Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7155: Long way ahead

Li Tian left the Water Ghost Guzi, and many things in the future will make them even more difficult as they imagined. Keeping the Water Ghost Guzi here is the last choice. Let Nan Muye think of a way to treat this senior. Well, I can help in the future.

After he and Du Teng came out of the house, Du Teng said: "There are many records about the rift among the dragons. We might as well go there and take a look. Maybe we can find some clues, but I also hope you can calm down. There are constantly changing factors in the rift, and many things cannot be distinguished by our own thoughts alone. If you are so anxious, there may be the possibility of backfire."

"I know what you mean by these words. You want me to stabilize the situation in the God Realm first. After all, if the civil war really starts, when the demons invade, the human race will not have the slightest energy to resist. They quickly reconciled and started an alliance, but still missed the best opportunity." Li Tian glanced at Du Teng, naturally knowing what the dragon prince was thinking.

The Demon Dragon clan was originally regarded as human opponents, or a neutral existence between the two.

But because of Li Tian, ​​the Demon Dragon clan was already on the same front as the humans at this time, so naturally there was no way to stay out of the matter better, and watched the Demon clan grow up a little bit. It would be better to seize the time to take action and kill their plan in the cradle before they have completed their plan. This is also a great blessing for the entire Demon Dragon clan.

Li Tian is very clear about these things, and similarly, he himself also understands what the current situation is.

On the surface, it seemed that it was still calm.

The actions of the Demon Race are just a statement. In fact, the Demon Race hasn't made any special actions so far, and it seems to be a rumor at all.

But in fact, as long as there is a little disturbance on the human side, the situation will change rapidly.

Now these people don't take action, they are just waiting, and after a suitable opportunity, they will take action with thunder.

It is still unknown where this fuse is.

I thought that when facing the demons, human beings could unite and support each other to deal with this powerful opponent, but everything that happened now has caused Li Tian to change his original naive thoughts. The so-called cooperation does not exist at all, the so-called The alliance does not exist at all, the contradictions within human beings are too intense, and this is a situation that cannot be reversed.

Looking at the current situation, you can understand how much effort they put in on this matter, but it was abruptly destroyed by some stinky rats inside human beings.

"The human situation cannot be balanced overnight. Only when the prey shows its fangs will they realize that they are in a dangerous place, and realize that the most important thing to deal with at this time is not themselves, but theirs. Prey." He shook his head and sighed. For the state of the human world at this time, he slowly felt helpless. Even if he had this strength, it was not so easy to do.

The contradiction between human beings is the most difficult to resolve. Once you intervene, you will not only have a small chance of success, but will make others think that you want to take advantage of this opportunity to get a share of the pie, but you have become a bad person. Up.

Nowadays, the fall of several **** emperors has caused the situation of many gods to change. Without the **** emperor as the leader, these people have also begun to become confused.

It looks calm on the surface, but civil war may break out at any time.

As for other families, they are also waiting for opportunities at this time. Of course, they will not miss the opportunity to share the fat meat. As for the more and less points, it must depend on their own ability. Up.

At this time, Li Tian was like walking on a fork in the road. He looked forward to saving Situ Ningbing sooner. If she stays in this rift, it is still unknown what she will become.

But at the moment on the God Realm side, it also seems to be a very important thing.

The contradictions among human beings are constantly intensifying, and this is an opportunity worth looking forward to for any race.

If he wanted to change this situation, he had to take all these borderless lands into his own pocket and create an empire of his own. Only in this way could he compete with other families and races.

This is now the best way to solve the contradictions within the human race.

But this kind of thing takes a lot of time, and naturally it is impossible to complete it overnight. The major forces are deeply entrenched. He wants to develop in front of these people. It is simply much more difficult than reaching the sky.

What's more, many of his enemies have not taken action yet. After he entered the Northern Cold Land, these opponents began to become honest, and he probably understood that away games were not their strengths.

But this time, once they got involved in the contradictions of the gods, these guys would definitely fight to make trouble, and they might even unite with others to deal with Li Tian. This kind of thing can be considered normal.

This is also the reason why Li Tian at this time is very helpless with the current situation.

He doesn't want to give up Situ Ningbing, but he still needs to save the God Realm. These two choices are very difficult.

Moreover, the road ahead looks very slim. No one knows what the outcome will be after this situation goes down. The God Realm now seems to have no problem, but who can understand , What will the God Realm be like in the past period of time?

"I know what you think in your mind. Let's first look at the literature and determine what the situation in the rift is like. The next thing to do is to choose whether to save Situ Ningbing or to stay in the gods. In the middle, create a place of your own, so that you can also have a place in this God Realm." Du Teng smiled and shook his head.

For Li Tian, ​​rights or anything are not important at all.

This guy's strength is strong enough. When he is strong enough, what can power be? This guy is completely different from those so-called **** emperors.

He likes to be alone, but he doesn't like to dominate others.

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