Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7411: Demonized Li Tian

‘Damn it, what’s the matter with this kid, didn’t you say you didn’t want to fight me with all your strength? How could it suddenly become what it is now, and it seems that this is not a method that this kid is very good at. At this time, even a master like Zhuge Ke started to feel a little confused. She didn't know what this kid wanted to do.

As I said before, I am unwilling to admit defeat, and I am unwilling to let myself go all out to fight.

But now it seems that this aura can not be released only by the quality of one's own body. The hostility in this is even more mixed with the power of Xianyuan, which has a very elite suppression for everyone. ,

This shows that this kid should have untied himself.

But what she didn't understand was why she did it all of a sudden.

Don’t you want to lose?

Even so, he has already lost. This time he promised not to use that kind of power.

However, it is good for Zhuge Ke no matter what, anyway, his strength lies in this place, the young man in front of him is indeed a very good genius in the eyes of others, and he has done many things that no one else can do. thing.

But in Zhuge Ke's eyes, it was just that.

"It seems that you are still a smart person. I thought the battle between us was about to end like this. This saved me from wasting time like this. I didn't expect you to be willing to fight me well at this time. It’s been a while, but that’s okay. I just want to see if your kid’s ability is really that great.” They don’t know what happened to Li Tian at this time.

But this very powerful hostility is enough to make them realize that the opponent in front of them is not so easy to deal with.

The best way now is to end this farce as much as possible.

At this time, a powerful gang wind roared in, directly blowing away the surrounding dense smoke. Then, Li Tian's figure appeared in front of them, wearing a red-winged **** costume, and two huge feather teams behind them. The blade is slowly inciting, and the long silver hair looks very conspicuous. Holding the sword in his right hand, standing in front of Zhuge Ke, it is Li Tian who is going all out.

But in this guy's body, he felt a strong hostility, which was wrapping around his body.

"What's going on, this kid's combat effectiveness seems to have risen to the same level as before. Isn't it that this kid won't use power outside of his body no matter what? It seems that he has violated this promise. Is it true that Zhuge Ke has been persecuted, and there is no way?" Laughing Buddha asked curiously.

"It should not be like this. Although this guy is only a human being, even I have to admire the insistence on the promise. I can stay awake under the battle just now and insist that I must retain my strength like this. This is not Anyone can do it. What's more, Zhuge Ke this time, at best, only caused this guy to be seriously injured. It has not yet reached the point where this guy will die, and it is necessary to make myself do something for such a thing. Is it all wasted? And as you can see, his aura is completely different from before."

"Oh, oops, I didn't expect it, I came here again so soon." Li Tian sneered while staring at Zhuge Ke in front of him, and said: "Is that you? Shouting, let this Guys go all out?"

"This guy?"

"Of course, it's a pity, this guy's personality is really stubborn. If it's something that he persists in, no matter what happens, it will not change the slightest. I believe you also understand this very well. Right?" Looking at Zhuge Ke who was a little surprised in front of him, Li Tian said: "And I can be considered a part of him, but this part is an uncontrolled part, only when he completely gives up on his body. I will only be here when he is in the lead and help him solve some things."

"No wonder, that is to say, although you two are in the same body, but you have two completely different souls, maybe?"

"You can say the same, but there is still some difference from this. You forced me to this bottom just because you want to see how we go all out. This guy is unwilling to do this for his promise, but I am different Yes, I have no promised relationship with you, so if I really want to start, I won’t account for these issues."

"This is the best. Let me see what level of his ability is. This is something I wanted to know a long time ago. If you can do it, try it at this time. , Let me experience it, you..."

"You said, do you want to experience this kind of power?" Before Zhuge Ke could finish this sentence, Li Tian here suddenly came in front of it, the demonized Li Tian fighting power It is conceivable that it was much stronger than usual, and he smashed it out with a heavy punch. Zhuge Ke was unprepared and flew out quickly.

And here Li Tian still did not give up this opportunity, holding the sword in his hand, the whole body of Xian Yuan quickly injected into it, and soon a sword light directly penetrated Zhuge Ke.

People like them just saw this sword light and almost destroyed the barrier.

This is still being maintained by many masters around, otherwise the impact just now would be enough to destroy everything here. They really realized it at this time. This kid is not joking with them, if he is Starting at this time, you can completely kill them all at this moment. This is probably the strength of this kid at this time.

"This... how is this possible? It's just a few seconds to complete an offense of this level, this kid, what is the strength of this kid?" The Laughing Buddha stood up, Their bodies couldn't help trembling. They had only heard of his name before seeing him, but even if they saw him later, they had never seen Li Tian who was going all out.

But today, all this has changed. This guy is fighting with all his strength at this time, and it is even possible that he has surpassed his usual combat effectiveness.

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