just that although it is said, it is not certain whether it can be done.

"Things have reached the point where they are today. It is true that even I never thought it would become the way it is now. But now that it has reached this point, it is definitely unnecessary to continue to feel sad here. It's better to let go of the prejudices in my heart. If we can really cooperate with the Bai Yuling family this time, we may be able to find some information." Li Tian said all his previous amnesias, and also expressed the present. The level of embarrassment in the lives of the humans in Outland has also made the expressions on the faces of these people here very solemn.

The little witch suddenly said at this moment: "Those human beings already have something to do on their own, so this time we probably won’t be in contact with them. If you want to know something from the Bai Yuling family If it is, we can go directly to the Bai Yuling family. I believe there must be some clues in them, but we have to say before. You also know the skills of the Bai Yuling family, and the Demon Race obviously knows this too. , So we have to speed up this matter."

Indeed, if there is really any clue that can be found on the Bai Yuling family, then the demons must also be able to quickly know this matter. If they miss this first opportunity, they will be completely controlled by others.

Thinking of this question, the expressions on everyone's faces instantly became serious.

At this moment, no one is willing to give up easily.

And Li Tian nodded quickly: "There is not much time left for us. Even if we really want to wait for a while, it seems that it is not so easy for us to wait now, since we are here. Once we need to race against our opponents, then let them try with us. Who is the final winner, I don’t think they can surpass us.”

"Very well, I haven't been to Outland. I only heard that this place is terrible before, but I never told me where the horror has reached. This time, I can experience it personally. This rumor What is the terrifying place like?" The number three also became excited slowly, and they knew exactly what the opponent they were going to face this time.

But at this time, no one showed any fear.

The current challenge may be really a very difficult challenge for them, but they will never let them give up the idea of ​​fighting in this way. The God Realm is facing such a danger now, and it can only rely on people like them. Come to the rescue, as for the result, it doesn't matter, as long as they show everything they can do perfectly in the process, this alone is enough.

Li Tian stood up: "Okay, everyone, let's start now. This time we must be careful. After entering the outer domain, we can't easily contact Biren. The only person who has contact with us is the Bai Yuling family. This matter can only rely on the Bai Yuling family. As for the demons, I don’t think they can get in touch with the eight great families quickly."

Although the relationship between the demons and the races of the Outland is not much different, the North Cold Land is better than the Outland.

In the eyes of those in Outland, Mozu is not a good thing.

This time, even if You Demon Emperor knows the key, he may not be able to find a way to contact so quickly. All of this can be done in a suitable way. This is why Li Tian looks like this at this time. He looked relaxed, just because he himself knew very clearly that even if the You Demon Emperor was anxious, he still couldn't get ahead of him.

The relationship between himself and the Bai Yuling family is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

What happened to Bai Ling before can be said to have caused him to a large extent to receive the favor of the Bai Yuling family. After leaving last time, he didn't know what happened to the Bai Yuling family now.

Codewords have hardly played games for so long. Recently, I learned that many authors play games with book fans, and even broadcast live broadcasts, which is a good way to get closer. It happened that a game of my friend was launched on August 11, the name is "Kagemusha", the screen is pretty good, some of the characters are as **** and coquettish as our killer wives, you can search and pay attention, I have created a character, ID It's the killer Huahua, I'll go in and play with you then.

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