Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7637: bid farewell

Murong Ziqing and Chai Lei lay peacefully in the morgue.

They can only lie here forever. ,

Their dexterity was also directly swallowed up when fighting the Ghost Emperor Netherworld, even if Li Tian was able to bear them, it was impossible to resurrect them.

"Two seniors, your departure is the last thing I want to see. No one knows what my weaknesses are, but I know it very well, when I see people around me leave me one by one , I will be very uncomfortable and very disappointed. Perhaps this is my weakness. Both of them watched me slowly grow up. To be able to have such achievements as today is inseparable from the guidance of the two seniors. "When Li Tian said here, he clenched his fists tightly.

There is nothing to say, a lot of things are well known.

What is the problem this time, and what way he will solve his future, this is also something Li Tian knows very well.

Looking at the two people in front of him, he sighed for a long time: "I wanted to send you out of this world, but we are still facing great danger at this time. I can't stop like this, even if it's by my side. All of the people died one by one. Even though my heart is very uncomfortable, I can’t stop like this. I have to keep going. Once I stop, the world can’t be saved. I can’t do this. , I can’t watch this world be destroyed like this, so I can only move forward, even if the road ahead is full of thorns."

Li Tian said a lot, and the emotions that had been accumulated in his heart during this period of time were all vented at this time. After saying a lot, he left.

He can't stay.

He wants to find Jin Zhuhai and completely remove the danger of the true dragon clan, so that many things afterwards can really relax. Now the danger of the true dragon clan has not been removed yet, how can he think about other things? ?

Nangong jade is like a sword hanging above their heads, it may fall at any time.

If this sword falls off at this time, they will lose their lives.

Li Tian didn't dare to slack in this matter. He must solve this problem in the shortest time. If this problem is not solved for a day, there will be no way to relax in his heart.

He found the patriarch of the bone front clan and said, "The patriarch."

"Sit down." The patriarch looked at Li Tian in front of him, smiled, and said: "It must be uncomfortable in my heart. I am obviously a savior and have helped them accomplish so many things, but in the end, they still have to bear this. A lot of slander, so much suspicion, as a savior, as a hero, you must be uncomfortable in your heart. I can understand this."

"When I decide that I want to protect them, maybe I should expect something like this in my heart." Li Tian smiled and said.

"Is it like this?" the patriarch asked.

"As a hero, loneliness may be something that accompanies me throughout my life. My strength is strong and it will naturally become the terrible existence in their hearts. I did not understand before, but I understand now. Because of the unknown, they are They will be afraid of me, but when they know that I can control my own power and that I can use this power to do good things, I believe they will trust me.” Li Tian said, although this sounded very false. But it makes sense.

Human nature has always been the most complicated thing. Those at the bottom of the food chain are the easiest to be confused by the superficial things, and similarly, they are the easiest to trust others.

Because of this appearance, Li Tian later had this idea.

"It's really beyond my expectation that you can have such a thought. I thought that what you would do next is to destroy the world. After all, it seems that you have done so many things, and the world still cannot accommodate. Next to you, if I were you, maybe I would choose this way too. Since this world can't tolerate me, just let this world be completely destroyed."

"I did have this idea, but I know that when I have this idea, seniors will also become my opponents. I have to fight against you and kill you to complete this thing. I chose to give up. , I don’t want the friends around me, the people I care about, die so simply.” Li Tian said.

"So, what is your purpose for coming to me this time?"

"I want to know if there is any way I can kill me when I get out of control." Li Tian looked at the patriarch in front of him very seriously, and said: "What the **** you did, you must not let me know ."

"Why do you ask for it?" The patriarch stared at Li Tian in front of him. This guy said such an idea, something that he hadn't thought of before.

"I don't know if I can control this kind of power. If I can't control this kind of power, or if I really want to destroy the world someday, I must use this way and kill this way. I, protect this world, even if this world seems to me to be decayed, I definitely can't allow myself to destroy this world." Li Tian's face is full of pain, he has confidence, but at the same time he has no confidence.

Knowing that this power is very powerful, and that it has a strong deceptive effect, if you can't resist such deception, what should you do if you really do something that you regret?

Destroyed this world.

At that time, the whole world might be plunged into chaos like this. This is not what Li Tian wants to see, nor is it what he wants to see, so before all this can happen, let's stop it by yourself.

As long as this method is set up, when you really run away and kill yourself, all this can be over.

"Do you really want to do this? If you do this, your life will fall into my hands. Don’t you worry at all? If I do this, I will become your enemy in the future. I will kill you easily." The patriarch of the bone front clan looked at Li Tian and said.

"Just as you believe in me, I am also willing to believe in you." Li Tian smiled, but he didn't care about what the patriarch said.

He believed that the patriarch would not do this.

The patriarch was also stunned for a long time, before he laughed a few times: "You are really the strangest human being I have ever seen. I have seen many qualities in you that humans shouldn't have."

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