Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7701: Great Rift Valley

When two people walked in the sea, they could see some very transparent film appeared around their bodies to protect their bodies. In this way, the surrounding water would not be able to get close to them, and they could naturally also be in this way. I breathed in the state. In such a vast ocean, everything I saw before my eyes was illusory, very unreal.

Li Tian's whole person is advancing fast like a dragon.

Ao Ye was also unwilling to show weakness.

I am also the Dragon King of the East China Sea Dragon Palace anyway. If I lose to Li Tian on my own chassis like this, I will naturally feel very unhappy in my heart, so this time I also used my strength to surpass Li Tian. .

The two people seemed to say nothing, but in fact, they knew each other's thoughts.

It seems that a very terrible big rift appeared in front of them.

A bottomless abyss, the bottom is all black, the sun can't shine down at this time, and what is going on below is not clear at all.

"That's it. It was here the last time I picked up a pearl. I think Deep Sea Juqiong should be under this. The position we are currently in is not really deep in the East China Sea. "

"If you say that, we have to go down and take a look this time, what is going on here?"

"Well, it's almost like this. The last time I picked up a pearl was here. I believe that when we go down this time, we can naturally see the rumored deep sea giant Qiong in this rift valley. As long as this thing is defeated, we can get more natal demon pills, these things are life-saving things."

Li Tian smiled, did not say anything, the fact is indeed like this, for them at this time, the natal demon pill is their life-saving thing.

After the two people negotiated, they directly began to slowly dive into the underground rift valley.

They don't know where exactly is below, but they can feel that everything here seems to be just a piece of ordinary water, but is it really like this?

Obviously it is impossible.

Before, Li Tian seemed to be just advancing intently, but in fact it was not like this. The spirit of this guy has always been paying attention to his every move around, in which area of ​​the sea there are very powerful monsters. Where are their territories? For Li Tian, ​​these things are already mastered, but here, the existence of any monster is not even noticeable.

This in itself is a very unusual thing. You must know that except for some very special places in the East China Sea, the existence of monsters can be seen everywhere.

But here, it doesn’t seem to be a special place. You can only feel the little energy fluctuations of the monster. At this time, even a fool knows what is going on. Li Tian is also very clear. This is the place Ao Ye said before. If I found a pearl here, then it is clear that the Deep Sea Giant Qiong can also be found here.

I just don't know, can the sea **** in the rumor also be seen here?

There are only two of them. If they really encounter such a strong opponent, then they can only fight with such an opponent to see who is the final winner.

They don't have any choice. For them, the situation in front of them can only be changed by fighting. If they choose to abandon the dialogue, the final result is naturally conceivable. Whether it is Li Tian or the Ao Ye here, it is very clear.

The Rift Valley looks really bottomless. The two of them have been diving for nearly ten minutes at this time, but they still can't get to the bottom. You must know that their speed is already very fast, even this way. There is still no way to see clearly what is going on below, but it can be confirmed that this place is much more complicated than they thought.

"I really didn't expect this place to be so deep, and it took so long to be able to reach the end."

"The creatures below should rarely go up, but your natal demon pill was picked up on it. This is a very abnormal thing in itself. I always feel that there is something wrong with it." Li Tian Frowning and said, such a deep rift, no one knows what kind of place it is. If the deep sea giant Qiong is really in such a bottomless rift, it should be rare. Above the rift valley.

If it were that way, they would naturally not be able to pick up Deep Sea Giant Qiong's natal demon pill on the top of the Rift Valley. There must be a detail in it that they did not understand.

"I don't know, maybe he will go up in a certain period of time. If it's really Deep Sea Giant Qiong, it's not very difficult to go up. There is another reason, that is, someone like me can also find it. After the Deep Sea Giant Qiong, they took the natal demon pill, but something happened that caused them not to leave and died in this rift. When they fell, the natal demon pill they got was lost in this way. On the top of the Rift Valley, the situation in front of you can only be like this." Ao Ye thought for a while, then said.

The situation at this time can only look like this in order to explain clearly what happened before.

Li Tian here frowned, is it really like this?

If this is the case, it can be determined. Below this, there must be a very powerful opponent. It is very likely that it is not the so-called Deep Sea Giant Qiong, but a more difficult guy. Can the two of them deal with it? ? Li Tian doesn't have a big problem. If he is really not an opponent, he can leave easily, but what about Ao Ye?

"Otherwise you should go back."

"Are you worried that you won't be able to take care of me in the next battle, and then let me die here?" Ao Ye smiled.

"It looks dangerous. It is completely different from what we thought before. At this time, I can't let you go and take risks. If you die here, it will be a great loss for our entire league."

"Don't worry, I'm also a master. How could I die in such a place so easily? I will leave here with you alive. You don't need to worry about this at all." Ao Ye waved his hand and said , Obviously also have confidence in himself.

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