Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8214: Lost (2)

"Master Witch King!"

"Back?" The Witch King looked at the thorns kneeling in front of him, and said, "I have seen all the battles between you!"

"Let my lord down, I didn't..."

"Hehe, although that human teenager is said to be very strong, it's just like this. In the battle with you, it's only taking advantage of this little bit. From this point of view, we were probably true before. I take such a young man too seriously. I thought this young man could really defeat us and destroy the City of Sunset. It doesn't look like this now." The Witch King said contemptuously, as if it was because of the previous one. After a fight, he saw his hope of winning easily in this war.

"My lord, I also hope that things are like this, but at the moment, this young man seems to be really stranger than we thought. His fighting style, combat effectiveness, and all kinds of places are all against normal humans. Different, the subordinate thinks, we should be more careful."

"You have to be careful, but you should not be too careful. This kid is just like this when facing you. Think about it if you can use all your accomplishments in dark spells, deal with one Such an opponent is of course not to be a problem. A young man who can't even defeat any of my black film machines, would he still want to defeat me here?" The Witch King sneered, not as worried as before.

The thorn just kneeled on the ground, cautiously,

"However, has the drug barrier been arranged?"

"Yes, the drug barrier has been arranged. According to our plan, this wave can weaken their strength and make their combat effectiveness weaken a lot, so that when they want to deal with us later, they will also It can only be found that relying on their strength alone, there is no way to defeat us at all!" After thinking about it, Thorn still said cautiously.

"Although it is said that, but whether the final thing is still the same as we imagined, I believe this is something that many people cannot clearly understand. I hope you can be more careful in this way. Under the circumstances, I don’t want to see something unexpected to me. I must find and find a way to deal with these guys, you know?"

"My lord, don't worry. After this time, their strength is weakened. When they see us, it will be impossible to fight with us!"

"It's best to look like this, so that's what I want to see. Besides, what about other things?"

"All the defenses have been arranged. I think they may not even insist on coming to this place to see you. When they enter the city of sunset, they will not survive many people, plus we are in the city of sunset. The arrangement, and our four dark generals, even such a powerful team is of no avail. This time they will die here, and it is impossible for one person to leave here alive." After thinking about it, Thorn This is very serious and very harsh.

She knew that she was 100% sure.

"Very good, very good, this really makes me quite satisfied. Seeing such an opponent suddenly appeared in my sight, I was a little worried, worried that they would really give us the situation created over the years. What kind of influence? Now it seems that they still can’t shake our sunset city. It’s just a pity. We have lost control of the demihumans. We must hurry up and create a new mother. We absolutely can’t let this happen. Deteriorating!"

"Yun Shuo has already done this, but the creation of Amu will still take a while. It seems that during this time, we can only let the demigods go on like this. Fortunately, these guys are nothing to us. It's just some rubbish, even if it is dead, it is nothing. They are dead, and they can use their nutrients to restore the void whale."

"Well, hurry up and arrange these things. If these humans have any other actions, they should tell me as soon as possible." After thinking about it, the Witch King decided to pay close attention to these humans, it seems Everything is in my own hands, but if something unexpected happens afterwards, this is something I regret. At least in this situation, I still don’t want the final thing to become like this. , I still hope that this time I can really find and change all the ways.

"My lord, don't worry, you will proceed as you think!"


On the other side, Li Tian and the others have been lost in this poisonous barrier. It has been a while, and many people have begun to have bad reactions. At the beginning, they could indeed rely on Xianyuan to protect themselves, but later , The situation has changed a bit. From this it seems that their opponents really make them feel a little horrible. They can penetrate their protection so easily and slowly penetrate into their bodies.

As a result, two people died after this.

"How long do we need?" Jialan was also unbearable. If this goes on, I really don't know what the excitement will become in the end.

"His Royal Highness, I know you are very anxious. At our current speed, it will take us half a day to make this drug barrier. This is the best result!" Long Chang looked at Jialan with an innocent look. Naturally, he also knew what Jialan was thinking about now. Under such a situation, Garland naturally hoped that he could end it better.

However, this is the cruel reality. Even if they know how to enter the city of sunset, it still takes some time to do such a thing.

"I see, for half a day, I hope everyone can hold on." Jialan said helplessly. In the entire guard team, there are only five people left at this time. If this happens later, the combat effectiveness will be weakened even more. Up.

"If you want to live, you need to pay a price, but they won't sacrifice like this in vain!" Li Tian said, his eyes flashed with gloom and coldness. This Witch King, no matter what, must be here, completely. Get rid of it!

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