Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 835: Grudges, hatred

The man with glasses smiled slightly, two thin and white fingers were gently gripped there playfully, and then said: "Do you know that the evil sword Duguxie, and the shadow ghost servant has been born? Up?"


When the spectacle man in front of him suddenly said such a sentence, the woman in a black costume appeared quite shocked, as if she had heard the great things.

"They were born?"


"Master, do they know?"

Suddenly, her voice became a little weird, and at the same time a deep surprised look appeared in her eyes, as if she was very scared to hear about Duguxie and the birth of a ghost servant.

But seeing the man with glasses smiled slightly: "It seems that you have stayed in this place for a long, long time... I don't even know the outside world."

The woman in black suddenly snorted: "Do you think I want to stay in this shabby place?"

"And staying for so many years?"

There was endless anger in his voice.

When the man with glasses heard him say this, he sighed slightly: "Yes! We have no choice! We have no choice..."

There was also helplessness in the voice of the man with glasses.

"Let's talk about it, when did Duguxie and the ghost servant born?"

"Is the other one born? Is he really still alive?" The masked woman suddenly asked strangely.

The man with glasses slowly said, "Duguxie and the ghost servant are already born!"

"And they have found his son!" The glasses man said suddenly.

"Li Tian? Did they know? Did they know that Li Tian is his son?" Suddenly the woman in black suddenly called out Li Tian's name.

Who is she?

Why does she know Li Tian's name?

Does she still know Li Tian? how is this possible?

When she said this sentence in horror, the man with glasses slowly said, "Yes! Duguxie and the ghost servant already know that Li Tian is his son! Now they have their surname. Li's boy is by his side, protecting him..."

"Oh my God! I didn't expect Li Tian to go out for only two years...Duguxie and the ghost servants found him!" A woman in black suddenly said.


How could she even know that Li Tian had been outside for two years in such details?

Why is she so familiar with Li Tian?

"What about the master? What does the master plan to do?" The woman in front of me suddenly asked.

"The master had already decided to kill the kid surnamed Li... But then I thought about it and changed my attention... Now his decision is still to find him!"

"Some time ago, I heard that the ecstasy, Ouyang Longyan, and the drunkard used to kill the kid surnamed Li according to the owner's order...but something seemed to happen in the middle...the three of them were given by a mysterious expert. Stopped...According to the ecstasy, that expert has reached the point where he can hurt people invisible by plucking leaves, so the three of them retreated..."

The woman in black heard the "glasses" in front of her suddenly saying so, she was slightly startled, holding up a pair of horrified eyes and quickly asked: "Oh my God? Is it really him, he is not dead?"

"No! It can't be him! It's absolutely impossible!" The glasses said suddenly.

"Why?" the woman in black asked coldly. ,

"Because of that **** night 20 years ago, I saw his martial arts be destroyed with my own eyes... I saw his hands and hamstrings were destroyed with my own eyes!" The suddenly hot eyes of the glasses recalled the crazy **** more than 20 years ago. One night...

"Although he was invincible in the world, even though a man brought his children out of heavy encirclement... But how could he escape? He knew that the master was still out there with all the masters, in order to get His life...He is a Cthulhu, but after all, he is not a true God...So he was taken by us! He finally fell...Although the master asked not to take his life... But we were still afraid of him, so We decided to sever his muscles... so that he could never use martial arts again..."

The glasses spoke word by word about the **** events that took place twenty years ago.

At the same time, the terrifying picture appeared in my mind for no reason. The picture was full of scarlet blood...stained all over the ground, and there were countless corpses next to them...Those corpses were all expert corpses... But this is the case. He was still standing with the sword, fighting in blood, all around him were masters who took his life one after another...Finally, he finally fell. The man who used to scorn the sky and the earth fell at that moment, his eyes With blood in his eyes and endless hatred, I watched my son being taken away by these people with my own eyes...I watched my hands and feet were alive and destroyed by others...

Blood and hate!

After the spectacles recounted the **** incident more than 20 years ago, the woman in black in front of her suddenly froze there.

No one knew what she was thinking at the moment, and no one knew who she was.

"Could it be that his people have really been abolished by you?"

"Yeah! Absolutely waste!" Glasses said.

"If it's abolished... then why is the master looking for him? Why is it still looking for a disabling person? The woman in front of me suddenly roared.

The glasses suddenly said: "Because he is not dead!"

"Scorpion, you have been following our master for so long, you should know his habits... So whether the master is searching all over the world, he must find him who disappeared inexplicably back then, let him die, and let him die in front of the master. If you do, the master will give up!"

"Besides... Scorpion, think about it, he was taken back by us back then, and there were so many masters to look after him, but he still disappeared inexplicably... The world is so big, so the master feels that there are other things in this world. A peerless character... and has been protecting him in secret."

Who is he?

What is the spectacles in front of me and what this mysterious and weird woman is talking about?

If you want to trace it back, you may have to trace it to the **** past twenty years ago!

He, of course, is Cthulhu!

The man who used to be proud of the world, standing in power, and the highest peak of glory.

But because after a **** night twenty years ago, the evil **** disappeared, and in a blink of an eye, it was more than twenty years of mist.

What happened that night? Who knows the real truth, presumably the glasses in front of him should know everything, and there is no doubt that he was also involved in the **** night of murder twenty years ago.

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