Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7458: Obscurity

The dragon bone with such terrible power must be the goal of many people, but until now, no clue has been found, but at this point, it is already questionable, what is the sacred dragon.

An extremely powerful existence in life, even if it dies, will become a target for many people to look for.

Remains like this, just like the remains of the Devil Dragon King, are very precious treasures, and many precious treasures can be found from them to help the cultivators to improve their strength.

But this keel is very well preserved, and no trace of damage can be seen on it.

This also means that they are the first to find this keel.

"Now the twelve ancestor demons are also looking at them with enthusiasm, but they haven't taken any action for the time being. I don't know what is thinking in their hearts. I already knew that you are great before. I thought they would directly Let me kill you. After all, a genius like you is too dangerous for them, so I contacted other people, hoping to come here to protect you, and I also wanted to see what happened to the keel, but I didn’t expect it, The Twelve Ancestor Demon turned out to be nothing. If you want to say that you have no temptation to them, I don't believe it." Ao Ye shrugged and said.

"Yeah, I am still the most important thing to them. Young people like me must be the target they must eradicate, but they are not doing this now. Obviously they are just like us. His attention is on the keel." Li Tian stepped forward and gently placed his palm on top of the keel. The keel was very smooth, like a treasure.

Just the moment his palm touched it, he seemed to feel a familiar breath.

This feeling is as if this sacred dragon is a friend fighting side by side with him.

‘Why, I feel that this is a companion I should be very familiar with, what’s going on? This question also appeared in his mind.

‘Indeed, I also felt that all of this is very familiar, as if it has something to do with me in the dark. 'The Canglong here said the same. When the two of them touched the keel, they all had this idea naturally, as if they should be very familiar with the keel itself, and Li Tian, ​​the whole person is even more so. I closed my eyes, as if I had entered a dream.

"What's the matter with this guy?" Ao Ye asked Du Teng a glance.

"I don't know, maybe I found some clues. I can't say anything." Du Teng is also looking forward to it. This kid has created countless miracles before. Maybe this time he can also create such a miracle. Uncertain, they all watched the scene before them. When Li Tian's palm fell on the keel, the power of the keel began to become active.

If these forces were like a calm lake before, then it is now the turbulent Nu River.

Because of Li Tian's appearance, the energy above has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Immediately afterwards, Li Tian opened his eyes and exhaled deeply: "This...what is going on?"

"What happened? Looking at your expression, it seems that I don't quite understand what is going on." Du Teng asked. Li Tian's expression at this time was full of confusion and shock, as if he was about what happened before his eyes. For these things, they couldn't find a suitable way to explain them, and they couldn't accept the things that happened before them, but they couldn't clearly understand what was going on.

"I can't tell you clearly, but the situation in front of me really surprised me. I seem to be very familiar with this keel. I can even find a strange entrance. As for the access I don’t know where it is, but I know that this entrance is very important.” Li Tian looked at the two of them and shrugged his shoulders. He felt this way, which made him feel a little unacceptable, as if it was true. Something has changed, but I am not willing to accept such changes.

"Is there an entrance?" Du Teng was curious.

"Yes, there is also an entrance in this keel, which should be a place to enter another dimension. As for what this place is, I can’t tell you. You can’t understand at all. What I feel like at this time is like I am an old partner who has been fighting side by side with me for many years. I am very familiar with everything about this sacred dragon, but I can’t remember a lot of things that happened. I don’t know at all, how did this happen? Matter." Li Tian said as he led Du Teng and Ao Ye towards the leading position.

If what you sensed before is really correct, then this time, you should believe that you can open up a very mysterious space.

After ten minutes, they came to the position of the dragon head.

Here, the huge skull of the sacred dragon, shining with golden light, can feel a very majestic aura even from a long distance away, just like the same pair of piercing eyes staring at them. Every act and every action made these people a little bit embarrassed, even if they died, the power of this sacred dragon was still completely beyond their imagination.

"It's really scary. Even though it has completely turned into a corpse, the things displayed at this time still make us feel a little scary." Du Teng looked at the dragon head and said.

"The Sacred Dragons are completely different from ours. Their past is a mystery, but such a strong person should have left a clue in this world, but we don’t know anything about it. There must be something tricky. If Li Tian can really find out where the entrance is, it also means that this secret can only be solved by Li Tian himself. We can’t continue this matter. The above helped." Ao Ye looked at the dragon head, smiled, and said to Li Tian: "I think you must be very curious now, and you really want to know what the relationship between all this and yourself is."

"After such a thing happens to any person, their emotions must be the same as mine. They want to know what happened here. These things are really something for us. It's weird, it can even be said to be unacceptable."

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