Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 721: Kill it

When Duanmu Heiming suddenly saw that his subordinates came in carrying a person, his complexion changed drastically.

"What's going on?" Duanmu Heiming suddenly asked angrily, and at the same time walked over here quickly.

The Duanmu family member with his head down was pale and ugly, and said in a low voice, "The clan master...It's the Wind Demon... The Wind Demon was seriously injured."

Duanmu Heiming had already seen the Wind Demon lying on the stretcher.

But seeing Feng Mo's entire face was as gray as death, and the blood in the corners of his mouth seemed to be completely dry. Although there was still a little breath at the moment, it was not far from death.

Looking at the severely injured Wind Demon, Duanmu Heiming's black air flow suddenly spread all over his body.

He sent Feng Mo to follow Li Tian and others.

He thought that a person like Wind Demon could track Li Tian's whereabouts, but he never expected that the current Wind Demon was dying.

At this moment, I saw the wind demon lying on the stretcher, still making a deep hissing sound... His two hands were holding one end of the stretcher tightly, and his eyes were full of unwilling...anger.

"Who hurt you?" Duanmu Heiming asked angrily at the wind demon.

The Wind Demon was hailed as a monster of the Duanmu family since he was a child, and he rarely talked to people. He spent almost his entire childhood in darkness, so his ability to express has already regressed... at this moment he can no longer speak.

He just roared hoarsely, grabbing the black clothes on his chest with one hand.

That Duanmu Hei knew what Wind Demon meant, and pulled Feng Demon's chest open.

However, there was a blood-red palm print on Feng Demon's chest.

The palm print had turned purple, and the entire heavy palm hit the heart of Wind Demon.

"Phantom palm!"

When Duanmu Heiming saw the blood red palm print, he only felt that his back was cold and bitter.

Because he knows whose hand it is.

Perhaps only the "Shadow Ghost Servant" can perform such a fast and deadly heavy palm in the world.

So Duanmu Hei knew that Feng Mo seemed to be beaten like this by a ghost servant.

The ghost servant's phantom palm is even more terrifying than the broken heart palm of the Duanmu Black Dragon.

The horror of his hand is quick and heavy.

Originally, the body of the ghost servant is unparalleled in the world... More than 20 years ago, it was said that as long as the ghost servant wanted to track someone, there would be no one in the world that he could not chase. You can imagine the body of the ghost servant. How fast the law should be.

With this coupled with his pungent phantom palm technique, how could Wind Demon withstand such a heavy blow?

So even though the Wind Demon at this moment can still breathe and scream... But Duanmu Heiming already knew that the Wind Demon was dead.

How many people can still live with this ghost servant’s phantom palm?

It is estimated that the entire heart of the Wind Demon in this meeting has already been shattered alive.

"Hey... they are really here." Duanmu Heiming suddenly sighed long, his tone of voice filled with worry and despair.

"Patriarch, who is it?"

"Yeah, Patriarch, who is it that wound the wind devil like this?"

Those members of the Duanmu family didn't know at this moment that the catastrophe had already reached their heads, and they asked inexplicably there.

These formerly vicious and cruel members of the Duanmu family have never been able to kill people, but now their family members are seriously injured like this? Of course they are angry and of course unwilling.

Duanmu Heiming didn't answer their words, but a pair of gloomy eyes looked at the dying Feng Mo who was still screaming in pain.

Suddenly took a step forward and looked at Feng Mo and said, "You have been with me for so many years... you are loyal to me... I can't think of this end now."

Hearing what Duan Mu Heiming said, the wind demon whispered in a hoarse and unpleasant voice, and no one knew what he was saying in his mouth.

"The phantom palm of your ghost servant, his heart veins have all been shattered... Hey! Even the gods will not be able to heal you..."

Although the wind demon could not speak in his mouth, his ears could hear him. When Duanmu Heiming said so, his eyes showed a look of despair.

The members of the Duanmu family around him were all stunned.

"I will send you peace of mind on the road..."

After Duanmu Heiming suddenly finished saying a word, he suddenly raised one hand, and directly grabbed the Wind Demon's Sky Spirit Cover... and then used his five fingers to force.

But seeing Feng Mo’s entire face twisted and deformed instantly, a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, and even his whole body began to cramp violently... Then his body suddenly stiffened in less than a few seconds. Up...

Five fingers clasped the stretcher tightly and turned purple, his head tilted and he died.

Duanmu Heiming actually killed his personal bodyguard himself.

The family members in front of them were all completely stunned after seeing the clan master kill the wind demon by himself, but no one dared to say a word.

After Duanmu Heiming killed the Wind Demon, he slowly retracted his hand.

Then he strode forward with an ugly face.

After walking a few steps forward, he turned his head abruptly, looked at the subordinates and shouted sharply, "Pass the order, notify all family members, and prepare to fight."

"Tell them, no matter who breaks into our family at this moment, I will be killed, and no one will be left alive."

After Duanmu Heiming said violently, the family members who were standing there were stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted and said in his mouth: "Yes", then quickly retreated. Go down.

Duanmu Heiming was really anxious this time, and really angry.

Because he knows that what should come has come after all...

What kind of disaster will the Duanmu family face this time? Who will know?

In the end, will the Duanmu family be annihilated again like more than 20 years ago? Who knows!

Maybe it's already doomed in the future.

Twenty years ago, it was the Cthulhu who brought Duguxie and shadow ghost servants, which made the Duanmu family almost suffered an extinction.

Unexpectedly, twenty years later, Li Tian, ​​the son of Cthulhu, once again plunged the Duanmu family into such a desperate place.

It's a curse, but I can't hide it after all.

Will the Duanmu family perish this time? It seems to be known soon.

When Duanmu Heiming's order was passed on to the entire Duanmu family, the entire family panicked for a moment.

Maybe at this moment, apart from the four elders, no one knows what the enemy they are facing is.

The only thing they know is that the enemies they face this time must be unprecedented.

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