Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6988: Strong eating

The fire attribute energy in the air is slowly condensing at this time. I have to say that although the strength of the evil fire **** in front of him is not as good as the fire god, his moves are still powerful.

Compared with people of ordinary level, it is not at the same level at all.

This is the means and strength that the true **** should have, but unfortunately, the Evil Fire God at this time does not have the same strength as the Fire God, otherwise even Li Tian would not be able to force it down.

Just a remnant soul can do this. At this time, in Li Tian's heart, he has begun to think about what kind of powerful existence Vulcan is.

To know that separating a soul like this from one's own body can be said to have hurt Vulcan's own strength at the same time, but he still did this, which can only prove that he doesn't care about this at all. Gains and losses, the evil fire **** in front of him does not even have any meaning in the eyes of the fire god, so how terrible is the strength of the fire god?

The strength of the gods I saw in Tianming and Hell was also unfathomable.

But Li Tian always had a strange feeling that Vulcan had to be stronger than them, and a broken part of the body that was separated at random could be so, not to mention the body?

It should be hundreds or even thousands of times the power of the evil fire **** in front of him?

"Hey hey hey, you smelly boy, it's this time that you are still in a daze in front of me, do you look down on me, or do you think I'm joking with you now?" Satisfied, this one of his own is an absolute ultimate move. It is a very terrifying and extremely powerful one. In his opinion, Li Tian at this time should look at him solemnly.

But the facts made him somewhat unacceptable.

This guy is in a daze when facing himself?

What's a joke, he will be killed by a second after this trick, and now he is in a daze in front of him, is it an idiot?

"You just do your thing. I'm thinking about another thing now. Where can I have time to watch you so many things." Li Tian frowned and said unhappy.

"Smelly boy, it seems that you really don't know what you are going to face at this time. If so, I will send you to death." The fire whip in his hand is condensing energy little by little, and the whole space is here. The time is compressing, and even breathing starts to become difficult: "You will be squeezed alive, and under such pressure, you only need to be in a moment to wipe out."

Li Tian did not speak, but watched quietly.

He knew that all the energy around him was condensed. Relying on the rebound force produced by such forcible suppression, the pressure released at that moment was enough to destroy all of the pinch here. If there is not enough strength to withstand such an impact In the case of strength, the body will be wiped out in a short moment because it cannot withstand such terrible strength.

This is the terrible thing about this trick, once it is displayed, there is no possibility of turning back.

Li Tian also had a solemn expression at this time, looking at the evil fire **** in front of him, no matter what, he still had to deal with it carefully.

"Haha, go to hell, you just die here for me, and I also want you to know what the end of the fight against me is." The evil fire **** roared angrily, condensing a thumb-sized fireball in his hand. In this way, it was directly thrown at Li Tian. This picture also seemed quite funny. A fireball of this size would not have any effect in the eyes of others even if it was thrown on Li Tian.

At this time, Li Tian didn't have this idea at all. He was very clear about the terrible power contained in this move. If he was not careful, he would really fall short and be defeated in this battle. Completely defeated.

Squinting at the evil fire **** in front of him, he smiled and said, "It seems that you are betting everything about yourself on this trick. Do you think this is enough?"

"It's not necessary to deal with others, but it is enough to deal with you." Evil Fire God was also very proud and said to Li Tian, ​​and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "I know you are very confident of yourself. But this time, I will tell you with practical actions that your so-called self-confidence is completely worthless in front of me, and you cannot resist this trick."

Li Tian didn't say anything, but raised his mental state to the extreme, squinted at the small fireball in front of him, and slowly raised his right hand.

When the distance between the fireball and Li Tian got closer and closer, even the Evil Fire God began to focus his attention at this time, carefully looking at the young man in front of him. He didn’t know that Li Tian was at this time. What kind of method should be used to block this move? In his opinion, this result is already doomed when he makes a shot. It is absolutely impossible for this young man to resist his attack.

What's more, before it seemed that he seemed to be outdated, and he couldn't even stop his last wave of offense. What's more, now, the general result is that he can only watch himself being swallowed by this merciless flame.

He seemed to have seen this young man falling under his hands.

"Do you really think that you have already won?" Suddenly, Li Tian's voice rang out, illusory, but with an indescribable strong pressure: "It's just a momentary advantage. , I made you mistakenly think that you could beat me. What a naive fellow, do you think that you were sealed here just to let you complete your plan? All this was doomed a long time ago. It was destined from the beginning, you are my stepping stone."

"You don't have to speak quickly, can you still..."

In the next second, Evil Fire God could no longer say a word. He saw it with his own eyes and saw that Li Tian just opened his arms and let the fireball fall on his chest.

Is this person actually trying to forcefully rely on his body to eat this trick?

This is crazy.

Only crazy people would do such a thing at this time, right?

He looked at Li Tian in front of him, and couldn't believe that all of what he saw in front of him was actually happening. This kid was either crazy, or he was really poor in skill and couldn't continue fighting with him.

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