Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7401: Battle of the Four

In Nuo Da's arena, the audience was full at this time.

This should be the most lively time for this newly built arena. For so long, there has not been so many spectators here, but this time, it is very lively.

I saw a lot of spectators around, and without exception, they were definitely hostile to Li Tian.

They were all here to cheer on Fang Baiyu.

According to the previous draw, in the next semifinals, Fang Baiyu played against Li Tian, ​​and Xiao Tuo Buddha played against Zhuge Ke. These two games were very quality two games, and the finals after that were the top priority. weight.

No matter who entered the finals, he can prove that he is a very good guy. After all, Li Tian and Zhuge Ke both proved their terrible things in this game. ,

The host floated in the air and said excitedly: "I really didn't expect to see you all here. This is the four-final battle of the long-awaited tournament. It also represents this tournament. The battle for the strength of the four cutting-edge players is bound to be the most exciting and lively battle in our competition this time. I also look forward to what surprises these four players can bring to me."

"Now, we have invited the first player to enter the field. This is a player from our outer domain, the sword idiot Fang Baiyu, who is dedicated to the ultimate in kendo. The sword in his hand is extremely sharp!"

Following the host's voice, Fang Baiyu slowly walked into the arena.

At this time, Fang Baiyu, who was wearing a pink sword robe, seemed to have some meaning, and there was a firm expression in her eyes. Looking at the empty arena on the opposite side, she understood that it was A hard fight, it should be like this.

When she stepped into this arena, the surrounding audience also burst out with very fierce roars. From this point alone, we can know that she is still supported by many people here. , After all, Li Tian is a human being, and no one wants a human being to get any good results in such a competition.

It is already very embarrassing for them to enter the semi-finals like this.

If this really allowed this human to win the championship of this tournament, what would it be? Tell them that there are no powerful masters in Outland at this time to stop Li Tian?

If it were like this, the entire Outland might have to follow.

Therefore, Fang Baiyu's appearance at this time is of great significance to many people.

They all know that this young man is great, but in their hearts they don't want this young man to be promoted in this quarter-finals.

"Very well, it seems that our player Fang Baiyu should be very confident to win this battle at this time. I saw a very firm expression in her eyes. This battle is destined to become It's very interesting." The host also said jokingly: "Okay, let us welcome. In recent years, the entire God Realm has been a turbulent figure, the human genius boy, the appearance of Li Tian!"


When Li Tian entered the arena, he heard the sighing voices around him. He had been prepared before, and he was definitely not welcome here.

"It seems that you still can't make them change their views of you. Although you have been doing things according to your own requirements all this time, the status of human beings in this world is really too low, no matter how you want to. If you do, the final result will still be like this, there is no way to change it." She squinted and looked at Li Tian in front of her, and said.

"What these people think of me is not very important to me. They are not a pivotal existence in this world. What if they hate me? Many things are not theirs. The will can be changed." Li Tian said calmly, and many people heard these words: "What's more, now this is a battle between the two of us, or we should focus on the battle. Come on, isn't it all meaningless to us?"

Frowning and looking at Li Tian in front of him, Fang Baiyu was also a little interested at this time. The young man in front of him was indeed very interesting. His words really silenced the audience here.

Indeed, they do not have enough strength to reverse the decisions made by the big figures who really hold power.

In Li Tian's view, these people are not even as important as a chess piece. If this is the case, why bother about what they think of themselves? Although they say in their hearts that they have a lot of disagreement with this idea and a lot of unhappiness, they also know that this is a truth, a truth that they cannot refute, and what the young man in front of him said is not wrong.

"You have a very unique way of unlocking yourself, but that's okay, if this can affect your emotions, if I defeat you later, I won't be able to win." Fang Baiyu said. At the same time, he took out the sword in his scabbard, and the sword was out of the scabbard. The sharp edge produced at that moment made Li Tian take a step back.

As expected to be a sword idiot, the pursuit of kendo has indeed achieved some results.

Compared with the Sword Saint, this woman's strength is not a star and a half. This is the powerful strength that a real sword user should have.

"Very interesting aura. No matter where you are, opponents like you will think that you are difficult to deal with, and they will do everything possible to better defeat you." Fang Baiyu, Li Tian said lightly: "But this time I'm really sorry, I can't lose to you here, after all, I still have very important things to do."

"Really? Do you think you can beat me? Relying on your own body alone? Although I have seen the strength of your body, but I think if I want to hurt you, it is not a problem at all. , This sword in my hand can cut everything, do you think you can stop it?" When Fang Baiyu spoke, people started to move.

She knows that Li Tian is great, and that even if this young man only has his own body, she is still a very difficult guy. If this is the case, she must take the initiative to attack.

Li Tian here still defeated him before he could react.

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