Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7873: Spirit Cage (3)

At this time, Li Tian, ​​naturally, didn't know that the two people outside actually had so many discussions because of him. He just knew that the situation before him was somewhat different from what he thought.

I thought it would pass easily.

But I quickly discovered that going through this place is not as simple as they thought before. On the contrary, this is still a very difficult problem. It requires them to spend too much effort on this matter, only this way. , Can reluctantly stabilize the situation in front of him, at this moment, for him, there is something he hasn't thought of.

Soul power and Xianyuan are also constantly improving at this time. During this period of time in the spirit cage, he can clearly feel the pressure on himself. This kind of pressure has always been suppressed by Li Tian. On his body, he couldn’t continue to proceed smoothly like this, and now it is also like this, this strange power seems to be completely swallowed by Li Tian, ​​although he does not want to see such a thing happen , But the same want to resist such a situation is not so simple.

Although this pressure has brought him a lot of benefits, it also made his body start to become exhausted. This is also because his own system is very special and can last a long time in this state. If If it's someone else, whether it can last such a long time in this state is something that needs to be determined.

"As you get closer and closer to the entrance of the second level, the pressure you have to endure is getting stronger and stronger. In this state, can you pass this test? I think these people are also at this time. Pay close attention to this matter, whether you can really pass the first test."

"This is indeed a headache for me, but I have not yet reached the idea that I can give up. My strength has improved. It seems that there is not much improvement here, but it is only because My pressure is too great, so a large part of my strength is resisting these pressures and protecting myself. Naturally, there is no way to easily let me find out how strong I am, but this is not the case. It will last for too long, and I am definitely not going to let this kind of thing continue like this." Li Tian here said very seriously, all this seems to be very complicated, but in fact it is not like this. He knew that his strength had improved a lot in this short period of time.

These strengths improved here are all very basic strengths, and these may become very powerful help for himself later.

I knew before that this so-called expert trial would definitely make him stronger. Now it seems to be like this. With the passage of time, he can feel that his strength has become stronger. It was a completely different concept before. Although he was still sitting in the forty floors, the pressure here could no longer make him feel a little uncomfortable.

Ever since, Li Tian advanced to the fifty-fifth floor.

In this way, he quickly reached the 98th floor, and here, it has lasted for a full seven days.

"It seems that this kid is also in trouble. Although these previous methods have surprised us, being able to achieve this level in Expert Trial Hard Mode, this young man is really a very genius. After a short period of more than ten days, it may really be possible to break through the last level." The black armored knight has been dismissive of Li Tian from before and now, he already likes this human teenager who refuses to admit defeat. Time Night Vision Zhidou was watching Li Tian grow up little by little. I have to say that the talent of this teenager is really terrifying.

Among the many people he has met, they may really have excellent talents and abilities, but compared with Li Tian in front of them, they are still much inferior. Li Tian in front of him is simply a genius among geniuses. It looks like this in any place, this young man is really too elite, an existence that ordinary people can't expect.

"I don’t know, this last step seems to be very simple, but in fact this step is much harder than any of the previous steps. At the same time, it is also dangerous. If this time there is really no way. If you make a good choice, you will lose your own life. I think this guy is aware of this too, so he wasted so long in this level." The Great Wizard looked at what was happening in front of him, and said very calmly.

The great wizard believes that Li Tian must also know this very clearly at this time. He and the black armored knight have always been very seriously watching every move on the crystal ball in front of them, and they want to know that in front of them. What kind of method is the boy I saw preparing to deal with this situation? Can these things go on as smoothly and simply as before? Just looking at it right now, this possibility is still very small. Yes, although this young man has worked very hard indeed.

But ninety-nine percent of the effort still requires one percent of talent to succeed.

And this one percent is precisely the most important one.

At this time, Li Tian also realized this. Although it is only a step, it is a completely different concept from those encountered before. This is like a celestial sting. He believes that once he has passed this Locally, the whole life will also undergo earth-shaking changes, and the result at that time is also predictable.

Looking at the situation in front of you, time is passing by a little bit. Faced with this difficulty, although I want to solve this problem quickly, there is no way.

"At this time, there can be no tension at all. This problem seems to be very complicated, but as long as you stick to it, you can still find a way to get through quickly according to the previous rhythm."

"It seems to be very light, but the truth is not like this. It seems that it was just an appetizer before. This is the real difficulty."

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