Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8079: Send you to heaven (3)

Originally, I still didn’t want to see such a thing happen. We met each other. In this situation, Li Tian didn’t want to see it. He still hoped Wuming could truly be a smart person, realizing that This situation is already the general trend, and it is not something that a small role like him can easily change.

But the final result can only be said to be two completely different concepts from what they imagined.

Obviously, it is impossible to make such a guy in front of him truly follow him to the deserted halberd. After all, Wuming really considers himself a star in the sky at this time. I have always thought that I am an indispensable person, such an idiot, even if you want her to survive, it is impossible.

After feeling the murderous aura, Wuming also snorted, and then stood up: "What's the matter, do you still want to get rid of me here? I have said very clearly before, what kind of identity am I, King of Void How do you feel about me? If you are really prepared to do this, I advise you to be prepared. After that, what are you going to do in order to let the Void King calm down on this matter."

"Don't worry, you imagine that you are a lofty guy, no one can leave you, but in fact, after the departure of Voidmaster, a guy like you is actually useless. , After all, you guys have such amazing brain circuits. I think anyone who is smarter would not think that an idiot like you can help them. We were willing to cooperate with you before and we were willing to tell you like this, just because We know that the Taixu clan in front of us is facing danger, and we cannot divide."

"But, it's really a pity. I said so much nonsense. I hope you can really realize this and realize that our Taixu family should unite like this, but it is a pity that I said so much. It has become nonsense, you can’t listen at all. Since it’s like this, I can only do one more thing. Let you guys disappear from me so completely, this is a smarter thing. It's something." With a sneer, Li Tian at this time was also quite helpless. If he had a choice, he still didn't want to kill the guy in front of him like this.

Although this guy looks like some idiots, he hasn't really reached the point where he needs to be killed. It's just that although he thinks this way in his heart, the facts are not like this.

Even if Li Tian wants this guy to survive, it’s impossible. For an idiot like this, they can’t make any extra choices. At this time, they can only really let this guy follow theirs. I disappeared from sight. Since I was unwilling to cooperate with them, the entire Taixu clan must not be split like this. The best way is to completely eliminate such a guy with a very dangerous element. Drop.

As for Wuming, after hearing Li Tian say this, there was a more serious expression on his face.

He thought that Huang Ji really didn't dare to do this.

After all, so many people before, they have not died, they have such a complicated relationship, even the king of the void knows him clearly, and he trusts him very much. Under such circumstances, of course he does not believe that Huangji He really dared to kill himself like this. Until now, after Li Tian finished talking nonsense, he showed his murderous aura, which made him truly understand that he really seemed to be wrong.

In his own view, he seems to have a lot of key things in his hands. It is an existence that many people hope to be able to control, but in fact it is not like this. In the eyes of these superior people, he may be worthless at all. It's just a small character mentioned, a small character like this, let it disappear, and it disappears, it is impossible to continue to stay in this world like this.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, this kind of thing is impossible to happen, you can't be like this, you can't kill me like this, so that you will follow in trouble, and you will follow bad luck." Li Tian in front of him, Wuming at this time also became crazy. With a wave of his hand, there was a black sword in his hand: "Immediately disappear from my front, or I will kill you in the next second. ."

"I thought about letting you honestly cooperate with us, but you guys really toast and don’t drink fine wine. It’s this time, and I still want to resist. It seems to be an idiot like you. It has been completely wiped out. Once an idiot like you allows you to survive, it is very likely that you will also want to split the whole Taixu clan. In order to avoid such things from happening, of course I am not today. This may leave your dog's life like this." Li Tian sneered, and then waved his hand, followed by a sword in his hand.

Wuming frowned and looked at Li Tian in front of him, feeling very horrified. At this time, he knew it. The guy in front of him was not really joking, he was really trying to wipe himself out of the world.

"Wait, I'm going to see the King of the Void, I'm going to the King of the Void, I have done so many things before, even if I have no credit, I still have a hard work, you can't kill me like this, you You can't kill me like this."

"Yes, what you did before was a bit of hard work, but the face we should give you is also given to you. I hope that you can truly cooperate with us and make the whole Taixu clan stronger. But I feel helpless. This kind of thing did not happen in the end. If you want to see the King of the Void, I think you should forget it. The King of the Void clearly knows everything we do, even if you actually see it, The final result will still disappoint you. Today, I will send you to heaven. A guy like you, only in this way, can make you truly honest."

Murderous aura filled the entire room at this moment. Under the situation before him, Li Tian also raised his power to the extreme. Of course, I pretended to be necessary at this time, and I definitely did not give up.

Feeling such a powerful force, Wuming swallowed his saliva. He was also thinking in his heart that facing such an opponent, he could really defeat such an opponent so easily, ah?

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