Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7862: Scarlet Knight

Li Tian forcibly suppressed his inner hostility. As he came to this place, he felt more and more clearly that the hostility in his body had begun to be out of control.

If you continue like this, it won't take long for you to enter the previously crazy state.

This is something he doesn't want to see. If it is really that way, it should be impossible for anyone in this team to survive at this time. He is quite confident in his own strength, especially when he loses control. After that, so at this time, I also put a lot of attention on suppressing my own hostility. It is absolutely impossible for these people to feel their strong hostility.

Otherwise, they might do something to Li Tian because of their fear.

But these things seem to be very simple to say, it is not so easy to really want to do it, and Li Tian was also sweating profusely at this moment.

Of course, these people standing here are also like this, very embarrassed.

At this time, Xukongba glanced at Li Tian and asked, "What's wrong with you? It looks like you are tired."

"His Royal Highness, we are forcibly resisting the erosion of this force, and they will continue to increase the degree of intrusion on us, so that it will become more and more difficult for us to resist them. I don't know the meaning of this." Li Tian frowned, and things had indeed progressed to this point. The more they wanted to resist this kind of control, the stronger the control came.

Even later, if they want to resist such control, it takes a lot of effort to do it, but at this moment, they don't have the extra strength to do this.

After hearing Li Tian say this, the Void Tyrant here quickly felt that it was indeed like this. The strong corrosive force was constantly acting on his body, and it seemed to make him lose control a little bit. It's the same, but the Void Tyrant at this time, of course, is impossible to allow such a thing to happen to him, and forcefully resist.

But the more resistance, the harder it is to resist.

It didn't take long before Marquez was the first to fall to the ground unconscious, and then, one by one, all fell to the ground at this time.

Of course, except for Marquez, everyone else can still maintain their sanity.

Just as they were surprised by the terrible power, at this time, the sound of a horse's hoof made everyone's pressure disappear instantly. They raised their heads and looked at the source of the sound. It was a red armor all over, riding a horse. The knight on the tall war horse, holding a spear in his hand, was approaching them little by little.

Marzaha took a step forward and said, "His Royal Highness, remember that sometimes we have to obey some things here. The strength of this opponent is far beyond our imagination, so don't think about resisting. This guy in front of me."

"I know."

Soon, the knight came in front of them, and then his eyes fell on Marquez before him. He sneered and said, "You don’t even control your own killing thoughts. You think you deserve to enter the blood. Is it a place like prison?" After the knight finished speaking, he first awoke Marquez directly with a powerful force, and then the spear penetrated Marquez's shoulder and lifted him up like this.

I don't know what kind of method the knight used. Everyone has seen it. The blood in Marquez's body is constantly sprayed out like a fountain, and is quickly absorbed by the ground under their feet.

As for Marquez, he can only grow his own mouth. Although it is hard to believe that he is going to die so fast and want to struggle, the end result is that there is no way to do anything, only I watched my own life passing by little by little, but there was no way to do it. This is the powerful power of the knight in front of him. It is that people like them have no way to control or resist.

After doing all this, the knight sneered and said: "The guys who are not strong enough and can't even form the killing thought can't exist here." When speaking, they were originally behind them. The elite fighters of the Xu family blew themselves up instantly, and the blood was sprinkled on the spot. Those masters who were left were left with expressions of astonishment on each of them.

Even Li Tian is like this.

He originally thought he had seen a lot of powerful men, but today he saw the knight in front of him with his own eyes, and realized with surprise that what he saw was only the tip of the iceberg. The knight in front of him was powerful, even It has gone beyond what he can imagine, he even suspects that this knight is already at the top of the real food chain.

"Well, after all these wastes are gone, I can welcome you here very seriously. Perhaps among your Taixu clan, you like to call this Taixu realm, but what I want to tell you is this It is a blood prison, a world poured by blood. Why do you think your King of the Void wants you to bring these soldiers and these wastes into this side? It is nothing more than handing in tickets. That is their blood." Said coldly, looking condescendingly at these people who were kneeling on the ground.

Void Ba clenched his fists, his soldiers died like this. Of course he was very angry, and he wanted to stand up against the knight in front of him, but Wuming and Xu Yin have been working very hard to suppress Void Ba. , Even Malzaha is like this, they are very clear, the knight in front of them is really too powerful, this kind of power is just like BT, how can it be that their little power can be What about an easily contending opponent?

At this time, the best way is to keep yourself obedient, so that you can better survive in such a situation.

"Your Highness, don't resist, don't do it." Wuming also whispered.

"I know you are not convinced in your heart, but I can tell you very clearly that what you were fighting against was only the murderous aura I released, so you understand where the gap between us is? "The knights naturally knew what they were thinking, and only relying on such a sentence made them completely dispel the idea of ​​resisting.

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