"It seems that you really want to stop here today and let this kid destroy Jin Zhuhai's plan like this, right?"

"What kind of creatures Jin Zhuhai summoned, I don't think you need to explain a lot of it. You are also very clear, but also understand how much trouble these creatures will cause us." The mysterious man looked at him and said, "Now, They can indeed be controlled by you, and they can indeed become a very powerful army in your hands, but then? If humanity is eliminated, Jin Zhuhai’s target will also disappear. She herself chose to commit suicide. These creatures How are you going to control it?"

"Kill it."

"Haha, it looks very light, but you have also seen the combat effectiveness of these guys with your own eyes. This is still under Jin Zhuhai's control. The combat effectiveness of these creatures has been weakened a lot compared with before, and even their thinking is It’s completely different from what they are. If they lose the control of Jin Zhuhai, I believe that it’s not just human beings who will be unlucky then, but all the creatures in our entire God Realm. This place will become a paradise for these alien creatures. "The mysterious man snorted, then turned around and looked at Li Tianyuan's back: "If you really want to do something big, then naturally you have to take into account many problems when doing things. You didn’t think about the problem. Naturally, it doesn’t matter. I will help you think about it.

"Are you really going to cover this kid like this? Even if you know that the situation in front of us is already very unfavorable for us, you still chose to cover this kid like this. This is something I never thought of before. "He stared at the mysterious person in front of him. This mysterious person suddenly took action to protect Li Tian. There must be some words in it, but at present they have no way to explain clearly what is going on.

"Go back, there is no point in staying here, you can only watch that kid slip out of your hands like this, just to make you angry, but what is the point? I know the situation at this time. I know what it looks like, and I know what we should do. It is precisely because of this that I will stand here and tell you this. Go back and do your own things. That’s all. The rest is about this kid, you guys You only need to leave it to me to do it." He squinted his eyes, looked at Nangong Yu, and said, "Of course, after I leave, you can still choose to chase this kid, but I think if it's that time. You probably won’t be able to catch up, and you know this kid’s methods very well. If you really run, there is no way to catch up."

"Huh, I see, this time as you said, we don’t care about this, but humans and many races are united. Even the guys in Outland who should have a lot of hatred with humans started to choose to follow They are united. It is not so easy to confront such forces. We are already at a disadvantage in this war. At this time, you choose to help this kid, but you push us to the end of the world. Hershey has already thought that this will be the result, otherwise it won’t be long before I will ask you for an explanation!"

After saying this, Nangongyu turned around and left.

He must not be able to fight the mysterious person in front of him. This guy is as mysterious as his appearance. He suddenly appeared in this world a long time ago, and his understanding of this world made them feel incredible. Many times even suspected that this guy's identity must be a very powerful person in the past, but after many investigations, all failed.

Many of the mysterious people’s problems are like this. It’s a real secret. It’s just a waste of time to investigate clearly. They spend a lot of time trying to investigate the inside story, but the final result is still the same. They thought completely differently, and couldn't really know what was going on inside, so they could only be curious about the mysterious person, but they couldn't find a way.

After Nangongyu and others left, the mysterious man covered his mouth and coughed: "These are the only things I can do now. I hope these things can continue without being affected, but don’t let them. I'm disappointed, it's all up to you to deal with these guys." He muttered as he looked at where Li Tian left, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

"Are you aware of it?" Canglong asked as he was on his way.

"I noticed it." Li Tian nodded.

His divine mind is extremely powerful, and he was aware of it at the instant of transmission. Behind him, two powerful masters appeared, one was Nangong Yu, and the other one didn’t know who he was. He just felt the fluctuation of this energy. Somewhat familiar.

"Nangongyu wants to chase you down, but it should be stopped by someone. There are still people in this world who can do this. It really feels a little incredible. It seems that this world is still a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. In this world, many things we see at this time are only what we see, and they are still very different from what they are."

"Nature is like this. If everything is the same as what we see, then nature is also unscientific." Li Tian smiled faintly: "Although I am also very curious, what is it? People helped us at this time, but it is clear that we have another very important thing to do at this time, and this thing cannot be ignored."

"Yes, you also have a very important responsibility now, so no matter what, this time it is to prevent that woman from carrying out such a terrible plan. If it really makes this woman's plan successful, to It's time for our trouble to come." Canglong said.

Li Tian nodded, and now I can only hope that Jin Zhuhai’s plan will start to slow down, so that they can catch up at this critical time. If they can’t stop Jin Zhuhai’s plan from being implemented, they will give it. The entire God Realm brought a lot of trouble, and these monsters that could not be controlled would become a big trouble for the entire God Realm. This was not something Li Tian wanted to see.

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