Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7473: Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger

"Of course, the two of them are the two daughters of the Lord Nilongbao, and they are also the two beloved. If I can catch both of them, I can negotiate a lot with the castle advocate of Nilongbao. Now, what will the result be like at that time, I believe that you fellow knows very well, right?" Smiling and looking at Li Tian who was a little surprised in front of him, the female assassin said: "Speaking of which, you also helped. We have done a lot of things. I thought you would know something, but it seems that you don’t know much."

"Since it is like this, I have no use value. Your goal is to kill me, isn't it?" Li Tian smiled slightly and asked.

"You are very smart, but it's a pity that your ingenuity can't be used in the right way. If you knew earlier that this was a trap and it was a conspiracy, you would really take them away instead of I spent so much time here with us and let my own life come in. Now it’s fine, no one can stop us, and no one can help you.," the female assassin raised her dagger and asked Said: "Before this, do you have anything else to say?"

"Do you really think this thing is over like this?"

"This can’t speak up, maybe something else will happen, but your life must have been completely ended here. I don’t care how you think about this thing in your heart, but this is what you end up with. Fate will die in my hands. No one can save you." The female assassin looked at him and shook her head: "You have nothing to say, right?"

"No need to say anything, I think I know something more or less." Li Tian smiled.

The female assassin gave a cold snort, and then the dagger in her hand pierced down quickly.

'call out'

The moment the female killer's dagger stabbed Li Tian, ​​Li Tian in front of him turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

"This... how is this possible? What's the matter?" The female killer's eyes opened wide, but she saw this young man being caught by herself and pierced into her heart by herself, so why suddenly Disappeared in front of oneself? The strength of this guy shouldn't be as great as imagined. What is going on right now?

"I know you will also have a lot of doubts. For opponents like me, there must be many questions that cannot be answered, but it does not matter. We still have a lot of time. We can solve these problems well here. "Li Tian appeared, appeared next to the two sisters, and protected them well by his side: "As long as Chen? appeared, I knew that this person's goal is definitely not a King Cangjie, the real The purpose is another thing, and now it seems that there is nothing wrong with my idea. You arranged all this from the beginning, right?"

"Are you pretending?" Chen? Looking at Li Tian, ​​he was also worried that this young man was pretending, or he knew something inside, so he looked very nervous.

But after observing for a period of time, I found that the young man in front of him should really not know anything, and he slowly felt relieved.

And it is also confirmed that his strength is not very strong.

It was precisely because they had done all of these things that they truly understood that the young man in front of them was not dangerous to them. Who could have imagined that this kid has been pretending to be a pig and a tiger.

"Of course I am disguising. If I don't do it like this, how are you willing to reveal your true purpose? Although all this doesn't matter to me, since I have encountered such things Of course, it can only stop you, and you can see from your behavior style that you are not a good person. Just such a key point is enough for me to decide and prevent you from accomplishing your goals." He snorted and looked at the female assassin in front of him, Li Tian said: "Now, what do you have to do? Although you can show it, I am somewhat wondering what your odds are."

The female assassin was silent and looked at Li Tian with her fist. She had never thought that she would be deceived to this point by such a person before.

All of this has never been thought of before, and never thought that there is a person who can really deceive himself to this point, what is the strength of this guy, and the disguise is such a perfection. Not being able to let them discover any little details on this matter made her very worried.

Before, it was because the young man could see that there was no danger, but now it is not like this anymore.

To be able to cross the ocean like this, the strength of the young man in front of him should be very strong, and his mind is not that simple. This will be a very difficult opponent. For them, it is naturally not a good thing.

"Since you are really just a passerby, why do you need to help them? Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with you. You can do things according to your inner thoughts, even if you do this, you will not What's the result, isn't it?"

"There are always some people in this world who have to stand up and take on some things. If everyone is like what you said, once it’s something unrelated to them, they choose to hide or leave, then this It is the destruction in the ending, and there is not much distance left." Li Tian smiled slightly, looked at the female assassin, and said: "You seem to be poor in skills. After I showed your strength, even you began to doubt. Can you really defeat me, right?"

"You did give us a big surprise. As a young man, everything you showed was very good, but you have to believe that it is not a good choice to oppose us here. I believe you You will understand this very soon, how much trouble it will bring to yourself, it is a problem that you can't resist or prevent it.

"You said so much, but you just want me to dispel the thoughts in my heart, but I think it's better to forget it, I'm all standing here, if I don't do something, I will feel sorry in my heart. There must be no way to avoid a battle."

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