Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7881: Ice silkworm

Sure enough, I imagined this battle too simplistically before. Li Tian, ​​who has absolute confidence in himself, believes that no matter what kind of opponent he encounters, he can still defeat the opponent after all.

I thought that after passing the first level test, the strengths I improved could help me pass the second level test better and more easily, so what Li Tian encountered was such an opponent in front of him, just from the strength. If you look at it, the strength of the Wanxue Ice Silkworm in front of you can be called very BT, because the main strength lies in the soul power, so in a strict sense, the strength of Wan Xue Ice Silkworm cannot be judged. .

What's more, after the release of Wanxue Bingcan's deity form, this strength has increased too much, so it is too difficult to defeat the opponent in front of him.

Seeing that the ice cone was about to fall at this time, a dragon chant came from Li Tian's shoulder. Then, the blue dragon instantly transformed into a huge body. First, a tail threw one of the ice cones away, and then opened it. A scorching dragon's breath was sprayed out on his mouth, only to see the ice cone that had condensed before turned into water vapor at this moment.

Just as Li Tian was rejoicing, with Wanxue Ice Silkworm as the center, a very powerful ice whirlwind formed, and the biting cold wind kept beating Li Tian's body. You must know that after entering the third form, his body His armor is already very hard, but he can clearly feel that in such a cold wind, his armor is being destroyed little by little.

If he still stands in place without any action, then this guy will definitely destroy his armor. From this, it is only a matter of time to die here.

Thinking of this, the expression on Li Tian's face began to become more serious, and then quickly moved in the clockwise direction of the ice whirlwind, which would also offset part of the powerful force of the ice whirlwind, thereby protecting himself from being affected. What a threat.

Even so, in this state, Li Tian also felt that his physical state at this time was obviously at two extremes.

If this goes on, I don't know if I can stick to it.

The Canglong was caught by the ice silkworm's tail tightly, and then slapped on the ground many times, and it took a lot of effort to escape from the ice silkworm's hands and return to Li Tian's side.

‘This guy is really a tough guy. Not only is his own strength very strong, but the huge mental power can also completely suppress the two of us. This is like a guy specifically targeting us. Canglong was also very helpless at this time and said that after this battle, he suffered a lot of injuries. Even if Li Tian and Canglong joined forces, this Wanxue Ice Silkworm had a very small chance of winning.

While running here, Li Tian also tried to supply the ice silkworm deity in front of him, but there was no effect at all. This guy's body was very hard, almost without any weakness at all, his whole body was covered with such a thick mystery. Bing, it is really very difficult for Li Tian to break through such a defense. His offense is not enough to achieve this kind of bottom.

"If I go down in this state, I feel like I'm going to go crazy like this." Li Tian whispered, and soon the ice whirlwind stopped at this moment.

Li Tian stopped, looked at the Wanxue Ice Silkworm in front of him, and said, "How do I feel, you just want to tease me."

"Do you think so?" The ice silkworm deity looked at Li Tian and said, "Don't make a conclusion in such a hurry, think that your strength is not strong enough, just because you haven't really found your strength yet. It’s just the same. Every power has its own characteristics, and your opponents will have different weaknesses. As long as you find the weakness and find a way to deal with the weakness, you can really find a way to deal with your opponent. ."

When Li Tian did not think too much, the ice silkworm deity began to attack again, but this time, it turned out to be an attack of lightning attributes. Seeing that these lightnings were about to touch him, Li Tian here He also wanted to dodge. Who knew that at the moment he wanted to dodge, it was another mental attack, so Li Tian's attention was on thunder and lightning, so there was no time to resist.

In the next second, thunder and lightning hit Li Tian very accurately, his body flew out, and then fell heavily to the ground on one side, spurting out a mouthful of old blood.

The dual offense of mental power and lightning also made Li Tian's forehead full of sweat.

There are a few more damaged places on the body. In the state where the immortal yuan consumption is so huge in front of him, he has received such a heavy attack. It can be seen that the Wanxue Ice Silkworm in front of him is really too strong. Opponent, he doubted many times, is this really an opponent he can defeat? And this place in front of me seems to have entered the realm of the ice silkworm deity.

"This is my offense. Although there are only a few of my offensive methods, I can make you overwhelmed by different methods of display, so if you are ready to continue this slow battle, you will The Xianyuan will be exhausted by me bit by bit. If you want to defeat me, you can only defeat me as fast as possible." The ice silkworm said coldly, and then raised his hands high. I got up, my mouth was plausible, and in the next second I could feel that the entire air was full of very harsh air currents.

Li Tian's body began to slowly solidify.

In order to ensure that he can cope with such a situation, Li Tian at this time can only release the Qingwu Shenhuo from his body, and at the same time, also imposes a lot of speed spells on himself, so that his speed can be increased. Extremely, facing the ice silkworm deity in front of him, the attack of the charm itself had no effect. This was something that Li Tian had determined before.

The opponent in front of him is really tough to the point that it is difficult to describe. Although Li Tian at this time is very serious looking for the weakness of the opponent in front of him, but the battles have made him understand that the opponent in front of him is really real. It is too strong, and wanting to find the weakness of this opponent is even more like a fantasy, it is really incredible.

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