Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7434: Restraint or assist

"If this goes on, he really can't hold on for too long, but it's difficult for us to help this guy. They have already surpassed the fighting power of the **** emperor. It is not easy for this kid to hold on for so long. It's up." Squinting his eyes and looking at Li Tian who was struggling in the distance, Du Teng frowned and said worriedly.

"It is indeed like this. The combat effectiveness of the leech demon is still very strong. It is here that it has a very big advantage in the home battle. Now Li Tian is still because of the sky city, and must forcibly take the moves of his opponent. This way Otherwise, everything is not so easy to deal with." Ao Ye nodded, and said seriously, both of them could see what the situation was like at this time.

However, even if they know, there is still too little that they can do.

Many things are not as simple as they thought, and the battle between these two men is no longer at their level to easily intervene in.

"But if this continues, Li Tian will soon fail. Go back to the Sky City and find a way. This can't last too long."

"Your idiot friends, they finally know that they should do something. I thought these guys would still be watching you fight hard." The leech demon also has no other actions, just like that. Using his control over here, he easily took control of the entire situation. Li Tian here also had no solution at all. He tried very hard to change, but it was difficult to do so.

"You still focus your attention on fighting me, don't you?" Li Tian asked.

"To deal with you? Looking at the situation at hand, you don’t need to look like this at all. If you don’t have the city behind you, you are still a guy I need to deal with seriously, but this city is here. All this is your weakness. What I have to do in this state is much simpler. I only need to consume your strength. When the immortal essence in your body is exhausted, what else can you do?" The leech demon sneered, Li Tian here There is indeed not much chance of winning. Judging from the current situation, if he only needs to continue like this, he will soon run out of cents, and it will be completely impossible to fight against himself.

‘According to what he said, it is indeed like this. There is definitely no way this battle continues to be delayed like this. At this time, you should be desperate. Said Canglong.

If this continues, the whole situation will be quite unfavorable for Li Tian. Constantly consuming his own cents can only make his future battles more unfavorable. The leech demon in front of him is completely different.

"Yeah, it seems that there is really no way to continue this way. This woman seems to be very arrogant. If that is the case, she can only make a desperate attempt to see if this will work." Li Tian once again separated several clones. , Looked at the leech demon in front of him, and said: "I know that the existence of the Sky City is a little bit uncomfortable for me. It has changed my whole person's mental state, but I am sorry that although this For me, it is not a small bondage, but it is also the driving force that makes me stronger. Your conspiracy is about to end here."

"Unexpectedly, I can still say these words hard at this time. You, a human teenager, make me very curious, but it doesn't matter. No matter how hard you work, the final result will not change. I I'll let you understand, where is the gap between us." Looking at the few Li Tian who came out of the clone, the leech demon here didn't mean to worry at all.

On the other side of the Sky City, Du Teng and Ao Ye explained the situation, and Du Yuesheng and the patriarch also knew how far the situation was.

"It is indeed like this. If this continues, the problem will become a bit tricky." The patriarch frowned and said, "We must hurry up and let the Sky City transfer. Staying here is a burden for Li Tian. He wants to fight while protecting the city in the sky. We won’t be able to hold on for long after the previous battles, and he knows this very well.”

"It is precisely because I know this very well that I don't want our opponents to break through our barriers so easily." Du Yuesheng nodded and said: "It's time to do something, we can't participate in this. Come in a battle, but it definitely cannot become the weakness of this kid, otherwise the result will be..."

"Want to go, will I give you this opportunity?" The waves of the leech demon slapped one after another, but the sky city that was about to leave was still a meaning I would not let go. The next second You can see the monsters rushing in, these little guys who had no effect before, at this time they can finally have a little effect, and use this opportunity to trap the city in the sky.

"Do you think I will let you accomplish your goals so easily?"

"First take care of yourself. Although your clone and others are very special, you must also understand that I am completely different from the idiots you dealt with before. You want to quickly defeat me with this method, and You have to see if you really have that advantage, but don't really treat me as a woman who can deal with me." The leech demon here saw Li Tianfen come out of his clone, and even wanted to stop him, his face was also A little bit more disdain, this kid really doesn't treat her as a powerful role.

"Try it, is it you who will have the last laugh, or me, the last winner." Li Tian also snorted and said, a few clones went to help the city in the sky. The few leech monsters who started to attack directly in front of him knew that he could only bet on all of this at this time. Whether the Sky City was a restraint or a powerful driving force for him, it was still not at present. And know.

But he understands that he can only end all this as soon as possible at this time, otherwise the final result will become unpredictable.

"Since this is your choice, I will accompany you to have a good time, and let you see how powerful the Twelve Ancestral Demon is.

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