Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7328: Coastal town

Both Li Tian and Situ Ningbing turned into an ordinary man and woman who looked lost. After a long time, they finally came to a coastal town.

People here live by casting nets and fishing, and they also use these shells to make art for sale.

The days are relatively moist.

However, the scale of this coastal town is still very small, with only a dozen households.

When Li Tian and Situ Ningbing came here, they immediately found out that they were an old man, who looked like 60 or 70 years old, and was the mayor here: "Two people, looking like this, they should be lost. Right?"

"Old gentleman, our village was experiencing a famine. We escaped all the way. We encountered bandits and monsters on the road. We didn’t know where we should go. After a lot of chaos, we couldn’t find our way back. We finally got here. Side." Li Tian stepped forward, smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "Old sir, I don't know, where is this place?"

"This is the East China Sea."

"East China Sea?" Li Tian felt a little uncomfortable when he heard these two words. Although the East China Sea and the North Cold Land are not very far away, they still have to go from here to the North Cold Land four or five. Heaven’s time, and what he has left at this time is only three days. How can he return to the Northern Cold Land before the Demon Race and the Donggong Super God Family start their hands?

Without their own sky city, their strongest combat effectiveness is only Du Yuesheng and the old patriarch.

And the demons and the Donggong Super God family here are even more masters.

What's more, many of the people in it are for Li Tian to defeat them.

At this moment, I heard that I was in the East China Sea. This expression was really desperate. I could only try to summon people from here, but I had never used this method to directly cross over. The experience of going to the other side.

Moreover, even if he really used the void to leap to the Northern Cold Land, he might recover for a long time after that.

"If you two don't mind, you can rest on our side for a while. After a while, we will just enter the city. You can use this opportunity to go back to where you were originally going. How about?" The old mayor looked like He looked very kind and kind, and there was no problem with the proposal at this time. Since the two of them were lost, there would be no harm in staying here at this time.

Li Tian smiled and nodded, and said, "Thank you, the old mayor. Now that you've talked about it, I can only respect my fate."

"That's best, come on, I happen to be alone in my house, you can stay here for a while."

While following the old town mayor, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing soon came to the center of the town. This is a very ordinary house, which should be what the old man said, and it looks very simple. This is true whether it is viewed from the outside or the furnishings inside.

"Hey, I'm the only one in my family, so I'm simple in many things, I hope you two......"

"The old gentleman can let us rest here, it is already a great gift to us, how can we dare to complain about this place?" Situ Ningbing said with a smile on the side.

"This is the best, and this is the best. What I worry most about is nothing but your suspicions..." the old mayor said.

Li Tian and Situ Ningbing smiled awkwardly, but didn't know what to say.

The old mayor spoke a few words to them and then left.

"What to do, time is not enough."

"Even if it takes too long to get to the fastest main city from here, within three days, there is no way to get to the northern cold land by this method." Li Tian frowned and went to the northern cold. Forget the ground, the key is to enter the outer domain and go to the city of the sky. This journey really cannot be done in three days. Even a master of the **** emperor level cannot do this.

"Then what should we do now? We can't stay here forever, as nothing has happened, right?" Situ Ningbing was also a little worried while squinting at Li Tian in front of him.

"There is no way, I can only use my void to jump. My body has undergone a lot of changes before, and even I myself can’t tell exactly what the change is. Now that it’s such a point. , I believe it’s time for me to show my strength.” Li Tian smiled and looked at Situ Ningbing, and said, “Let’s try this. We want to go to the Northern Cold Land as fast as possible. Outland, this is our only opportunity."


": I know what you are worried about. Such a long-distance teleportation is likely to cause damage to my own body, but have you forgotten? I am completely different from before. Now I am completely different from before. Two different concepts, even I can’t better describe these things myself. What kind of changes have happened to me? Why are you so anxious? This matter must be easily resolved. ." Li Tian smiled, it seemed that everything that happened before him was not a problem.

Seeing the expression on Li Tian's face, Situ Ningbing nodded.

"It's not too late, we will start to act now." Li Tian said.

At this moment, there was a screaming sound from outside, followed by the roar of bandits.

Li Tian's brows wrinkled slightly. He didn't expect that there would be bandits and robbers in such a remote fishing village?

"Go, go out and take a look." Situ Ningbing said directly. Naturally, it is impossible for them to stand by. Although the immediate matter is urgent, it is naturally not easy to assume that nothing has happened at this point. The matter of the Sky City is of course important, but the problem of this small fishing village should also be taken seriously.

When Li Tian and Situ Ningbing came out, they happened to see all the robbers rushing over, arrested all the people in the fishing village, and brought them to the square at the entrance of the village. They seemed to be talking about something.

Seeing that they did not intend to kill, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing thought of knowing what they wanted to do, so they didn't take any action, just let them catch them, and then led them to the square at the entrance of the village.

The old mayor saw the two of them and sighed: "Oh, this is really..."

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