Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8261: Blackening

Such a situation is really something the Witch King has never seen before. According to the normal situation, Li Tianzhen at this time should have completely lost the ability to fight. If this happens, it will naturally be like this. He was easily defeated by the Witch King in front of him, but, ideally like this, there was obviously a possibility outside the normal plan.

Before, Li Tian had always thought in his heart that no matter what he became, what he had to do was such a thing, and he must defeat the opponent in front of him.

No matter how powerful or terrifying the opponent is, these are meaningless. Even if the opponent in front of you is really capable, it may not be anything if you want to solve such an opponent. Very difficult things, I can successfully handle these troublesome things.

Such a firm idea in his mind has allowed Li Tian's mind and dark power to reach a delicate balance!

Now, he is indeed completely eroded by the dark power, but at the same time he still maintains his previous thoughts, no matter what, he must defeat the Witch King here, even if he pays any price, he must complete this. This is what Li Tian had in mind at this time.

After feeling such a strange change, of course the Witch King also felt a little weird. It seems that there is something different from what he imagined. At this time, I really want to retreat from here, but in front of him This situation does not seem to be as relaxed as imagined. When such thoughts appear in my mind, I also want to follow this backward step.

It’s just that this kind of thought has not really been realized. It’s just a few steps back, and then I feel the powerful aura shrouded in such a sudden. In desperation, I can only stand here, and then forcefully resist. With such a strange power, looking at the young man in front of him, his eyes are already full of curiosity. Such a young man shows such a means at this time. There is really no way to explain what is going on here. It's going on.

This boy looks like this at this time. There are many differences from what they had imagined before. At this time, he can only look at the boy in front of him with strange eyes, hoping to see the boy’s face. See what you want to see on the Internet. Of course, if you just look at it right away, the possibility of such a thing is still very low.

"This is impossible. No one has ever been able to do such a thing. You actually defeated the dark power in your body. Such a thing is impossible and absolutely impossible." Looking at Li Tian. It seems that the Witch King can only be a sentence like constant pets. This kind of thing happened completely beyond the scope of his own recognition.

Among these things that I know, such a situation has never happened before. As a human being, how can it be possible to withstand such a powerful dark force?

The boy in front of him is indeed a little different from others. Not only is he better than them in terms of strength, the same talent and his own body also have some differences, but even this looks You can't let such a young man suppress and easily control the dark power in his body. I have seen many people swallowed up by the dark power before, and they are not like this after this.

It's just that Li Tian in front of him does not seem to be the case.

Li Tian stood up slowly, the wound on his body was slowly recovering this time. In the previous battles, he was suppressed by the Witch King in front of him. After all, he needed to put his mind on other things. There is no way to really concentrate one's attention against such an opponent in front of him. If this is the case, the problem can be imagined. Although it is said that it is quite hard to change fate, the final result will still be the same as before. There is no change.

In this state, he simply couldn't restore his strength to the level of the original peak.

But now it's different.

The current state can be said to be completely different from the previous two concepts. In this process, Li Tian released all the dark powers in his body. At this time, he did not consider what needs to be resisted. On the contrary, it accepts the existence of such power in this way, and it is also conceivable that such a situation is indeed somewhat surprising.

Under such circumstances, I don't know what things will become.

"Look at you like this, I also know how you think in your heart, but what can be done like this, it looks like it is very relaxed, but in fact you are just scaring me, want to rely on this Do you think that I really can’t defeat you? Li Tian, ​​this kind of thinking is really weird. What do you think this way can change?"

"Kill you, kill you, I am going to kill you here today." At this time, Li Tian is completely irrational and looks more like a beast, so he looks at the person in front of him with fierce eyes The opponent, there is only one such thought in his mind. Under this situation, there is only one thing that comes to mind. Do your best to kill the opponent in front of you.

Seeing this emotion in Li Tian's eyes, the Witch King was taken aback for a while, and then swallowed his saliva.

This young man was completely swallowed by his own dark power. It can be said that Li Tian has become a walking corpse controlled by the dark power, but even in this state, such a young man is actually He can still deal with the situation in this way. It can be said that such a scene is really two extremes from the scene he had imagined before. It is really impossible for such a young man to be able to do so. Knowing what to say, this kid might be a real one who can surprise them.

"Damn it, under such a situation, it is really surprising that I can show such terrifying power." Witch King said, and at the same time thinking about how he could get out of here, this guy in front of him. The strength has already shown some greatness. Under such a situation, I must find a better way to handle it.

However, just when such a thought flashed through his mind, Li Tian moved.

Before that, he had always stood in place.

But in the next second, a black whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of him. In the next second, Li Tian had already arrived in front of the Witch King. He directly raised his hand, grabbed the Witch King’s head, and flew towards the distance. The ground rushed over.

Only heard the sound of ‘Boom’, the Witch King’s whole body was taken into flight like this, and then hit the ground heavily, his face on the ground!

At this moment, the Witch King really felt that he had no dignity. He had been a king here for so many years, but suddenly a young man like this appeared, and he showed such terrifying power!

"Dark Covenant!" said the Witch King, and then his body quickly separated from Li Tian's hands like this. The armor on his body was a little broken, and the whole person looked very embarrassed. Of course, it was just such a small attack just now. It's not that much. The battle between the two of them has only really begun. He looked at Li Tian, ​​and he had many thoughts in his mind at this time.

Before this, I wanted to swallow this young man, and then let the powerful force in the young man’s body nourish him and become stronger, but the final result turned out to be like this, which makes people feel Somewhat unexpectedly, I don't know what to say in such a situation. At this moment, I can only focus all my attention on this matter.

In the next second, I saw Li Tian in front of him suddenly rushing over like this. There was no sign at all. This young man just rushed over again like this, once the Witch King flew out. Then it hit the ground heavily.

"Damn, you really think I'm your toy. If you fight, let's fight hard. Don't trouble me like this. Do you think this way can hurt me?" The Witch King stood up from the ground and stared. Looking at Li Tian's words like this, this kind of battle scene is really shameful. Before I imagined that I could find many possibilities to defeat the opponent in front of me.

However, after saying this sentence, there are some regrets.

Li Tian's left hand slowly lifted up like this, and raised it very high, and then above her head, a dark golden energy ball slowly condensed like this. Under such a situation, it is also conceivable. What the final result will turn into, this battle, perhaps from the very beginning, will not be what they imagined, what kind of changes.

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