Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8424: the way

The way of fighting has become very important at this time. After all, he is facing such an opponent. Li Tian wants to defeat this opponent because he has clearly understood a problem. This opponent is very powerful, Yuan Fei. I imagined an opponent that could be dealt with so easily, but it would definitely be impossible for me to give up this battle like this.

Now you have to stick to your own ideas and fight as before, so that you can better accomplish some things after this.

Kodak's methods are very different and tough. It is a tricky guy for them, but this will not affect their future thinking.

After finding the right way, he can still defeat this guy easily, so now Li Tian doesn’t worry about anything. He just didn’t find the weakness of this guy. When he finds it, there will be so many more. Happened?

"I know what you are thinking about now." Kodak sneered. How the young man in front of him is thinking about this matter, they can be said to know well, in such a situation. There is nothing wrong with Li Tian’s idea. It is certainly not an easy task to defeat such an opponent, but if you want to survive here and want to ensure that you are still alive, then only this is left. A choice is made to find the weakness of this opponent and ensure that one can defeat such an opponent. This is a very important thing, and many things that have happened before have explained this point.

They have no other choice, and now they can only make such a decision.

The body stopped quickly, and then waited to look at the opponent in front of him and exhale deeply. Li Tian still had to admit that in some things, this guy did a perfect job.

"His body is covered with some strange things, more like a way of material transformation, which can absorb your power and transform it into the power used by this guy in battle, but think about it if such a transformation is A limitation. Although such a method is very BT, many things in this world are very fair. It is absolutely impossible for such a situation to occur suddenly, right?" Li Tian and Canglong in front of them were also quite excited. The situation before them was already two completely different concepts from what they had imagined before.

Li Tian frowned at this time, and said very solemnly: "It is indeed like this. The problem is not as simple as we thought, but it is not yet the time when we need to give up. No matter what, we still have to Keep fighting and let me see what this guy is capable of."

"I think you might have guessed something, but you are really too slow. After so long, I still can’t figure out what kind of situation I am in. This is a rather shameful thing in itself. Your hands are constantly passing by, what I have to do now is very simple, I am going to kill you!" Kodak followed again, and the speed of this guy was a little faster than before. ,

There was a fierce light in Li Tian's eyes. Such an opponent is indeed difficult to deal with. It has exceeded his previous imagination.

"Is it possible or not? It seems that I have no extra choice today. Since I am standing here, maybe there is only one choice left in front of me. I am the only one who defeats an opponent like you. The thing that needs to be done the most." Li Tian roared loudly. The opponent is really much stronger than he thought. With his current strength, he can't even feel the slightest way to defeat the guy in front of him. , But if you let yourself give up like this, it is obviously completely impossible.

Go all out, this is the state you need most.

When talking, the dark dragon king armor on his body has slowly revealed itself. Before, all of them were in such a state when they were fighting against opponents at the fifth or higher level of the Holy Spirit. After all, the third The stage is very costly for oneself. If you can't control the energy well, you may not defeat your opponent and then you will be unlucky.

This situation is not a very happy situation. It is something that Li Tian has never thought of before, but now that it is already like this, it seems that he has no other choice now.

He knew that the opponent he faced in front of him was very powerful, but he couldn't give up the idea of ​​fighting like this. If that was the case, he could only try it.

The Dark Dragon King Kai released a group of dark golden light, and the entire light flashed the void with the shining, and then the powerful power began to fill the surroundings.

Only when I heard a ‘click’, the surrounding space seemed to be shattered. Li Tian and Kodak in front of them all entered a concrete space.

"You can defeat me here, you think this way, right?"

Li Tian did not speak. At this time, he was completely immersed in the impact of such a powerful force. Although this feeling is not the first time, I don’t know why Li Tian always feels like this. Everyone can be intoxicated. It is still necessary to say that the power of the Dark Yaolong King Armor is really powerful. Under such a state, it can clearly feel that it has displayed many different places.

This world is very desolate, surrounded by bare mountains, no plants can be seen on it, and there are yellow sands on the surroundings. Everything is revealed so desolate, it is like a person who has not known for many years. You can feel the desolate feeling revealed by this piece of land. At this time, smiling and looking at the opponent in front of him, Li Tian said: "Here I may be able to defeat you, maybe also It will fail like this, but it’s more comfortable than being in the void. What's more, your power increase in the void here has no effect. On the contrary, my strength here is stronger.”

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