Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7146: Ancient god

"This is your only chance now. If you fail to grasp this opportunity, you may never be able to leave here again. The divine word probably still doesn't know about the fissure." The remnant soul of the ancient **** suddenly responded at this moment. Li Tian said.

"But at this moment I want to disappear from this guy's sight. It doesn't seem to be that simple."

"I can help you."


"Actually, I knew a long time ago that this will end. They gave me this opportunity for today." The Old God Remnant Soul said lightly, and then his tone became serious: "I will delay this guy, you Going to the rift with Situ Ningbing, I think I’ve been enough to help you delay it for a long time. As long as you return to the God Realm, they can’t deal with you anymore. Without the power of the law, it is impossible to rely on his strength alone. Way to catch up with you."

"Senior, in this case, wouldn't you..."

"I have been dead for a long time. Survival has no meaning for me. If at the last moment of my life, I can do something meaningful, it is a sublimation of myself. , You are of great significance to the entire God Realm. If you die, there will be a lot of questions left. I knew that there would be such a day long ago. Let me come." Said.

Li Tian was silent, he knew his fate was choreographed.

Since the ancient prophecies are really so powerful, then there must be many things, they had anticipated long ago.

The remnant soul of the ancient **** knows more things than himself, and has lived for more years than himself. It is a real living fossil, but such a senior is willing to use the world he guards to bind Li Tian together. This is itself It is not particularly scientific.

Li Tian also guessed before, what was the purpose of the remnant soul of the ancient gods.

At this time, he probably understood that protecting himself might be his mission. ,

As the words of the remnant soul of the ancient **** just fell, a dazzling light was released at this moment, and then an elderly man appeared here, wearing a white robe with a whisk in his hand, smiling and watching Looking at the holy words in front of him, he said: "You are also a powerhouse of the gods and seven stars, and you also control the power of the universe, and you need to care about it with a young man."

"who are you?"

"Who I am and what identity I am is actually not important at all. The important thing is that I am standing here today, so don't think about other things." The ancient gods have a calm tone, but they have a kind of self-confidence. Wei feel.

Looking at the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him, the state of the word at this time also became serious.

He knew that this opponent was completely different from Li Tian before.

When facing Li Tian, ​​he can still feel his chances of winning. It is still very big. Even if this young man is the rumored son of God, he can create many myths, but in his opinion these are meaningless. Yes, only in front of the guy in front of him, he actually had a little worry, worried that he could not deal with the opponent in front of him.

The god-sovereign seven stars, perhaps when facing this guy in front of him, there is still not much chance of winning,

"No wonder you have always been so contented, you still have your own assassin, but do you think this will allow you to leave here? You know that the law of this world is in my hands, if you want There is only one choice to leave here. You can leave this universe through me, otherwise you can only stay here and be trapped here for the rest of your life." Shengyan looked at Li Tian in the distance, and looked at the old man in front of him. , Said: "You think you can defeat me by relying on such an old man, but you will soon understand that I, who possess the power of law, will not be defeated here."

The Holy Word is still very confident. Although he is a little cautious about the ancient gods in front of him, he has not reached the point where he thinks he will lose.

The ancient **** in front of him indeed looked unfathomable, and there was no way to measure the strength of this guy.

However, possessing the power of the law also guarantees that the Holy Word cannot easily lose the battle in this universe.

At this time, Li Tian didn’t know what he should say. The ancient gods would make such a decision. It was also something that Li Tian did not expect. After this battle, the ancient gods would be completely unpredictable. The earth has been wiped out, and nothing will be left behind in this world. Whenever he thinks of this place, his heart will naturally be very sad.

But apart from being sad, there is nothing he can do.

Strength is still very important here, only having a strong combat power can change everything here, but unfortunately, at this time Li Tian does not have enough strength to change all of this.

He can only watch the remnant soul of the ancient **** standing in front of him, helping him block the opponent in front of him, but he has not done a little bit of help. If he is stronger, why worry about these things? It is easy to work with the broken soul of the ancient **** to deal with the holy words in front of him. Now he actually wants the broken soul of the ancient **** to use his last soul to help him block his opponent.

‘Hurry up. Since the seniors have done this, we must not waste the opportunity that the seniors left us. The longer we delay here, the harder it is to succeed in future plans, and we will not have much time. At this time, Canglong also began to speak, and naturally it would be very sad. The remnant soul of the ancient **** has not been with Li Tian for a day or two, and it is also very helpful to him.

Now, he wants to use his life to help Li Tian leave the universe, and Canglong is naturally uncomfortable.

However, since they have reached the point where they are today, the discomfort is uncomfortable, but they can't live up to the kindness of the remnant souls of the ancient gods. They don't have much time left. They need to race against time at this time. Only in this way can it be possible. Leave this world.

Where is there time for them to be sad here?

Clenching his fist, looking at the ancient **** in front of him, Li Tian didn't know what to say at this time.

And the ancient gods, at this time, turned around, looked at Li Tian, ​​and said, "I watched you grow up day by day and experienced many things with you. I also understand that you are a never giving up. Boy, I believe that you will become an upright man in the future, changing into a strong one. Although you can't handle the things in front of you now, it doesn't mean that you will be like this in the future."

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