Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7707: Invulnerable

"How is it possible?" Li Tian's face was full of shock. It was the first time he had encountered such an opponent. He could clearly feel that his powerful power had already hit this guy.

However, the water man in front of him clearly has no problems.

The water man stepped back and said, "Have you forgotten? I was condensed by moisture. How can the power in your hands really hurt me? Just by your current methods, you want It is impossible to really hurt me."

At this time, the water man can be said to be full of confidence. The young man in front of him has some strength, but it is still a little different from what he imagined.

"Ao Ye, I will tear a gap later, and you will rush out from this gap. We must hurry and find the demon pill of life." Li Tian said.

"I see." Ao Ye nodded;

It is obviously not a wise choice to continue to waste time here. Their opponents still don't know where they are hiding. After defeating the water man in front of them, more and more such opponents will appear afterwards.

In order to avoid such things from happening, it can only be like this now.

Li Tian delayed the water man here, relying on Ao Ye to steal the things, so that the exciting problem can be solved very well later.

"Do you really think we will make your plan a success? You want your partner to steal things, really a stupid decision."

"Hehe, maybe it’s like this. I didn’t want to fight you like this before. In my opinion, it’s completely unnecessary. But at this time, since you think so, I don’t have much to say. It can be like this." Li Tian's mouth rose slightly, and red armor slowly appeared on his body. A huge pile of wings stirred up behind him, and the gang wind tore the surrounding flames apart.

At this moment, Li Tian's aura surged wildly like a blowout, and that powerful aura made the water man in front of him instantly suppressed and unable to move.

‘Okay... what a strong power, is this the fighting power that this young man is going all out? It is indeed very scary. With such a terrible power, even Lord Lord can’t really control such a terrifying power, but looking at the boy in front of him, what I want to do is just a trivial thing. Is this boy really? Is it that awesome? ’

Numerous thoughts flashed in the water man's heart for an instant, and he really didn't expect that the opponent he was able to reconcile once was such a difficult human being.

This kind of aura made him completely unable to move.

"See, this is me who really fights seriously. Although your strength is very strong, you can deal with ordinary people. If you want to defeat me, you still need more powerful strength. Of course, in your The fighting style also needs more perfection, otherwise it is impossible for you to be my opponent at all. No matter how hard you work, the final result will not change." sneered and looked. Looking at the water man in front of him, Li Tian raised his sword: L "Since the previous sword couldn't hurt you, I can only use this trick."

Qing Wushen fire was beating. At this time, I believed that the power of the flame could wipe out the water man in front of him in an instant.

And Li Tian also clearly realized that the most important part of this guy’s body is the beating blue thing in the heart. This thing is like the heart of a water man, not only allows him to live in In this world, it is also possible for this guy to show a powerful force. As long as this thing is gone, the water man in front of him will naturally lose his combat effectiveness.

Hearing that Li Tian had such a thought, the mental state of the water man instantly improved, and he quickly got rid of Li Tian's aura, and then distanced the two.

Just an instant.

This guy should also be able to move a little bit of space, or a similar way of covering up. At this time, Li Tian is not very clear about how his opponent did it before, and he disappeared from his front. In the next second, you can directly attack yourself. This kind of thing shouldn't have happened in front of you. For Li Tian, ​​there must be some key point that he could not find a clue, so there is no way. I really caught the best way to deal with this guy in front of me.

"Young man, your strength is strong enough, but don't think that it is enough. In my opinion, this little strength is just that. I will use my own life to stop you."

Li Tian smiled and waved the sword in his hand, and he tore a hole in one side directly: "It's up to you, we will leave here after we get the natal demon pill. We can't continue to delay time here."

"Will I let you succeed?" The water man passed directly towards the moving Ao Ye. ,

In the next second, Li Tian also appeared in front of the water man: "You are not the only one who can use this way of spatial movement. Maybe I am really your nemesis. You want to stop him in front of me. , This is simply impossible." He raised the sword in his hand, and the raging flame also made the water man in front of him reluctantly retreat, otherwise he could only be wiped out by Li Tian in front of him.

"Damn human beings, you would do such a trick." Seeing Li Tian in front of him actually did it in this way, the Aquaman was obviously very angry. At this time, they couldn't stop Ao Ye. All the anger in his stomach can only be vented on Li Tian: "Since you are looking for death like this, let me show you what is called crazy power."

At that moment, the seawater that had disappeared instantly flooded the surrounding area, and the azure water beads slowly condensed in this space.

Li Tian looked at the situation in front of him, and did not do anything, just watched it quietly.

The strength that the opponent showed before is still very powerful, but after this fight, Li Tian has truly understood the strength of the opponent in front of him. When you truly understand the opponent’s methods in front of you, many things will come naturally. It's not as good as before. For Li Tian, ​​it looks like this. He already knows the strength of the water man.

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