Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 807: I want revenge

Outside the carriage, Duguxie and ghost servants were waiting there.

And Li Tian inside was practicing crazy...When he was able to fully accumulate the energy of his body into his fingers, he could feel that the energy in his fingers began to fill up gradually.

If a finger that accumulates all energy in this way, if it is really applied to a person, what terrible consequences will it have? Now even Li Tian dare not imagine.

He just felt that the **** was extremely weird, and gradually formed a variety of **** moves in his mind.

The first trick: One finger to break the sky.

There are nine incredible **** moves in this Po Tian’s finger alone. After Li Tian suddenly appeared these weird moves in his mind, he began to practice crazy, his eyes closed slightly, using his own Thought repeats the moves in the mind over and over again.


In this way, I don’t know how long time has passed. When Li Tian finally thought of Xuan Yu’s first move: Po Tian Yi pointed out to the cultivation, he slowly exhaled a white gas from his mouth... …Now he discovered the incredible thing about Xuan Yu, the tricks turned out to be so weird! If this were to fight against the enemy in the future, how much horror would it be?

He couldn't imagine it.

He said that Li Tian was slowly opening his eyes, and at the moment he opened his eyes, he found that the sky was already dark.

Unexpectedly, he had practiced for a while, and he had practiced for such a long time, Li Tian said with emotion there.

At the same time, he looked at the endless darkness outside the train, took a look, and then slowly got up from the bed.

He glanced at the bed of Duguxie and the ghost servant, hey, why are they two? Where did they go?

So Li Tian hurriedly got out of the bed, and when he opened the door of the carriage, he noticed that Duguxie and the ghost servant were standing there like a guard.

Li Tianyi was taken aback: "Why do you stand here? Why don't you go to rest inside?"

Duguxie and the ghost servant also saw Li Tian at this moment, and smiled slightly: "The young master was practicing martial arts just now...We are afraid to disturb you, so we are outside."

After Li Tian listened, he was not only moved in his heart.

He knew that his cultivation time was at least three or four hours, but he didn't expect these two famous seniors to stand outside and wait for three or four hours.

"Hey! It's me who made you tired!" Li Tian said in reproach.

The Duguxie and the ghost servant shook their heads quickly.

"The words of the young master made us flattered! Our brothers can give their lives to the young master in this life, and our elder brother...not to mention the suffering!"

Listening to their words, Li Tian was deeply moved there!

If there are such affectionate brothers for a lifetime, even death is worth it!

After Li Tian practiced for three or four hours, he didn't know why, his appetite suddenly became hungry.

So I took my brothers and ate something in the canteen on the train.

Then he returned to his car again. He wanted to see the three girls in the car of Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying, but after thinking about it, he stopped again.

When he returned to his bed seat after eating and drinking enough, Li Tian felt a little embarrassed, so he gently closed his eyes and started to rest slowly.

Duguxie and the ghost servant on one side also lay quietly on the bed to rest.

The train was still rattling, rattling.

The stations passing by in the middle stopped along the way, people got off and got on...then they drove again.

The night has finally come slowly!

Unconsciously, Li Tian and Duguxie also gradually fell asleep...

Looking at the dark night outside through the thick window glass of the train, people feel an endless sense of sadness.

Li Tian in front of him was asleep quietly, his face calm.

The Duguxie and the ghost servants over there seemed to be sleepy, and fell asleep gently there.

Time just passed by minute by minute... lived...

Just when Li Tian was sleeping quietly, his face suddenly became tense... and his mouth was trying to open, as if he wanted to scream... At the same time, both hands were suddenly clenched tightly...

What's up with him?

He looked like... as if he had had a terrible nightmare?

In fact, it is not bad, Li Tian did have that terrible dream again in his mind!

In his dream, he saw the raging fire again... saw the majestic figure covered in blood in the raging fire, with a sword in one hand... saw the posture of his king over the world.

The man turned his back to him, and the flames gradually engulfed his whole body... Li Tian wanted to scream, wanted to go up and help... It's a pity that he couldn't scream, and he couldn't even move the bullet...

Suddenly the gentle voice rang in Li Tian's ear again.

"God... take good care of yourself!"

"God... remember to take revenge later..."

"Have you seen... Have you seen the touch of these people... Remember, remember their faces... They, they are our enemies... the **** enemies..."

That gentle and beautiful voice whispered bit by bit in Li Tian's ear.

Li Tian didn't know why. After hearing this voice, tears were suddenly left in his eyes... He followed the beautiful voice and saw everyone wearing black suits and masks on their faces. Those people...They are holding all kinds of weird weapons, fighting there.

they? They are enemies!

Is my enemy!

"The enemy...I want revenge...I want revenge..."

The horrible words suddenly screamed from his mouth.

"Little Lord……"

"Young Master...you wake up...what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly when Li Tianzheng was having a nightmare, the voices of Duguxie and ghost servants came from his ears.

With a loud cry, Li Tian suddenly sat up on the bed!

He seemed to be very tired, panting there, holding his hands tightly...cold sweat...even on his forehead!

And when it was more important, his eyes turned **** red...as if he wanted to kill.

"Young Master, are you having a nightmare?" The Duguxie in front of him couldn't help but ask with his worried forehead when he saw Li Tian's cold sweat and his nervous look.

Only then did Li Tian realize that it was the dream again!

It's another weird dream I've had since childhood!

why? Why do I often have this nightmare now? And it's more clear every time?

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