Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7888: Danger

Sunlight looks very gentle, but when it really acts on your body, it's not like this.

As Li Tian's speed gets faster and faster, the distance between him and the sun is also shortening a little bit. In this way, the seemingly soft sunlight is all shining on Li Tian's body. He could feel that the pain did not come from his own body, but from his own bones. Such a powerful sunlight directly started to melt Li Tian's bones.

"Although I don't know what the **** is this, but if this is the case, all the bones in my body may really disappear. It can't be so." Originally, Li Tian wanted to control his immortal essence on his skin. On the surface, in this way, you can ensure that you can easily control the water and cents in your body and reduce such consumption.

But now, he can only wrap all his immortality on the bones. In this way, the same penetrating sunlight will not damage his bones, although he can feel that his bone head is being damaged. The tempering changes were the same, but without the protection of these immortals, all the bones in Li Tian's body would have disappeared.

In this situation, he really had a very difficult life, and he tried very hard to resist the current situation.

"This kid's physical fitness is also very good. Otherwise, under such a very hot sun, it probably won't take long for it to truly become a pool of thick water."

"It's completely different from the two expert trials we've seen before. There are too many miracles in this human teenager, not to mention that strange flame, which seems to be a flame we have never seen before. It’s just that this guy can combine the power of faith and the immortal element to form a power that he can use. It’s just that this is enough to make us surprised. He has achieved this point at such a young age, think about it. When we were in this grade, compared with this teenager, it was so inferior."

Here, the Great Wizard and the Black Armored Knight also began to sigh with emotion. Li Tian's talent seems to have been born specifically to pass such a test. ,

In the next seven days, Li Tian must recover his physical condition under such a high-speed running state, and at the same time use his own fairy yuan to protect his bones. The extra fairy yuan will also be used Protect the body surface of one's own body to ensure that one's own immortal yuan will not be lost very seriously. Over time, even Li Tian himself could not find it.

His control of Xianyuan has risen to a new height again at this time. After all, he has to do so many things at the same time, and he has to make sure that there is no interference between each other. Such things It is a bit difficult to do it, but Li Tian is really passionate. All these problems have been solved, and he is moving in a better direction bit by bit.

I don't know how much time has passed. When Li Tian felt that he was about to faint, he finally saw a temple standing in front of him, and then immediately fainted to the ground.

When Li Tian woke up again, he found that Zi had already returned to the blood prison.

"Is this the end of my test?" Li Tian asked curiously, looking at the great wizard sitting aside.

"Do you really think that the expert test is really so easy to pass? The previous two people also passed your previous test. Although they are not at the same level as you in difficulty, they also passed. I think As long as I say this, you will understand. It’s just that passing the previous test is nothing at all. If there is really something that is difficult for you, then it is the Wanxue Ice Silkworm. It's a pity that this guy didn't release his Ice Silkworm Eight Transformation before. Otherwise, how much do you think you have to succeed in getting out of it?" The Great Wizard just looked at Li Tian indifferently. Calmly said: "Although you were very good in this test, don't forget that the dangers you have to face are not just the things you encounter."

Li Tian moved his body. When the great wizard in front of him said so, he was still a little unconvinced in his heart. Of course, this unconvinced only lasted for a while before giving up directly. He still knew very well. Under the circumstances, what should I do to better complete the situation before me? Since this test is not over yet, I believe it will definitely be something very troublesome. ,

"You now know what kind of opponent you are going to face. This is enough. For a long time from now on, you will need to fight in some trial grounds here. Only when you have won 999 games. You can leave this place and participate in the next test. There is no limit to the number of challenges you can participate in a day, but you must participate in one such challenge every day."

This sounds simple, but is it really the case? The answer is of course no. These nine hundred and ninety-nine games seem to be very simple, but in such an arena, everyone's strength level is constantly improving. When your strength reaches a certain level , Your ranking in the arena will also become higher, so that the opponents you encounter will become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, the front seems to be a very simple challenge that can be completed, but in the back, fighting one by one a day requires some effort. Even Li Tian is not sure whether such a test can really be successful so easily. .

Squinting at the great wizard in front of him, he said, "This is equivalent to letting many people continue to challenge me."

"If you can't even accept such a thing, don't even think that you can complete such a test. Just like the opponents you met before, there are some opponents you met this time. It's a really terrifying opponent." Seeing this expression on Li Tian's face in front of him, the great wizard here said calmly.

And Li Tian didn't know what to say at this time.

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