Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6928: Act by yourself

In the room, Li Tian was lying on the bed.

The situation in Outland was indeed quite different from what he imagined. Although it was said that it belonged to the Bai Yuling family, Baidi City looked much more perfect than they thought.

But I have to say that the degree of danger in this place is even more terrifying than they thought.

The opponents encountered along the way are completely random. They may be weak, or they may be unreasonably powerful creatures. There is no complete ecosystem and there is no difference in level.

Therefore, even if you are outside a seemingly safe main city, you may encounter an opponent that is too strong to look directly at.

As long as you leave the main city, even if you encounter a strong opponent, you won’t have any army back-ups. Training these fighters is not easy. In a place like Outland, the population itself is very small. In addition, they need more elite fighters, so these fighters who have joined the army are like a treasure, and it is impossible for them to be easily suspected.

This has also led to the fact that this area of ​​Outland is very dangerous for many people. Li Tian also personally experienced this along the way, and at this time he did not sigh with emotion.

There is indeed a big gap between the humans in the Central Plains and the races in the Outland here. Although they are in a safe city, they feel like they are in a cage. Never sleepy. In such a city, there is no way to truly gain freedom. Coupled with the ideas that have been passed down from the ancient times, who of them wants to continue living here?

In addition, they, like the Demon Race, rely on the idea of ​​returning to the Central Plains to make this huge race of the entire Outland become stronger.

‘Puff puff’

While he was thinking about these things, the door of the room was quietly knocked: "The answer you want has arrived, how about it?"

Jie Ying's voice came from outside the door.

This speed makes Li Tian a little surprised. Is this guy so fast? It is still said that Bai Qi had thought of what he should do a long time ago, so he told Li Tian what was going on so quickly.

He stood up, moved his body a bit, then opened the door and put Jie Ying in.

"You came back so quickly, but it surprised me. It seems that things this time must not be as perfect as I imagined. There are still some problems in the links here, right?" He smiled. Looking at the Jie Ying in front of him, asked.

"It is indeed like this. It is not as simple as you thought before, but it can be regarded as fulfilling the mission. You can enter the archives, but the way to enter depends on our own." Looking at Li Tian in front of him , Jieying said: "The defense of places like the archives itself is not too tight. If the Bai Yuling family deliberately relaxed their vigilance, then it would naturally be easier."

"In this way, the Bai Yuling family does not want to participate in all the problems that follow. This is how it is now. They hope that we can solve this matter by our own strength, but they are not willing to participate. Come to this question." Nodded, Li Tian at this time also knew very well what kind of thing the king of the Bai Yuling family was thinking about.

This is indeed reasonable. Being in such a position, it is natural to have a good explanation to everyone in his entire family.

Their current situation is facing the crusade that the seven major families may unite at any time. If this is the case, a difficult battle is inevitable, even if it is the head of the eight major families, the Bai Yuling family. , After all, they are just a family, weak, even if their own strength is strong, but after this war, who is the final winner?

Therefore, at this time, the Bai Yuling family couldn't focus their attention on other places. Naturally, it was impossible for this matter to have any relationship with them.

On this point, Li Tian had more or less thoughts.

"It seems that this and what I thought of before are still inseparable, and this thing in front of me looks like this." Smiling and nodding, looking at the Jie Ying in front of him, said: "Since this If it looks like, I can sneak in by myself. If it is me, I believe that no one in this world can stop me. This time I just want to talk to Bai Qi."

"Well, we think so too. It is impossible for us to let others know about the things you have appeared in this city. Otherwise, the Seven Great Families are likely to find a reason to trouble us. The previous matter has already been involved. There are a lot of problems. If we really want to do it right with us after this, it will definitely make us suffer a lot of impact. The current Bai Yuling family does not want to really develop." Jie Ying Nodded and patted Li Tian on the shoulder: "Rely on yourself, but even in this kind of archives, you may not be able to find anything really useful."

The archives, this is the history of the development of a race, or even the history of the development of the entire Outer Realm. There are so many strange things on it.

Of course, here you can not only see the development of history, but also find some powerful techniques. These things can also be regarded as some precious things of the Bai Yuling family.

When Li Tian and Jie Ying came to the archives, seeing the huge library, the expression on their faces was a bit embarrassing.

There are still things that can be recorded from ancient times. The content of the books in this place seems a bit scary, dense, and I don’t know how many books there are at first glance. If you look up like this, it’s still I don’t know how much time it will take.

In desperation, he had to send all the others here.

"There is one more thing I haven't told you. The communication between the Seven Great Clans and the Mozu is still inconclusive, but if they really cooperate, they will definitely come to us to check the information. We can only give you a maximum of one week. Time, I hope you can find the results within this week!" Jie Ying said seriously.

I heard that in order to urge me to update, you are planning to build an "anti-killer alliance" in "Kagemusha"? You guys, always want to make big news. You know, what you are going to face is the "killer club", I really want to see who is better at 14:00 tomorrow afternoon! The game will give you tens of thousands of Q coins and a lot of phone fees. Huahua hopes that you will all go in when the server opens at 14:00 tomorrow afternoon and receive the rewards.

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