Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 833: came back

After Li Tian and the others took the brothers and drove to park at the place where he used to live, the neighborhood and neighbors all walked out of the house at this moment, and blinked their eyes to look here.

Among them are two middle-aged women aged 3040, dressed plainly, the other is bloated, and on the side are several elderly aunts who are talking about it.

"Huh, who is that?"

"Who came back in such a pomp, driving the car? One of the women in an apron with a white face still on their hands asked him.

"I don't know! These people don't look like people from our village, right?" Another woman in checkered clothes murmured while hugging her child.

"Definitely not from our village! Look at those two women...like fairies...I guess they must be women from big cities!" The woman in the apron pointed at Duanmu Ying and Situ Ningbing there. Tao said, a pair of jealous eyes stared at the whole body of Mu Ying and Situ Ningbing... the eyes revealed the jealousy that women should have!

"Well... I guess so!"

"Hey...look at that...that person...isn't it...little boy!" Suddenly, a woman here suddenly pointed to Li Tiandao who was talking, as if being bitten by a poisonous snake. .

Following the direction of her fingers, the two women in front of them also turned their gazes to Li Tiantou.

"Ah! It's really that boy Li..."

"It's him, isn't it him?"

When these women saw Li Tian at a glance, they were completely stunned.

It turns out that these neighbours in the neighbourhood used to call Li Tian a boy Li...At that time in Liaocheng, Li Tian was notoriously "bad". It was originally because Li Tian was an orphan... all neighbours in the neighbourhood paid back It was good to him... so when they saw that it turned out to be Li Tian, ​​they all appeared shocked.

"Oh my God! Little Li Xiaobai can't think of being mixed up like this?"

"Yeah, didn't this little boy suddenly left Liaocheng two years ago? This time he drove the car... and came back with his wife... really good, really capable!"

"That's right! Look at how many signs the daughter-in-law looks like... She's really beautiful, and she's still pretty as well as the people on TV." The women all talked, and at the same time, there was fiery envy in their eyes. look.

"Hey, isn't it right? Are those three handsome girls still the daughter-in-law of the little boy? He dares to marry three alone? Can't find her for family planning!"

"Hehe, that's not sure, right now, don't all the wealthy people out there have some little thirds and little fourths... Maybe, that little Li Xiaozi has so many little wives..." These women are there. Talking with a smile.

"Aunt Wang, sister-in-law Liu... are you all here?" Li Tian had already heard the laughter of several women here. He turned his head and looked at the women with a smile. At this moment, the brothers also turned their heads and looked at the women.

When the women saw Li Tian talking to them, they quickly said: "Little Li! So you are back..."

"I was talking to you Sister Liu just now? Whose family came back in such a pomp... It turned out to be you ass!"

"Going out for two years, I didn't expect you to be like this..."

"Yes, I also brought back the handsome wife, you really belong to you! Haha!"

The women said with a smile.

Li Tian has lived in Liaocheng for so many years, and of course he knows the customs and habits of this place. At this moment, he smiled and said, "I am okay!"

"How are you? Are you okay at home?"

"All good, all good!" The women said with a smile.

"Oh, all right!"

"Xiao Li, you have money now... and you are driving in the car... Are you going to come back this time to prepare a new house and marry a daughter-in-law?" The woman named Liu Sister-in-law holds her nose running Child, smiled there and said to Li Tian.

Li Tian laughed and joked, "I have this plan!"

"That's good... you should also marry a wife... Marry a wife, sister-in-law, I will prepare two sets of new cotton quilts for you!"

"Haha, thank you sister-in-law!" Li Tian said with a smile.

Although the people in these small county towns are poor, they retain the most sincere feelings in human nature! Unlike in big cities, although they have money, what about their real emotions?

Having said that, those women finally knew that Li Tian was back, and they all praised Li Tian for his talents! Not only drove into the car, but also brought back a handsome wife.

What about Li Tian? After speaking to the neighbors one by one, he turned his head and said to the brothers behind him: "Where are these people? They used to be my neighbors in the neighborhood... They all looked at me since childhood. Grown up!"

"Oh! That's how it is!" the brothers said slightly there.


"Let's go, go to my room and have a look!"

While talking inside, he walked towards his simple little room, and the brothers followed.

There was a small rusty iron lock on the iron door, but the key had already been lost by Li Tian.

At this moment, Tang Xiaolong lifted a brick from the ground and said, "Little boss, let me come..."

As he said, he turned his head and slammed on the little iron rope, and with a bang, the iron lock opened!

"Hehe, come in and take a look at the small room I lived in back then!" Li Tian said with a smile, pushing open the iron door of the small room in front of him.

After pushing away, he smelled a long-lasting dusty smell, but brothers didn't mind! And the Duguxie and the ghost servants walked in after walking in!

This is a rudimentary house, the rudimentary room is only about 30 square meters.

After walking in, all the previous scenes appeared in Li Tian's mind...

There is a small iron bed and a table in the room. There is a stone stove next to it, and there are dusty pots and pans on it!

This is the original Li Tian, ​​this is the original simple life.

Looking at all of this... the brothers felt an uncomfortable feeling in their hearts.

Especially the Duguxie and the ghost servants, when they saw that their elder brother's son had led such a bleak life for so many years, the two felt more uncomfortable than anyone else.

How about the clean Duanmu Sakura? When I saw Li Tian's previous life, I felt a bit of heartache in my heart. At this moment, he raised his beautiful eyes and looked at Li Tian... But what about Situ Ningbing? Needless to say!

At this moment, she was slowly cleaning up the dirty things in the room, wiping the dust, Duanmuying saw Situ Ningbing working there to clean up the dilapidated room of Li Tian before, and she couldn't help but walk over to clean up...

At this moment, the two beautiful women seemed to have become Li Tian's wives!

Only Li Tian didn't think there was anything, and smiled there and said, "This room is too small and too dirty... Do you mind?"

"Don't mind! How can you mind!"

"Little boss, who the **** dare to say that this room is not good, Tang Xiaolong is the first to have trouble with him!"


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