Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7280: Good at evil

"You should have been strong enough to kill him, why did you let him go?" Mao Xiaofang looked at Li Tian and asked.

"I have enough strength to destroy this world, am I going to destroy this world?" Li Tian also turned around and asked, "Many things in this world originally have their own path of progress. No matter how we do it, it is impossible to really break the rules of this world. This is how things are."

"But... But, he is a powerful ghost, for humans..."

"That is for you humans. This is what you are supposed to deal with. What does it have to do with me?" Li Tian snorted and said, "The next thing I have to do is to save my friend back. , Since it has fallen into the hands of Dongye City, I will naturally go to Dongye City to solve this matter. To help you eliminate these ghosts and spirits today has violated my own principles. I hope you will do it next time. Good more psychological preparation."

"Always let us know who you are, right?" Mao Hui asked suddenly.

"I said, it doesn't matter who I am. Even if I say it, you will not really find my identity.," Li Tian looked at Mao Hui and said, "Of course, if you really If you want to know, I wouldn't mind telling you that my name is Li Tian, ​​and I come from a world that you have never thought of. It was an accident to come here this time, just like my friends. "

"It can be seen that that woman is very important to you, but this time when you go to Dongye City, you will inevitably have a conflict with human beings. Then..."

"I can promise you, try not to attack them. After all, I also have my own principles. Although these people are not friends to me, they still won't become my enemies. I don't want to change this. The world’s original causal relationship, but the premise is still necessary. They honestly cooperate with me. If they choose to fight with me, then there is nothing to say." In this sentence, Li Tian is not joking, but very Talking seriously.

When I came here this time, I really didn't think about what to do with these people. When I came here this time, he just wanted Situ Ningbing to follow him back.

The problem on the outer domain is also very serious. The time left for oneself is really getting less and less, and we must seize the time to solve the next problem. I don't know how much time is left in seven days.

If in the next seven days, there is still no way to solve these things, then the problem is really serious.

It should have been one day now, and I still have six days left to deal with them here. If these guys still don’t really see the seriousness of these things, even if Dongye City is destroyed by that time, Li Tian is also not hesitating.

He didn't care about the life and death of this world at all. For Li Tian, ​​Situ Ningbing's comfort was the most important thing.

Looking at Mao Xiaofang who fell on the ground, Li Tian raised his hand, and a mass of energy was injected into his body, helping him to relieve his injuries little by little: "These ghosts and spirits have mastered all of you. With human weaknesses, your battles will become more difficult in the future. I believe you can also master all this well. If you can’t prepare in time, just wait to be wiped out by these elves and ghosts."

"Does your opinion of us humans just look like this? Do you think we will really be wiped out by them like this?" Mao Xiaofang asked.

"For now, it looks like this. Human arrogance looks like this in any world, thinking that he is born to be the darling of this world, thinking that everything he has done is correct, but he will never understand. In this world, if you don’t know what hard work is, you will soon become a ridiculous victim.” Looking at Mao Xiaofang and Mao Hui, Li Tian said as if he were an outsider.

In this world, he is indeed qualified to say such words.

He also has a better understanding of human beings than these people.

Human beings can only stimulate their true potential when they are truly facing the danger of extinction. Once this danger of extinction disappears, everything they did before will also disappear instantly.

This is humanity.

Of course, Mao Xiaofang hopes that Li Tian will help him and completely eliminate these ghosts and spirits. He himself knows very well that the combat power of the young man in front of him is far above their imagination. If this young man is willing to take action. If it is, these ghosts and spirits can be wiped out easily, and then, human beings like them will really sit back and relax.

But in fact, Li Tian didn't care what the world would turn into.

"I can let you survive this time, but it won't be like this next time. If there is anything to report, I advise you to hurry up and start. The ghosts are not waiting for you." After Li Tian finished speaking , Opened a portal directly in front of him, and then disappeared from their sight.

"Father, we now..."

"I don’t know. I don’t know why such an unfathomable young man suddenly appeared. I don’t know what will happen next, but we’d better prepare for the worst. Those guys in Yecheng are likely to make this young man who doesn’t know his strength really angry. If they are like this, they will have to pay for their actions.” Mao Xiaofang here is helpless. Said.

The humans in Dongye City, although there are very powerful exorcists among them, there are also humans with bad habits, even these humans are still in high positions and hold some power.

This time, what this young man will make the whole world like is still unknown.

He can only hope that things are best not to develop in the worst direction. If it is really that way, then the humankind in this world is only a short distance away.

Under this young man's hands, they couldn't hold on for a second.

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