Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8360: set off

It seems to be a peaceful situation, but in fact there are many, many problems involved. Li Tian himself also knows that this situation is not simple.

In the next few days, Li Tian locked himself in this room and concentrated on his own business. No one knew what it was doing. During this time, Chen An visited one place. I wanted to see Li Tian, ​​but in the end, he was disappointed. When faced with such a situation, I didn't know what I should do.

However, at this point of departure, Li Tian came early.

The second person who came here was Zang Ji. She smiled after seeing Li Tian.

"You two came early."

"Yes!" Li Tian replied, and then looked at the man in front of him. This man is a guardian next to Staka. His name is Adam. This guy's combat effectiveness can be said to be quite strong. At this time, he looked at each other face to face. Li Tian didn’t know if he could defeat the guy in front of him. If he could show his Holy Spirit level strength, of course he could easily defeat this opponent, but the problem was that he couldn’t show it like this now. Therefore, the guy in front of him is really difficult for Li Tian, ​​and he doesn't know if he can really defeat such an opponent, but fortunately, the guy in front of him is not their enemy.

"This is the best thing. For this task, I still hope that everyone can be as active as you two, and value the task this time. I know that in the minds of many people, or not at all This matter should be something, but I don’t want the two of you to be like this. You two are the two most powerful people. Many things require your cooperation to solve these troublesome things." Looking at the two of them very seriously, Adam talked like a serious teacher.

Li Tian smiled and said, "Of course I also know that this is the best choice, but what is the situation of this team and what kind of trouble it will show afterwards? I think this time for us It's very curious to say that even I don't know what the final result will be like." He sighed helplessly, and Li Tian could only say that he was rather helpless.

"Well, I hope there will be no problems. If you really have problems with each other, then it is better to pray that you will not follow bad luck. It is of course a terrible thing to make us angry. Be angry, I will let you see how good I am, and then the problem will not be as simple as what you see now." When Adam was speaking, others followed slowly, seeing the Zang who was already here. Both Ji and Li Tian still had some problems. They didn't expect that the two of them came so quickly, so they were really positive.

When everyone came here, Staka also slowly came out of the room. After seeing them, he smiled: "It seems that everyone is ready. Since it is like this, we Get ready to go. Of course, before that, I hope you can understand that it is not only our team who will enter this field this time, but there are also people from Meng Laka."

"In other words, we have to fight with them. If possible, kill all of them, right?" The expressions on the faces of several people here also became serious. Under this situation, If you really start your hands, no one knows what will happen in the end, but it can be understood that these are all likely to make the war between Slovakia and Mengrak that calm down once again. Curtain.

"Of course, this is to be done when there is no other way. If allowed, of course we still hope that the two sides can leave here peacefully. Although the means of fighting is very good, it does not require anything. Use this method to let the other party know that we are great. Of course, I don’t want to see this happen. Although I know that you are all excellent fighters, we are also facing some troublesome things at the same time. I hope you can control your emotions a little bit at this time." Sita Ka said seriously, the emotions that flashed in his eyes were enough to make them realize that they were facing these at this time. What kind of situation.

Li Tian said on the side: "It is indeed like this, things have become like today, which really makes us feel very surprised, but since they are all in this way, in the next period of time, they will naturally use it. They have dealt with these problems in their own way." Squinting his eyes, he is also quite helpless in this situation. If the situation is really in a state of tension, there is nothing to say then, the battle is Up.

What kind of method is needed to be able to fight back and forth with each other, this also needs them to try and see.

"Only under very special circumstances, you can take action. Of course, if the saint remains in our hands, Anthony is when these guys are preparing to take it from us. Under this situation Naturally, there is nothing to say. Since they provoked such a war on their own initiative, of course we have to accompany them to carry out this war to the end. If such a thing happens, you can just sell it. "Stakka said.

After ordering something, everyone began to act.

They looked very excited one by one, and only Li Tian and Zang Ji were still unmoved in this situation. They all understood clearly, it seemed a simple matter, but waited until When they really start to take action, they will naturally understand that the problem is not as simple as they imagined. The opponent they are going to face this time is definitely not as easy to deal with as they imagined. Some people are really quite difficult.

The idea of ​​a few people is still too simple, naively thinking that they can really find the remains of the saint this time, even if the last thing will not fall into their hands, they will follow to get some benefits.

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