Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7349: Betting

"If I was joking with you here, would I waste so much time talking to you?" Bai Qi said angrily, "This is an opportunity for you, and the only opportunity I can fight for you. It’s your own business whether you are willing or not. I believe you also know very well how you should do this."

"Let me use the power of my own body to defeat you, what a joke, these guys in Outland are some strange guys, their strength is not that simple, you want me..."

"I said, this is the only thing I can help you, and it's what I can do as much as possible so far. The Bai Yuling family is not the same as you imagined, and Outland is not the same as you think, are you? Human beings in the Central Plains enjoy all the resources they should have, but looking at our current state, only the strong can live the life they should have. Do you think I can control their thoughts?" Bai Qi looked at Li Tian, ​​a touch of firmness and helplessness flashed in his eyes: "I promised you, but it represents the patriarch of the Bai Yuling family, the father of Ling'er, but now, I am the White King!"

I am the White King!

A simple sentence, in fact, also shows that the white rise at this time is not as easy as thought.

"Well, I promise you."

"Very well. If it is like this, the problem will be much easier. Try to think of a way. If you can't do it, I won't be able to help you stop these people. If the war starts. No matter it’s you humans or us, it’s not that comfortable."

Li Tian didn't say anything, but he always felt that there seemed to be something different in it. He just learned about the killing of the gods from the East China Sea Dragon Clan, and he knew that his body only relied on the tyrannical body. Very powerful, but such a choice appeared before them, and it seemed that they had a very thorough understanding of themselves.

If it is like this, what their purpose is this time, it is not so easy to figure out clearly.

However, Bai Qi seemed to be very emotional, and it also made Li Tian not know what to say.

"I am about to start the war in the Sky City, so if there is anything, let's wait for this war."

"Okay, I also want to see what kind of power you can show when facing those two people." Seeing Li Tian's clone in front of him slowly disappearing, his brows raised white. Wei Wei said for a week, "You have heard it too, what is this guy's thoughts."

"We are kind to him. This guy is unwilling to fight with us. It is normal for his feelings and reasons. Although he is a human, he has many things that humans don't have. Maybe..."

"Go ahead and prepare. Our plan still has to go on. It is absolutely impossible to give up like this." Bai Qi said calmly here, and then turned his gaze to the distance. It was a city in the sky, and he didn't know. What the outcome of the war this time will look like, but what is certain is that the war between the two parties must be much more intense than they imagined.

No one can really guess the final result.

"Okay, we can start to act." Li Tian, ​​who had successfully negotiated with Bai Qi, was finally relieved at this time. The problems that he was worried about before, it seems that there is no need to worry about it anymore. The situation in front of you No matter what, I can easily find a way to change these problems.

"What is it?" Ao Ye looked at Li Tian next to him with a surprised look. Before he said he was waiting for something, but now suddenly he said that he could do it. Are you kidding me? Is this playing with himself?

"Before, I have always been communicating with the Bai Yuling family. After all, they have a very powerful force in their hands. Even I dare not really underestimate them. How can I do it before I have determined what their purpose is? Easily shot?" Li Tian smiled and looked at Ao Ye next to him, and said: "However, we have made an agreement. This time, they will not interfere with us."

"What if this is a conspiracy"

"Believe me, the Bai Yuling family is still not going to do such a thing. If they really want to destroy us, they can do it now instead of using some conspiracy. For them, that way is not at all. What is it, they would not like to use this method to accomplish their goals." Li Tian stood up, moved his body, and said, "I just happen to want a good activity."

"Well, since it is like this, I will also take action, and let them see how powerful our dragon team is. Over the years, these people really have completely forgotten our strength. You know, the dragon clan is terrible." Ao Ye stood up, also moving his body. He actually wanted to make a shot long ago, but Li Tian here hasn't said anything, and he is not easy to do it.

Now, it is finally time to shoot.

Whether it is the Eastern Palace Super God Family or the Demon Clan, this time it is necessary to pay a very tragic price. After all, their opponents, but two existences of this level, if you want to deal with a master like them, you must pay a little price. Yes.

Situ Ningbing looked at Li Tian and Ao Ye, and at this time there was also a slight pain to their opponents. Such two masters came forward. Even the Demon Race and the Donggong Super God Family probably couldn't occupy anything in this war. They have the upper hand, their opponents are far stronger than they imagined, and they are far more terrifying. One is the king of the East China Sea Dragon Race.

The other is a genius boy who has mastered various powers.

The combined combat power of these two people must make everyone feel like hell. At this time, Situ Ningbing is already looking forward to it. What kind of scene will this war be like? It must be a very interesting battle, it must be a refreshing battle, right?

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