Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7049: Competition

On the other side, Li Tian, ​​who came to the holy desert city, was also shocked by the luxury of this place.

Unexpectedly, this so-called holy desert city is so luxurious. In this outer domain, no major city can be compared here. The ground is all made of special crystal tiles. You must know these crystals. It is also very valuable and expensive to put outside. It is definitely a very good material for making some magical implements. Nowadays, these good materials are made into floor tiles and become decorative objects that are stepped on. .

In addition, there are many places in the entire Holy Desolate City, and they all show their rich wealth.

"If this is really the residence of the Bonehead Clan back then, then how terrible the Bonehead Clan was when it was glorious. It could be like a prosperous city here. Looking at the entire God Realm, there are not many masters. The city has such a courage, but the main city in front of us has done it. It is unbelievable that there is such a luxurious main city in this world." Canglong's voice also rang in Li Tian's mind. , This incident is still a bit shocking for them, a major city can be decorated to such a degree.

"It is also possible that this was done by the demon, but in any case, I opened my eyes this time. What is real wealth? People have not put this wealth in their eyes at all. If these are things done by the demon. If it is, we can also see clearly. They will certainly not be satisfied with the gains and losses at this point. These demons want more things, and their ambitions are naturally greater.” Li Tian said as he said. Walking on the street, there is not much difference between this and the ordinary main city.

There are people coming and going on the street, and there are countless shops of all kinds. You can see many demons here choosing what suits them.

Li Tian also looked very shabby when he walked on this street.

However, his face was not as cautious as a shabby person should have, instead he walked here swaggering, with a smile on his mouth.

The place he is going to is exactly where he signed up for this competition.

The person he pretended was Fang Tingxie. When he was born, his parents died unexpectedly. After that, he grew up alone, relying on the relief of the Holy Desolate City, and slowly grew up. He showed his talents and achieved success in cultivation, but even in this way, it was nothing among the masters of the holy desert city.

Over the years, he has been trying to improve himself, but the effect has been very small.

Every time I participate in the competition, I hope that I can become the first, and then I can get the recognition from the above, and I can no longer be looked down upon by others, and I can be regarded as a very hardworking little person.

From this point of view, whether it is a demon or a demon, they seem to be the same. In order to make their race stronger, they have always advocated the rule of the weak and the strong. If you want to change If it is your own destiny, then you have only one choice, and that can only be to use your strength as much as possible to make yourself a real strong.

Only in this way can you be qualified to become the master of this city.

But how difficult is such a thing?

As far as Fang Tingxie is concerned, he has worked hard for hundreds of years. This time he finally waited until his early days and wanted to leave the Holy Desolate City and find some opportunities to help him improve his strength. What happened?

I didn't encounter a good thing, but I met Li Tian and two mysterious people, and his life was lost.

Can be regarded as a tragic figure.

"Oh, although we are all enemies, I also sympathize with your experience. If this is the case, what you can't accomplish, let me do it. I will use your name to become a true genius in the entire Holy Desolate City. Yes." Li Tian sneered, looking at the tall building in the distance, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. His favorite thing is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

According to his strength at this time, he must surpass many people.

It's just that here, there are also many things that restrict oneself, and the unique fighting style of his own, definitely can't be used. In this case, you can only use some things that are easy to see here.

It is worth mentioning that the things that these demons have learned are really extensive. Some of the cultivation methods of human beings, as well as the cultivation methods of the major races in the outer domain, are all seen here. Therefore, if you use spells, they should be here. No one can tell.

But the former Fang Tingxie, who seemed to be a very powerful swordsman, suddenly turned into a spell master, and it seemed that there was something unreasonable.

Li Tian thought for a while, and finally decided to rely on the sword as the main way of fighting. As for the charms, of course it should be an auxiliary battle. When encountering some major problems, relying on the charms can easily resist the past. If he comes, it will not be difficult to easily win the first place in this competition. His strength among the contestants this time is really strong to the extreme.

Squinting and looking at the tall building in front of him, Li Tian seemed to think of something.

Wearing the shabby clothes of Fang Tingxie before, people finally came to the door of this tall building. Here, they saw two demon wearing black costumes, examining the masters approaching here. , Anyone who wants to enter here must get their approval. In other words, they are given the opportunity to bully others.

Want to go in?

Prove your strength,

If you can't even prove your own strength, then you can only be bullied by yourself.

As for Li Tian, ​​he certainly has no sense of guilt for bullying these guys. The appearance of this race in this world is a huge problem. It is like a malignant tumor. What I need to do now is to completely eliminate the malignant tumor. Only in this way can we guarantee that many things in the future will be much smoother, and many of the current problems are much more complicated than they thought before.

Looking at the two men in black in front of him, he slowly walked forward, as if he hadn't seen their faces.

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