Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6951: Meet alone

Li Tian looked at Shuttle next to him and asked, "Do these people from the bones and foreheads here have the same combat effectiveness as you?"

"Such a statement is not necessary at all. Just like humans, are all human beings warriors up and down? Naturally it is impossible. Only a few races can be all soldiers, but even so, what they have to face The side effects are also quite heavy. At this point, the demon and the demon are vividly reflected. Any social relationship must be stratified and must be divided and coordinated. How can everyone do the same thing?" When Li Tian's curious eyes looked, he knew that he wanted to know how the bones and foreheads were fighting.

If it is true that the entire bone and forehead clan have combat effectiveness up and down, then it would not be a difficult thing for them to deal with the devil.

As soon as Li Tian and his party entered this ancient city, they saw many people from the bone and forehead clan beginning to surround them, looking at them like a monkey.

For the people of these bones, human beings are quite curious to them. In their impression, there is only such a concept that they know that there are humans in this world, but they have never seen humans before. They had never had such close contact, so they all became curious at this time, hoping to find some human characteristics from Li Tian and the others.

Suddenly being watched by so many people, even Li Tian and others felt a little embarrassed at this time.

What are their identities?

But walking here at this time is like a beast in a circus. This feeling is naturally not very good.

Shuo quickly realized this problem, and then ordered the surrounding men to disperse the people. Although the process still took a lot of time and effort, the final result was still good.

Although the people of these bones are very curious about these humans, they also know that their actions at this time are not very polite. Looking at others in this way, they obviously do not regard others as the same thing, so they are all very fast. Left here.

Seeing all the people of the bones and heads have left, Li Tian here was relieved and said: "I didn't expect that we should be so popular. I thought they would hide after seeing us. Well, I didn’t expect one by one to rush up in such a familiar manner, as if I wanted to see us through.” He said, while observing the surroundings,

Different from human society, the bones and foreheads seem to have no such thing as a merchant at all. The exchange of things is also through bartering, and there is no way of trading.

It looks like a very backward race.

"In the final analysis, we have been here all these years waiting for your appearance. The Holy Desolate City was originally our sanctuary, but it eventually fell into the hands of others. The whole family of bones has also been doing things up and down over the years. It's very simple. It is to collect anything we can use, and then find a way to summon the Holy Desolate City to this world again. Only in this way can we truly recover the glory of the bones and foreheads."

"You just said that the Holy Desolate City is summoned to this world? In other words, the Holy Desolate City is not in this world, but in another world, or another dimension?"

"I don't know how to describe it, but we want to enter the Holy Desolate City at this time, but it is not that simple. If it is not a demon, it is almost impossible to enter. It can only rely on our bones and foreheads to stay. The method of forcibly re-summoning this city to the old site of the Holy Desolate City, this will naturally invalidate the barrier here, and the consequences may be a massive war."

Li Tian didn’t know much about the Holy Desolate City, but thinking about the bodies of the masters of the eight great families who had stayed here before, he also knew that they also had ideas about this Holy Desolate City. It was probably because of their lack of strength. But now and then there are two completely different concepts. If it is the current eight families, once they know that the Holy Desolate City has reappeared in this world, might they not take action?

The answer is naturally obvious. They left so many corpses here in order to investigate some of the contents here clearly, so that they can take advantage of certain advantages in the subsequent battles.

Now they don’t have any movement because they know that the demons and the angels alone cannot mess up the situation here. They are dormant at this time, waiting for a suitable opportunity, as long as Li Tian and others If they do something, they will shoot in an instant, and then the whole battle situation will change drastically. In fact, Li Tian thought of this a long time ago.

These things they do are likely to be just a prelude to others, and everything they do here may become others' wedding dresses. When that happens, they will simply benefit others.

Although I felt very uncomfortable, it was a fact and they couldn't resist.

After all, the soul crystal matter involves all aspects of the problem, and it is also a big problem for the entire God Realm. At this time, even if they are unwilling, they can only bite the bullet and do it, do they really want them to give up?

This is obviously impossible.

They have all reached the point they are today, and giving up at this time means that there will be no such opportunities in the future.

After walking around the ancient city with a few people for about ten minutes, Shuo came to a place in the center of the ancient city that looked like an ancestral temple. At the door stood several bones wearing black short robes. The clansmen stopped them: "Master Wizard has something to say first, only this one can go in, and everyone else must wait outside and not enter!"

The so-called person who can enter is naturally Li Tian.

Others are unwilling to let Li Tian go in alone at this time. He is everyone’s hope, and he is also the chosen one. If there is any danger in it at this time, wouldn’t it be endless afterwards? Trouble?

"This request, I'm afraid we can't easily agree to it!" said the little witch.

"This is the meaning of the wizard, we are only ordered to convey the news."

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