Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7675: Follow the faith

"Do you think this way can really control me and make me surrender to you? If it's just this way of thinking, then you are too underestimating your opponent. Many things are not as you imagined. simple,"

Li Tian looked at the power of faith in front of him, this was indeed unexpected, his own power of faith was completely different from others.

Full of self-consciousness, no wonder it was so difficult to control this power before. If there is no way to truly reach a consensus with this power in the body, they will naturally be unable to cooperate. The power of faith itself Will begin to resist being controlled by Li Tian, ​​so the result is conceivable, of course, such things are not without exception.

The power of faith is inside Li Tian's body, so when Li Tian is fatally injured or facing a terrible danger, he will show his strength.

Therefore, whenever Li Tianzhen encounters any problems, he will naturally be protected by such forces.

It's just that if you just use such means to exert such power, it always feels a bit ridiculous.

Therefore, Li Tian wants to control this kind of power to help him fight. At this time, his enemy is very strong. It is still unknown what Nangong Jade has reached, but it is clear that this opponent His abilities are far more complicated than any one of them imagined. Fighting against such an enemy still requires a lot of cost.

Relying on the strength of Li Tian at this time alone, it is still insufficient to deal with the current Nangong jade. If it is the Nangong jade who has found his own body and restored to his peak strength, it is even more conceivable that such a battle is far away. It's not as simple as they imagined, so this is also the purpose of Li Tian's coming here. He needs a powerful force to help himself and help himself deal with these opponents.

"Look, this is just an idea in your heart. Whether it is you or me, it is clear that this is your idea, but why is it going against your own will? You must make yourself look that way. Is this noble way to prove that everything you do is correct? The answer is of course no. No matter how you do it, no matter how you refute me, facts are facts and there is no way to change them. You changed this world into what it is now. It is because you appear in this world that this world has become so chaotic. Can you still not see this clearly?" She looked at Li in front of her. Tian, ​​he was speaking very seriously. With these words, Li Tian felt that the soul of his whole person had been tortured at this moment.

Is it yourself?

Did you make things like this?

He stood there blankly, and then hugged his head, as if something was about to be released from inside his head. The powerful force made him feel that his head might burst directly at any time. Open, in this state, he can only insist on clenching his teeth, as much as possible to let all this return to calm.

"Look, this is the price you need to pay after violating your heart. These are the thoughts in your heart. No one thinks that such thoughts are shameful, don't they?" She smiled and looked at Li in front of him. Tian said, "These people look down on you, they laugh at you, and treat you as a joke. If you can remain calm and be so noble in this state, then are you still a normal human? If it really is like this, I will start thinking about what kind of creature you are."

"No, all of this is not like this!" Li Tian's eyes were red, staring at the power of faith in front of him, and he exclaimed: "What you said is not right, it is not like this, is it because I was born to be wrong ?"

"Yes, you were wrong from the moment you were born!" The power of faith also raised your own decibels, and said: "From your birth, you begin to bring misfortune to others. From your birth, you believe in this. No one in the world can control your destiny. From the moment you are born, you are destined to be the demon who destroys the world. You, as soon as you are born, are wrong!"

"..." Li Tian instantly felt that the whole person's spirit had undergone significant changes. While having a headache, he was constantly muttering: "It's not like this, things are not like this, I never wanted to This world becomes what it is now, not like this, the Jedi is not like this."

"No, what else would it be like? Look at your own side. When you appear next to those people, they don’t hesitate to choose to believe in you, they treat you as themselves They believe that you are the savior of this world, but, what did you...do?" The power of faith said mockingly: "You let them die, those brothers and friends who followed you, what you did There is only one thing, let them die!"


"Yes, follow your own heart, respect your thoughts at this time, come on, believe in my power, let me be your dependence, so that we can become one, our power will become extremely powerful No one will be able to stop us, the real dragons? False gods? Or those high gods and gods, they are all alone, their power is completely impossible to defeat us." The power of faith is like She was crazy, showing her strength crazily in front of Li Tian, ​​indeed, she was very strong.

If Li Tian really can master such power, the speed at which his strength grows will become very terrifying, and there may be no such strength guy in the entire God Realm.

Therefore, the combination of the power of the two of them will inevitably bring a super huge change to the entire God Realm, but whether this change is good or bad, it is the benevolent who sees the benevolent, and the wise see the wisdom.

"Don't hesitate, you and I are together, we can fuse together and exert a powerful force, can't we?" The power of faith said again, these voices lingering in Li Tian's ears like magic sounds , Making his whole person's spirit become mad, completely ignorant of what he is doing, this is the power of strength.

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