Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7302: Meet the Barbarian God Again

And Li Tian also looked solemn at this time.

Seeing this posture, many things have actually already been planned.

This is not fascinating.

This is actually summoning the barbaric gods, just like what they did in the northern cold land, they are also serving the barbaric gods here. When they encounter something they can’t handle, they will directly take their own barbaric God summoned it.

But Li Tian never imagined that in such a world, there would be believers of barbaric gods.

And once the Barbarian God descended into this world, the problems that followed would be unimaginable. They couldn't even deal with the ghosts and monsters, and they even wanted to summon the Barbarian God.

"It's really ridiculous. I don't know what my own strength looks like. What I have been thinking about is relying on the power of others. Have you ever thought that you really summon this terrible barbaric **** into this world, this world? What will it look like? If my guess is not wrong, you should have heard about the Barbarian God not long ago, otherwise, the world would have been devastated."

"Hehe, Li Tian, ​​are you still saying such boring things in front of us at this moment? Don't you just want to prevent us from summoning Lord Barbarian God? But I can also tell you clearly about this matter. Now that we have reached the point where we are today, you can no longer stop us, Lord Barbarian God, must appear in this world, no matter who it is, there is no way to prevent this from happening." Mysterious person Looking at Li Tian, ​​he said word by word: "I know that you have defeated Barbarians in the God Realm, but it is a pity that many things are not as simple as you think."

"Sure enough, you really have fate with me. I can see you no matter where I go, but that's okay. Before, I relied on the strength of others to defeat the barbaric god. Let me see today. Here, can I really defeat you so-called superior savage gods?" Li Tian was also full of confidence when he spoke.

Wang Yunfeng and Li Hen here were also a little surprised at this time.

They thought that Li Tian at this time had no idea what they were going to do.

But at this time, it seems that I underestimated the young man in front of him. He actually knew about the barbaric god, and he had defeated the barbaric **** before?

What does this mean.

This guy, is it possible to defeat the wild **** here as well?

"You two don’t need to worry about this kind of problem. Believe me, this time things are not so easy to solve. Jie Shen is not so easy to be defeated. It was only an accident that the previous Barbarian God was defeated by you, but today Everything you want to see is completely different from before.” Obviously, Li Tian's dealings with the other two wild gods had not been known before.

No one knows that Barbarian God is actually a really difficult guy.

At this time, this clean god, Li Tian has not heard any news about this guy

But since it is among the barbaric gods, it is naturally enough to make myself be careful. The barbaric gods here have already begun to summon and descend. Although I want to step forward to stop them, I don't know the strength of the mysterious person in front of me He still didn't dare to act rashly. Everyone here can be regarded as having never existed before, and they have no meaning here.

But this mysterious person can't really think that this mysterious person has no meaning in front of him.

Since he can escape the attack just now, he is obviously not a weak one.

"You are very smart, you didn't take the ritual to stop the summoning in such a hurry. If you really go out to stop it at this time, I can kill you here." The mysterious man said. ,

"Until I don't know your details, I won't tell you where my weaknesses are."

"It turned out to be like this, it's good, anyway, to the point where it is today, the result of this battle will become very important for you and me. I also want to know whether you are really in line with the rumors. It's so powerful, I think the previous battle was just a fluke for you." The mysterious man said, his purpose here is just to stop Li Tian.

As long as Li Tian couldn't stop the ritual of summoning the barbarian god, the next action would become much easier.

And here Li Tian, ​​because he still doesn’t know what his opponent is, he dare not really go all out at this time. After all, his opponent looks more difficult than they thought at this time. There are a lot, and at this time, I dare to stand in front of myself, so naturally I won’t be a weak person anymore, after this battle, it will become interesting.

"Don't worry, no matter what this battle is, you will never be able to prevent me from completing this thing. I want to completely wipe out Leijia in this world. They must not be able to escape my sanctions." There was no such idea before, but now it is completely different. For his own desires, even a terrifying creature like the Barbarian God can be summoned.

This guy has completely lost his reason, and easily destroys the original balance here, and the threat it can bring will only become greater and greater.

Now it is only a pure god, who will know what kind of brutal **** will come after?

"Haha, it's really a hard mouth. That's okay. After Master Jie Shen defeats you, I will see if you can still be like today. If you keep your mouth hard, I don’t believe it anymore. I really can't find anyone who can punish you." Li Hen here said disdainfully, Li Tian in front of him was very arrogant, which made Li Hen here very dissatisfied.

I was a little worried before, but seeing that this mysterious person was able to fight Li Tian, ​​I naturally knew that the barbaric **** here was definitely much stronger than they thought.

In this way, killing this young man would not be a problem at all.

"Mr. Li, what you have done this time is a great achievement. When Lord Jie Shen descends into this world, you will definitely be rewarded." The mysterious man turned around, looked at Li Hen and said.

"Hehe, these are all things I should do, they are all things I should do, Master Jie Shen is absolutely necessary to be so polite." Li Hen here doesn't know what exactly this sentence means.

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