Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7956: Emperor Qi

When Li Tian subconsciously wanted to urge this thing out, he immediately felt that this was a change in his aura.

The aura of Li Tian before was a cold and murderous aura.

But now, it has become a majestic aura. You can even use your naked eyes to see the aura that surrounds you, like the aura of the emperor. Is this the bonus after the way of the king?

Li Tian is not clear.

But he knows that this kind of aura also has a very powerful effect in battle. It must be able to easily suppress his opponent. With such a method, he will do a lot later. After the incident, it will naturally become a lot easier. When thinking about this, Li Tian heaved a sigh of relief: “I didn’t expect it to be such a gift in the end. Perhaps such a gift is a gift for me. Something good."

He thought to himself, and then slowly began to understand the power of Emperor Qi thoroughly.

And here, Canglong said: "At this time, your strength is already arrogant in the God Realm. Even Nangong Jade, in terms of strength, is not as good as you."

Before, Li Tian could have played back and forth with Nangong Jade, and now Li Tian is much stronger than before. Even if it is Nangong Jade, it is definitely impossible to reverse this situation.

In the war with the true dragons, there may be real hope at this time.

Li Tian nodded and said, "What I need now is to rescue Situ Ningbing. Void Ba is still in my hands. If these guys are really not a fool, they will know what to do. "

This time he has already passed the way of the king, but Li Tian did not leave here in a hurry. Instead, he continued to practice here to restore his body to strong strength, and also to wait for Jialan and Merck, but Obviously, it took a long time for the two of them to reluctantly escape from it. Seeing Li Tian standing here, his face also became more solemn

Li Tian just smiled, looked at Jialan and Merck in front of him, and said: "You two have finally returned. From this look, your test this time is very difficult."

"Did you get out of it so quickly?" Looking at Li Tian in front of him, Jialan and Merck both followed him for a moment, then smiled and said: "I didn't expect that you were among us. The fastest one."

"Maybe the test given to me is not a very powerful test, so I can come out so quickly." Li Tian smiled and said, the test for myself is really not a difficult question, it has been very difficult before. I clearly understand how to do this. Although I have a little hesitation now, at the same time, I can easily think about the problem.

At this time, squinting at Jialan and Merck in front of him, he said, "Shall we leave here?"

"There is a huge army of Taixu clan outside. Do you really want to understand? Can you deal with such an opponent now?" Jialan here curiously looked at Li Tian in front of him and asked.

"Whether it is ready or not, I always leave here. Can I still stay here in this place for the rest of my life?" Li Tian smiled when he looked at the two people in front of him. , Said helplessly: "Well, the next step is to leave here. As for the things that may happen after this, this is no longer something I can think of, and it doesn't matter to me, no matter what the situation is. , It doesn’t matter anymore."

"Well, since you have said that, we can't say anything." Jia Lan nodded.

"Let's go, let's get out of here."

"Wait, let's see if the aura we get is the same." Jia Lan asked.

The three of them slowly released their auras. Li Tian had a golden aura, while the two of them had a dark red aura. Even if they were in power, they were not at the same level as Li Tian.

Looking at the aura in front of Li Tian, ​​Jia Lan couldn't help but said: "It's incredible, why is yours different from ours."

"Li Tian is an expert trial. Of course, it is impossible for us to be the same as his. This kind of power is of course very powerful." Merck said with a smile. Li Tian's strength has a different aura from them. It is a very reasonable thing. After all, people have been under so much pressure before, and it is quite normal to have such a benefit.

"Maybe it's like this, maybe it's because of my unusual talents, and I came out first, so it's like this, but it's always good for us. That's it." Li Tian smiled and the three said later After a few words, he headed outside the way of the king.

At this moment, in the blood prison, a golden beam of light suddenly rose to the sky, and then the whole blood prison trembled.

Originally this place was in a dim void.

But now, the original landforms are emerging around them, and they are returning to the realm of the gods. When he saw this scene before him, even the great wizard was excited. He really did not expect that the final situation would actually be true. Evolving into this way, tears even flowed from his face: "I really didn't expect that the age that Lord Tianshen said has really come."

"Although we are free, we also have the responsibilities that we must bear, whether we like it or not," the black armored knight said solemnly on one side. I have returned to the God Realm, but this place is still protected by powerful restrictions. Apart from them, no one can find this place.

Starting today, all the rules here will also change.

"Where is this young man's future just a little bit like what we see before our eyes." When the great wizard said, a figure suddenly appeared in the room.

Faceless gods. ,

When the two of them saw the one in front of them, they all knelt on the ground subconsciously: "My Lord God!"

"Get up, let you wait here for so long. Although the blood prison has returned to the gods, the rules here cannot be changed." The faceless **** looked at them and said.

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