Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7439: Lost?

Compared with before, the embarrassed appearance is a sharp contrast.

This is the second time Li Tian has reached this point.

The previous Zhuge Ke also looked like this. The woman seemed to be very simple, but Li Tian found out when she confronted the woman head-on. She was not that simple, it was still very difficult.

After that, even though he had gone violently, he still failed to take advantage of it.

And Qiu Ming in front of him didn't need to say anything. The strength of this woman was too terrifying. It was nothing more than a brutal beating that suppressed Li Tian on the ground.

This is the twelve ancestor demon.

From the time of the ancient gods to the current era, it really is not a simple opponent.

"Now that you understand the gap, why don't you give up like this, let me enjoy it, and enjoy what you can bring to me, the pleasure!" Qiuming said, stepping Li Tian on the ground and muttering to himself Said: "What you don’t know is, I’m a leech. What I am best at is not fighting, but to guide the blood of you guys, refine the essence, and find a way to make me stronger. ."

‘Shoo, hoo, hoo’

The four water jets directly penetrated Li Tian's wrists and ankles, making his limbs unable to move, completely paralyzed, as if he had been chopped off, he could only lie on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the blood in the body began to flow out slowly, as if being led out by something.

This is the power of the leech demon.

She can guide the essence and blood in Li Tian's body, and then refine the essence of it, so that she can form something that can help her improve faster.

Feeling the passing of the blood in his body, Li Tian here also felt his own life is passing by little by little.

The golden blood slowly condensed in the air, and white gas continued to emerge. These are some useless things that have been evaporated. What is left in the end should be just a blood sperm the size of a thumb. That is the essence of the essence in Li Tian's body, which can help Qiu Ming and instantly increase a lot of strength. This is also the way they practice. ,

"It's really delicious, it's delicious. It's a young man I like. Even if I haven't been able to complete my refining work, I can feel the powerful force in this blood. I believe if If I can swallow your power, then my strength... will have a greater improvement." Tyu Ming trembled, as if feeling some powerful power.

At this moment in front of him, the sphere condensed by the golden blood was shrinking. When it reached the size of a thumb, it was time for the real accomplishment.

"Don't worry, after eating my essence, will you let yourself burst?" He gritted his teeth, the blood flowing from his limbs was gathering together, and his vitality was losing.

"Broken up? Haha, this is just that you think too much, don't worry, I won't kill myself so quickly, besides, I also want to absorb it well, this blood brings me the power Powerful.” As Qiuming said, he started to speed up: “I’m sorry, I was supposed to give you a happy one, but the essence of a genius like you must be fresh, so I Not only can't kill you, but also keep you awake. The blood essence refined in this way is the most perfect and delicious."

"It's just a BT."


"Father, if this goes on, Li Tian is going to die." Here, Du Teng and others also saw this situation. They are working hard to resist the attack of the monster beast, and at the same time transfer the Sky City, it is already busy. It's hard to get along, but seeing Li Tian's situation at this time, he is uneasy and worried. If he really has any shortcomings, he will be finished.

"The city of the sky is not optimistic, and although we want to help him, how can we help? The opponent is the twelve ancestor demon, you have seen the strength, even if we take the shot together, what we can do What you get there is nothing more than a dedication of your own blood."

"Indeed, among the twelve ancestor monsters, the leech demon Qiuming's cultivation method is the strangest. Her strength is very powerful. It is said that among the twelve ancestor monsters, it can be considered to be among the top. There is no way to fight, unless you can summon those old ancestors." Ao Ye shook his head, the dragon clan was the most miserable since the age of the ancient gods, and those truly powerful beings were all dead and wounded. Or missing.

And for the rest, despite how hard we tried, there was no way to reproduce the glory of the dragon clan back then.

Facing such a terrible opponent like Tyumen, they did have a lot of ideas to stop, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was no way at all. Facing such an opponent who was not at the same level at all, even if they struggled What can I do if I think of a way?

All this seems to be completely doomed.

"Are we going to watch it like this? Watching things become what they are now, are we still indifferent as if nothing happened?" Du Teng asked.

"I think, at this time, we should believe in Li Tian's strength, and believe in his ability, he can definitely solve this problem by himself." The patriarch stood up, glanced at Du Teng, smiled slightly, and then I closed my eyes: "Instead of worrying, let's pray for him here, I believe he can find a way to change this situation, right?"


"Look, you are about to die, but what about your friends? What about the guys you protect? They didn't take any action. They all hope to seize the time to leave this place of right and wrong, leave you, and keep their own Life, haha, this is what you want to protect, but it's just a group of people who have forgotten their own gains. It's really worthless for you." Tyumen laughed and said, "But you have contributed everything to me. There are great benefits. On this point, I should still give you a good compliment."

"I haven't come to the end yet. As you said, this battle is just beginning. You won't understand what kind of opponent you are facing."

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