Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6969: Purgatory

After coming out of the cave, everything in front of me suddenly became clear, completely different from before.

The narrow cave has completely disappeared. What appears in front of you is a red plain. The ground is full of dark black stones, but there is very high temperature lava under the stones, so that the ground here looks like It looks crimson, like a soldering iron that has been burnt red, the temperature here can be said to be truly elevated to the extreme.

Li Tian swallowed his saliva and said, "It's such a powerful force, it can make me feel such a heavy pressure."

"The source of fire is really not such a simple treasure. This time is also a challenge for you with both danger and opportunity. If you can really find the source of fire, you can easily make yourself stronger later. But obviously, the opponent in front of you is not so easy to deal with." The Remnant Soul of the Ancient God said, such a treasure will definitely not have weak guardians around it.

Although they haven't seen the Guardian yet, the pressure released by the Guardian was already felt by Li Tian quickly. She could clearly feel that something around here was carefully observing herself. He might just need to take a step forward, and this creature can come out and attack Li Tian.

In this endless open area, the place in front that looked like an ancient temple quickly attracted Li Tian's attention.

"It seems that the fire stone and the fire source should probably be in this place. I have to go over and see if I can find any clues." Li Tian said, and then rushed over quickly using his own void mobility. He had no time to waste here. Although he adjusted his state along the way, it was still not as perfect as he imagined.

After all, the fire attribute of this place is too strong.

Li Tian, ​​who was moving fast, arrived at the ancient temple in front of him in just a few minutes, and then raised his head to look at the ancient temple in front of him. It just read the words ‘Purgatory’!

"Humanity, this is not the place you should be here, take the time to leave this place before I take the shot, so that you can save your life, if you want to take a step forward, I will kill you." Suddenly, a voice of vicissitudes of life rang at this moment, as if shouting in his ears, like a thunderous ear, instantly raising Li Tian's mental state.

Sure enough, the guardian here is not simple, just such a way of transmitting sound is not a simple role.

"Senior, I came here this time because of some very important things. I need a fire source and a fire stone. Only in this way can I leave."

"Fire source? Fire stone? Humph, greedy human being, who do you think you are, dare to say such a thing in front of me, you stand here, you can leave here alive, This is my kindness to you enough, and now you still have to ask for more things from me, do you think I will agree to your request?" the voice asked rhetorically, and the tone was full of Feeling dismissive.

In the eyes of this guy, Li Tian at this time was like a joke. ,

"This is my mission here, and it is a mission I must complete. Do you think I will give up easily? Although I don't know what you are, I think you will be an opponent worth challenging." Li Tian also started Let's talk hard, since this guardian can't communicate, he can only rely on the sword in his hand to open up a path of his own.

The guardian also remained silent for a while, and then chuckled and said, "For so many years, I haven't seen a wild human like you for a long time. It's unreasonable to even dare to talk to me like this. Okay, I can kill you quickly and make you realize how stupid what you did today is. If this is the case, then you will learn to be a little more behaved and not trouble us."

"Then you can give it a try. If you can kill me, this matter will naturally end here, but if you can't stop me, I will not only take away the fire stone, but also Go to the fire source here." Li Tian snorted coldly, looked at the so-called ancient purgatory temple in front of him, snorted coldly, and then bought into this ancient temple.

What made him feel incredible was that the temperature outside was still quite terrifying, but when he entered this ancient temple, the scorching air wave disappeared.

The temperature here is very comfortable.

"How, is it surprising? Why is the temperature outside so terrible, but the temperature here has reached such a point? For you, such a thing is probably difficult to understand, right?" The Guardian snorted coldly and asked. : "But you don't need to think about so many questions at this time. It's better to think about how you are going to defeat me!"

In front of Li Tian, ​​a flame man slowly condensed out. When the flame on this guy slowly extinguished, a strange warrior wearing black armor and unable to see his face appeared in front of Li Tian: "How about, do you want to continue now?"

"Since I have already entered this place, at this time, no matter if I move back or forward, you will choose to kill me, so no matter what my choice is, it is meaningless to you. Anyway, you Will only kill me, right?" Li Tian smiled, looked at the guardian in front of him, and asked: "But you still can't determine my strength, so you dare not shoot too early, right?"

"You are very smart, but in my opinion, smart people have always died miserably. They think they know everything, think they are in control, but they don't know that they are just like a chess piece being played at will. It is not difficult to kill them."

"You can give it a try. If you are really sure of this, why bother to tell me so much nonsense here? You could just kill me directly, but you didn't do it, just because you did it yourself. Understand, I am not only smart, but also have enough strength. You need to figure out your own means if you want to deal with opponents like me, don’t you?” He vowed to look at the guardian in front of him, his face relaxed. , Without the slightest amount of pressure.

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