Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8467: Foreign land

Li Tian chose a place like Yulin and hoped that he could find Nanmuye and the others quickly. I don’t know where these children are now, but I understand that this place is very complicated and involves many problems. At this time, of course, you can't take it lightly, you still have to go all out, hoping that you can find some clues faster.

If this matter is delayed, it will be unlucky for Situ Ningbing to follow suit. This is what Li Tian does not want to see and what he most wants to avoid.

He already understood what his enemy was, and at this time he also knew that what was in front of him was not a good choice.

If you want to deal with an opponent like the Void King, you must return everything you have to normal. This is the most appropriate thing. Everything you see is obviously different from before. Dealing with such problems is naturally not so easy.

Find Nan Mu Ye and send them away. Then I can put my mind on dealing with the Void King. Now because this guy holds the key to such a thing in his hands, even Li Tian Can't really deal with this guy, this is the most helpless.

After entering this rainforest, Li Tian also felt that the surrounding atmosphere was different for the first time. Although this place has a Yulin climate, many places here are different from Li Tian’s ideas. The tree covered everything around it, and it looked like he had entered another world. At this moment, Li Tian could really feel a very tense atmosphere, just like before, this place in front of him. Looks a little weird.

Entering this world with such strength, it should have been considered a rather invincible existence, but it is clear that the situation in front of them is not what they imagined.

Walking in the rainforest here, you can clearly feel some strange sounds. After the divine mind is unfolded, you can't find any surviving creatures from here. Everything in this place is like this, as if in the dark. There is really something very strange in it. At this time, he himself wants to investigate these things clearly, to see what the situation of these guys in front of him is, and whether they will come as he imagined before. I'm having trouble with myself.

After the divine mind is unfolded, we must find some clues here. As long as it can find a little human breath, it is good and can help oneself quickly find where Nan Mu Ye is. The current situation of this child is definitely not optimistic. It might not be as nervous as before, but now that a lot of things are involved, it makes Li Tian more nervous. Dealing with this kind of problem, handling everything as much as possible. The most important thing before him.

"No matter what, since we are here now, of course we have to speed up ourselves, but in this process, we still have to be cautious as well. It is important to deal with this matter, but our own life safety is the same. It is also very important. If you can’t guarantee the same cautious state as before in such a place, you are likely to have a lot of trouble after that.” Canglong said, at this moment, he can already understand very clearly. One thing, obviously this place is just as difficult to deal with as they thought before.

In such a place that seems to be easy to deal with, but in fact there are many things involved in it, and it is difficult to investigate clearly.

At this time, Li Tian also squinted his eyes and looked serious, but the rain forest he saw in front of him can explain a lot of things. This place is not that simple. Now how should he deal with the troubles like this? The question is, you only need to see what kind of opponent you will encounter in the future. Obviously, you know very little about this place, so how you can find a way to get rid of it is also very important.

Just when Li Tian entered this place, he felt that he was also full of pressure in an instant. Then he frowned, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "It seems that what I thought before was really good. This place is not as I thought. It's so simple, Divine Sense can't find these guys. If this is the case, the matter in front of you is obviously not as simple as you thought!

She can already feel that there are some things that are not very similar to this place, which should be just like what she imagined. Obviously, this place has some very troublesome problems that need to be dealt with by herself.

When this thought just flashed through my mind, many weird creatures appeared beside me. Looking at these guys in front of me, I might know how I need to deal with them.

Since I met these guys at this time, it is clear that what they have to do next is to insist on fighting like this.

"Die Diao Diao!" These creatures looked like leopards, with slender stature and some very strange lines on their bodies. Just looking at the above things, you can feel these differences. At this time, facing these guys in front of you, it feels more or less strange. If these creatures don’t have high IQs, Of course there is no problem, Li Tian is also willing to believe that things are really like this.

But many times I believe it does not mean that this thing is true. Obviously, the place in front of me is different from what I imagined. The wisdom of these creatures seems to be the same. Now facing this situation, I I really don't know how to say it. I clearly understand that these guys are very tricky guys.

What choice should I make when facing such an opponent at this time

When these creatures appeared here, the surrounding auras also completely changed. What surprised me was that these strange lines on these guys should really be the same as Li Tian imagined in his mind. Yes, these things can protect them and hide them in such a place.

Looking at these guys in front of me, I can probably think of what happened here at this time.

"No wonder there was no way to find them before, there is such a strange thing on them 1"

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