Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7690: prove

The strength of the clan **** is really clearly shown here. Although he is quite confident about his own strength, in this battle, it is obvious that the power played by Li Tian and the clan in front of him God is still a little behind.

"Young man, his strength is very good, but this is still my place in the end. You still need a little means if you want to seize the opportunity." The clan **** took a few steps back, after this fight, the human in front of him was really like this I have followed all my tricks. It’s just this one point. It can be seen that this young man is different from the other guys he knows. This young man is obviously a little more powerful than he thought. .

"If this is to lose here today, I can't continue to do many things, I can only avoid failure." Li Tian gasped, regardless of whether he really persisted, but this time. It was just the beginning, and it was still a very long process after that. He was really confident in himself, but facing an opponent like this, it was impossible to have confidence alone.

The strength of the clan gods is much more powerful than they thought before. Such strength is also a peak existence in the gods. No wonder it can protect the Taixu clan, and only such a powerful force is worthy Called a guardian, Li Tian here can't fully display his strength. Many places are restricted everywhere. This alone makes Li Tian look helpless.

Although I am serious about trying to restore the situation in front of me, the facts are still very different from what I imagined.

Holding the sword in his hand, looking at the clan **** in front of him, he said: "I know you are a difficult opponent, but for me, if you are such a difficult opponent, fighting with you will only make me To become stronger, I will not die easily. Every time a strong opponent can make me stronger, I hope it will be like this this time."

"Rely on fighting to improve your strength? This is indeed a very strange way, but it is also a very effective way. What you can learn during the battle can help you in many things." Here The clan **** nodded, and then began to launch his next attack. At this moment, the surrounding void seemed to freeze.

A dignified look appeared on Li Tian's face. If the previous clan **** had only used a quarter of his strength, then it was already half of his strength at this time.

When the void around them solidified, he clearly realized this. The clan **** in front of him was fighting with all his strength.

Sure enough, the clan **** quickly got in front of Li Tian and hit it with a fist.

The red sword in Li Tian's hand flashed with a strange light, and then he raised the sword in his hand to block the opponent's attack like this, but when the swords and fists of both sides collided, the feeling was completely different, Li Tian You can even feel the powerful energy passed from the Red Slash in your hand, almost making you unable to hold the sword in your hand.

Then the body quickly flew out towards the back.

"It's such a strong force. Just this kind of boxing power alone has achieved this level. If I have a weapon in my hand, I definitely can't do this next attack." Li Tian's face was solemn. He had never thought that the opponent was so strong before, but at this time he strengthened his confidence. When facing such an opponent, he naturally had to use 100% of his strength to deal with it.

His body was slowly drifting towards the distance in the void, and the clan **** here had already chased up with a powerful force.

Just like a tornado, it swept towards Li Tian in an instant.

"Here." Li Tian said here, and then he opened the void and jumped directly. When he jumped in, he didn't forget that a clone was left here. All this happened in an instant. So there is no way to tell which one is Li Tian's real body.

Only saw the clan **** stop, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, followed by a roar, and then the entire space in the void followed by ripples, and Li Tian who had originally entered was also directly thrown out at this moment.

The body of the clan **** arrived in front of him in an instant, and all the punches and kicks naturally greeted Li Tian in an instant. Although he never thought of killing this human being, he never said that he would be here. I really let go of this human being, if it can't even hold on to this intensity, it won't matter if such a human being dies.

The clan **** thinks this way, so his tricks are also exceptionally harsh, and he directly greets Li Tian's body.

The strong force caused Li Tianshi to vomit blood directly.

He knew that it was too stupid to face the Taixu clan in such a void. They were in the void as if they were in their own paradise. Everything here is like their body. Li Tian here wants to deceive them by means of Void Leap. This is simply a joke. The possibility of such a thing succeeding is almost impossible.

This situation is something that had been expected long ago.

"Boy, I have to say that your strength is pretty good, but you have forgotten who you are fighting with. Using such a trick in front of our Taixu clan is your own Achilles’ heel. It's exposed." The clan **** threw Li Tian directly, and then kicked it out. The powerful force directly caused Li Tian's body to fly upside down.

After a long time, he reluctantly stabilized his body in this void.

"There are still ten minutes. As long as I can stick to the last ten minutes, there will be no problems with many things." The blood flowing from the corner of his mouth was wiped clean by him, looking at the clan **** in the distance, gritted his teeth. Said that the time is now being lost, and only ten minutes are left. For Li Tian, ​​this may be something that can make him really happy.

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