Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7315: Sorry i live

The appearance of Situ Ningbing undoubtedly really made everyone dumbfounded.

Hasn't this woman been detained before? Didn’t you still have no fighting power before? Why did it suddenly come out, and seeing that this combat power is obviously much more powerful than they thought, but just between the hands and feet, the army of the ghost world that has been elite is wiped out. , They couldn't imagine before changing.

Seeing Situ Ningbing at this time, Wang Yunfeng didn't know why he suddenly felt a feeling.

That is Li Tian hasn't died yet.

Even if the soul is destroyed, this guy doesn't seem to die like this.

‘Does my inner prayer really work? Or because of some other reasons, this person who should have died was resurrected like this, and it helped us accomplish such a very important thing. Thinking like this in Wang Yunfeng's heart, the whole thing is indeed a bit unbelievable to him. He had never believed that such a thing would happen to him.

They saw this young man with their own eyes, and because of losing to the opponent in the battle with Jie Shen, his soul was directly broken.

Once human beings have lost their soul, even if you are a very powerful existence and possess a lot of things, there is still no way to avoid your fate of dying like this. The young man was in front of them, so he was killed. .

But no one would have thought that it was only after such a short period of time that it changed.

"Could you tell me what the **** is going on?"

"What's the matter? If I know, I can of course tell you, but I don't know much about this matter. You just need to understand, let us handle the matter here, as for other issues. , You don’t need to worry about it anymore.” Situ Ningbing looked at Wang Yunfeng in front of him, and said with a smile: “As for these savage gods, they do not belong to this world. We will naturally find a way to send them back.”

"Haha, see, you think your plan can be successful, but in the end it failed. Your followers can't help you rule the world." Jie Shen sneered. Situ Ningbing made a move just now. He had already noticed it in an instant, and he had to know that this matter must have changed a lot. The moment this woman appeared, he seemed to have noticed something.

But many things can not be determined solely by their own feelings, so the Jie Shen here doesn't know what kind of energy body he has noticed before.

At this time, I saw that the army of the ghost world was defeated. Although only this part, there are more ghost army raging on the human territory, but this is enough to prove that the situation at this time is basically one-sided.

The Void God here sneered: "You are going to lose to me. Now you are still thinking about these little things with me. It's just making me happy. If these problems are really worth your care, then you Think about it well, I just need to defeat you, everything here will be back under my control, even if they are unfavorable, with me here, is there anyone who can change this situation? ?"

In this sentence, Xu Shen said that there is no problem at all.

He only needs to defeat the clean **** here, and then these problems will not really exist.

Even if the army of the ghost world failed to complete the task well in this battle, without the help of Jie Shen, everything here would still be under his control. No one can stop this. things happen.

"It's a pity that this matter may not really make you two get what you want. We also wanted to see if the two fierce battles here are really so lively, but I didn't expect that the two of you were just It is meaningless to move your mouth here. If it is really good to move your mouth, then you need to do something." A familiar voice rang in their ears.

The one who showed a shocked expression for the first time was Jie Shen. He thought that everything he had done was perfect.

At that moment before, an existence that could become their opponent was directly eliminated, but he did not expect that the final result would turn out to be what it is now. Looking at Li Tian in the distance, everything looks like It was like dreaming, unbelievable, it really happened to them.

"Hey, I'm really embarrassed. I think the two of you were fighting really hard before, so I didn't feel embarrassed to interrupt you, but if you are going to continue to talk like this, then it is true. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to continue spending like this with you." Li Tian shrugged and looked at the two people in front of him, and said calmly.

At this time, the expressions on the faces of the two people standing here didn't know how to describe them.

If the soul is destroyed, the body will die.

This is something that can work in any world. The soul of this young man has already been annihilated. It should have been a completely dead existence.

But now all this has changed.

This young man came back to life, and looking like this, his power was stronger than before, and even among the power displayed by this young man, there was actually a power they were very familiar with.

The power of faith!

"I didn't expect it, it's just that after fighting against the gods, did you learn how to fight with the power of faith? I think you will live here again because of the power of faith." Jie God looked at Li Tian and said that this is the only way that can be explained. After the soul is destroyed, he can resurrect again. This kid can only rely on the power of faith.

As long as they still hold the power of faith, they are immortal existences, and they will never be eliminated.

Otherwise, how can a young man whose soul has been killed appear in front of them and prevent them from completing their plan?

"Maybe it's like this. In short, I'm very embarrassed. The wishful thinking of the two of you this time may really be a mistake. I have come alive this time. For you, it must be a very difficult problem "Li Tian looked at them with a smile, and at this time, he was truly confident and full of unprecedented confidence. This force was far stronger than before.

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