Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6975: conspiracy

Although the attitude towards the evil fire **** in front of him is a bit strange, the situation at this time does not allow Li Tian to hesitate too much. He himself knows exactly how his opponent is. This battle has started from the beginning. There is no time to go back and there is no time to hesitate. Since it is something that can be done, let's try to see if it can really be done.

"Since you want this, let me see if you really have this qualification." The dark fire in his hand began to grow stronger, and the red cut in his hand also burned up at this time, and then It plunged into the ground fiercely, and at that moment, it seemed that the atmosphere in the entire ancient temple had all changed.

Vulcan looked at the scene in front of him in the flames, shook his head, and said: "It's not enough that this kid really still simply thinks that the sacred fire in his hand can restrain all the flames in this world. Up."

"That evil fire is so powerful?"

"If it's just the most original state, naturally you don't need to worry about anything. This evil fire is actually just after some changes, it can swallow the power of its opponents, and it can also merge other flames into its own body. To create a new kind of fire, this is the power of the fire source. If Li Tian uses other methods to deal with it, the little guy in front of him will have nothing to do." Vulcan said calmly, he only needs to look at it. , This so-called evil fire is actually not as terrible as they imagined.

This is not a very dangerous flame at all, even with the spell of his own ice attribute, it can be easily extinguished.

But Li Tian mistakenly believed that this kind of flame was very powerful after being transformed by the fire source, and he had to use the divine fire in his hands to deal with it. This actually directly hit the evil fire **** in front of him.

After all, the understanding of one's opponent is still not enough.

Compared with Evil Fire God, Li Tian really knows too little about this opponent, but his own plans and fighting methods are completely seen through by his enemies. Evil Fire God has been here for so long, but It is not a day or two to study Li Tian’s strength and abilities. Naturally, he will not really let his plan fail at this time. You can understand by looking at the situation in front of you. This battle has actually come to an end. .

After Evil Fire changes, Evil Fire God’s combat effectiveness will naturally be completely different from before. In this state, how much else can Li Tian, ​​who is already disadvantaged, have the chance to win? In the eyes of Vulcan, the possibility of Li Tian still defeating the opponent in front of him is almost zero. Although he said that he didn't want to curse this young man, the things in front of him were like this, and he had nothing to do.

At this time, Li Tian still had no idea what the evil fire god's conspiracy was.

When the Hong Zhan in his hand was inserted on the ground, he also felt a little bit of accident. His Netherfire could not really eliminate all these evil fires, but was being melted away a little bit. Just like the feeling of the flame melting the ice and snow, he felt a little bit of surprise here. Looking at the evil fire **** in front of him, he seemed to understand something.

The situation had already happened at this time, and naturally Li Tian himself was not allowed to control it. He couldn't stop the battle. No matter what happened afterwards, he could only passively accept it.

Looking at the Evil Fire God who smiled in front of him, he said; "It seems that you really did something about this matter. I underestimated you, is that what it looks like?"

"This is natural. You don’t know enough about me, but I know enough about you. I know how you fight and what you are most proud of, so I made such a conspiracy, which is Waiting for you to jump into my trap." Evil Fire God laughed naturally. He can be said to be a winner in life at this time. Facing the situation before him, Li Tian is indeed There is not much chance of winning.

Underworld fire was swallowed up by evil fire a little bit, and what it would be like after that. Li Tian does not know, but he also understands that this flame must be stronger and more difficult to deal with than before. Does he Being able to defeat this opponent in this state is also not something that can be determined by thinking about it at this time. This time, I still underestimated my opponent.

I naively thought that this opponent was just like this, but the result was really uncomfortable.

'Damn it, I didn’t expect that all my plans had been exposed to others long ago. Then, what is the point of fighting? They know exactly what’s going on with my random move. If this goes on, I think Isn't it just a joke to complete the task? Li Tian, ​​who was very upset in his heart, didn't know what to do at this time. He didn't know what would happen after the evil fire swallowed his own dark fire.

"You have devised so much to complete the method in front of you, but it is a pity that you can't defeat me even this way. You have to know that some people are destined to win. They are impossible. Failed, like me." Li Tian smiled, judging from the expression on his face, Li Tian at this time seemed to be really not under a little pressure.

And the evil fire **** here, looking at Li Tian’s expression in front of him, shook his head and said; “In this way, you still don’t realize that the evil fire in your hand is fused with the evil fire in my hand. Together, what kind of terrible flame will be created. This is in my expectation. You never thought of such a thing happening. Do you think that you can change everything in this world if you hold the sacred fire in your hand? Just wishful thinking."

This time the battle has developed to the present. From the perspective of the situation, it is already quite unfavorable for Li Tian. If there is no suitable way to solve the opponent in front of him at this time, waiting for Li Tian’s choice will only fail. It’s a choice, but obviously, at this time, Li Tian doesn’t want to lose this place so quickly. His own battle has not really started yet. How can he lose here so quickly?

Although it was calculated at this time, he still did not choose to give up, nor would he think that he was really unable to defeat the opponent in front of him. There was still a lot of time, enough for him to change his situation.

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