Li Tianke on the other side is going to be much more relaxed. At the beginning, he started to worry about the success rate of his action, but now he doesn’t think like that at all. The series of things that happened before him seem to be the same as before. The imagination is different. How can we better deal with the following troubles? This is something Li Tian must think about now.

The opponents seem to have become more and more complicated. It is not a simple thing to deal with them. These guys are always following these very troublesome masters. The existence of these people actually makes Litian this Bian also began to feel a little helpless. If they continue in this state, it won't take long for them to face these rather complicated situations.

Li Tian was worried about how long he could hold on.

Although this can prevent their alliance from attacking the gods in a short period of time, how long can they last like this?

On this day, I was still hiding in the shadows. After these few days, I have become completely accustomed to this. Let myself hide in this place, and then expand my mind as much as possible to determine whether the surroundings are really my own Opponents, if there are real alien creatures appearing, assess their strength and make sure that they are not difficult opponents, and they will be completely wiped out.

This is what Li Tian is doing now. It sounds complicated, but in fact it is not like this at all. Everything is in a very normal state, and it seems that these problems can always be handled well.

Li Tian himself was not as worried about the series of things that happened before him, but was very calm.

Some things that seem complicated, but in fact, I don't need to worry about anything at all. I can always find the flaws easily and defeat the opponent completely.

Li Tian squinted his eyes at this time and looked at the Crescent City in the distance: "These guys are much smarter after this period of time. Maybe he really knows that he has a small chance of winning against opponents like me. This time I gave up such an idea." Frowning, facing such a thing at this moment, Li Tian is more relaxed than they thought.

At the beginning, the plan can always be simple and successful, but as time goes by, the opponent slowly starts to prepare, and of course it becomes a small and difficult thing to complete such a task. At least, it will not be as simple as before to defeat these opponents. The Void King and these alien creatures are also making such preparations, hoping that they can change something like this.

Li Tian is very clear about this, so he is also preparing for what he can do to deal with the series of troubles that may arise after this.

Frowning, what you need to do at this time is to wait for your prey to appear, and then kill the prey. It can't be the king of the void to come here to capture himself, if it is like this, the void The King himself began to lower his own value. After that, the right to speak in the alliance would naturally be different. This is the best reason Li Tian can relax now.

When thinking like this, a stranger appeared in front of him. This guy should have left New Moon City and returned to his otherworld to mobilize his army.

After seeing this guy, Li Tian smiled: "Hehe, I want to leave here so anxiously, but some of my thoughts are too simple. If I can let you leave so easily, it would be great." He sneered. At this moment, when facing such a situation, Li Tian showed that many places are much more mature than any one here. These alien creatures want to escape from their own hands. This is not at all. possible.

When speaking, it was confirmed that this alien creature had already left a certain distance.

At this time, Li Tian directly rushed out, and then forcibly dragged the opponent in front of him into his own world.

"I want to give you a chance, but it doesn't seem to be necessary now. After so many things have happened, you are still willing to oppose us. In this case, all we can choose is to say that you are defeated and completely wiped out. This is the last thing I want to see, but it is obvious that I can't blame me for this step. You have chosen all of this, and you naturally have to bear the consequences of all this." Li Tian squinted. Eyes, looking at the alien creature in front of him.

And this alien creature is not as nervous as the emotions displayed by those guys before, but rather calm, and there is an indescribable calmness in his eyes. This feeling also makes Li Tianzai. I felt the threat for the first time. The guy in front of me was really too calm, as if the things that happened to him had nothing to do with him. Under such circumstances, he was able to look at him lightly. Like a okay person, the possibility of such a thing happening is inherently low.

Staring and looking at the guy in front of him seriously, Li Tian could already smell the difference in this.

Maybe this guy really won't be easily defeated by himself like the other alien creatures before, maybe the many aspects that this guy showed are also not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

"You see, this is what you need to face right now. You want to kill me to complete your mission, but do you really think you can handle such a thing?" This alien creature Looking at Li Tian in front of him calmly, he said: "You have made so many actions before, and it is a good choice, but do you really think you can change anything like this? For us, Your strength is nothing at all."

"It seems that the king of the void can no longer continue to watch with cold eyes, so he needs to take action to stop me, right?" Li Tian looked at this guy with a smile. This is not an alien creature anymore. What identity, this is still uncertain for the time being, but obviously he still has the power to fight himself, otherwise the Void King would not send such a guy here to seduce himself.

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