Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8198: Asian mother (1)

"Indeed, this is the best kind of result." Even Jialan had to admit that their previous thoughts of rushing into the City of Sunset were really dangerous. In this place, any one The existence of these things is based on their truths. If these things are not clearly understood, there may not be any good results in the future.

They are really strong.

Looking at the expeditionary forces dispatched to the Sunset City among so many races for so many years, their strength should be considered quite terrifying, with the possibility of being able to easily destroy all of this. , But if you don't really investigate all the problems clearly and stifle all possible things in the cradle in this way, you can imagine what the final result will be like.

They will swagger into the enemy's range like this, thinking that they can change something like this, but in the end they can only find that their opponents are far more cruel than they thought, but they have no way at all. The existence of victory is dead in the hands of the opponent, and this kind of thing is the least hoped to happen.

"Indeed, Mr. Li's actions this time are really quite correct. If everything we saw before is the same as we imagined, I believe that some of the demihumans here are the source of the power of the dark hand behind the scenes. If we can destroy this place, we will naturally be able to weaken the strength of our opponents. Demihumans who have lost control will not be easy to continue fighting with us." Said the elder.

"It's exactly like this, but now that we have seen the problem, the next step is to deal with these problems. The opponent is very strong, and may even be much more powerful than we thought. I believe that we can control so much. With a large number of demihumans, this guy’s combat effectiveness must be quite BT, so at this time we have to be careful to ensure that everything can be under our control. Facing such an opponent, we must take a little bit. Be cautious, so as to survive better." Jialan said here.

Several people then began to continue to pass down.

After that, they saw a lot of incubation pools one after another. Everything here seems to be normal. Most of the demihumans are in a dormant state in the nest, which is why they can directly They came here, but they weren't discovered. Firstly, the aura on their body was hidden, and there was no way for these demihumans to notice.

The reason is that these demihumans have always been in a deep dormant state. If there is no discovery or warning, they will naturally be impossible to find.

In this way, Li Tian and the others will also be much more relaxed. They can penetrate into this lair so quickly and truly understand what the secret is in this lair. Everything here looks different from what was previously imagined. Too the same, it's more like an unknown danger.

There are strange chambers in many places in the lair. These chambers are filled with strange organ-like things. It can be felt that these are all living demihumans. Probably during the period of their dormancy, It is to imprison themselves in such an environment, relying on this method to reduce their own consumption, and at the same time, they are slowly transmitting part of their body power.

The situation is similar to what we saw in the cultivation vessel before, but obviously they consume very little. Basically, after the next waking up, they can quickly go into battle, but the demihumans in the cultivation vessel can They are not so lucky. Even if they really wake up like this, the final result will still be the same as before.

"Be careful, I think we are about to enter their range. In the next period of time, we must be able to meet some guy who can stop us here." Li Tian's face read. Shi followed with a very solemn expression. It was different from before. They were approaching the secrets of this place little by little. I believe this place also has very strict protection. Under such a situation, how to deal with the present? Such a troublesome thing is also quite a headache.

"All in all, be careful. Next we are going to face some fun things." When Li Tian spoke, he entered the second stage. Although he did not release all his aura, it was just that. It also made others feel oppressed. The royal guards standing next to Jia Lan had strange expressions on their faces.

They are very worried that if such a young man is their opponent, according to their current state, can they stop the guy in front of them?

After thinking about it, I realized that the possibility of such a thing happening is very small. The possibility that they can prevent Li Tian from doing this is also very small. The guy in front of him is indeed quite to a certain extent. Difficult and terrifying opponents are now, and naturally there is some worry in this situation.

"Looking at you like this, you must have been promoted during this period of time."

"Of course, don't take ten years. If you don't make any progress, you will be laughed at by others. I think I have mastered some methods myself." Li Tian said with a smile, ten years I haven’t seen it, my strength is not very high, but looking at Jialan next to him, this guy has obviously changed a lot in the past ten years. It seems that in the realm of Taixu, this guy is above the aura. I didn't get anything good, but in terms of strength, he was much more powerful than himself. At the moment, I really want to see what Jialan shots like.

When they were talking, they dreamtly entered into a huge square. Then, they saw a huge crimson-like insect-like creature here. They were hovering here at this moment. From the tail of the insect, there was constantly The young eggs were released, and this was the mother who produced the demihumans, and they didn't expect that they would be able to see the mother so soon.

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