Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8488: curious

Li Tian was able to confirm that the second one came down. The relationship between himself and the Eternal Nightmare was not as close as he imagined. This matter really made him completely puzzled, and he could not understand what changed in it. It has caused the document matter to become like this, and now I am really curious, and the final result has become like this, and I can fully realize that I still have too little understanding of this eternal nightmare.

"Although I don’t know what this guy is going to do, we can see it now. This guy is very curious about you. Your presence actually makes them excited. They have been looking for you in this way. Where!"

"Hehe, I don’t know what the purpose of these guys is doing this, I just understand the relationship between me and them, but the enemy, **** want to find us, let them try this, if they can really find us , I can only say that they are very powerful, but it is a pity. If I want to hide, I think I really can’t find anyone who can catch me!” He snorted disdainfully, taking what I am now. The strength of Li Tian is completely able to easily push out this kind of car from the encirclement of the opponent. This is the powerful void and joyous ability shown by Li Tian at this time.

These things seem to be very easy to say, and the real operation is so simple. Once you really use this method to leave here, the powerful energy fluctuations will instantly affect other people, and the result will be at that time. What it will become is an unknown. No matter what, they don't want to become like this. In the end, they still hope that they can find some way to change themselves.

"It's fine now, they have begun to focus their minds on you like this. You should think about how you should deal with these guys at this time. You can't just give up like this. Well, the situation in front of us is like this. We all don't want to see such things happen." Canglong asked anxiously, Li Tian's emotions at this time are really too relaxed, this guy is simply not aware of it. The degree of danger of such a thing in front of me is exactly the same, and even at this time, it is still in a very relaxed state as before.

It was like this before. This guy always likes this way. It seems that all the time hi please is nothing to this guy, and he can always solve the problem easily.

"There is no need to worry about it, there is no deep relationship, oh worry, my surname believes that they just came out to find out where our position is, but this kind of thing is not just talking about it. Even if they start to mobilize their own army, the final result is not the same as before. It is impossible for you to find me by this group of idiots, but we can use this One chance to find out where these children are arranged!"

For Li Tian, ​​this is very important, and how to do such a thing is also very important.

After the success of this plan, Li Tian quickly put all his thoughts on finding these children. Sure enough, Eternal Nightmare still values ​​Li Tian very much. For them, Li Tian may be regarded as a real threat. A young man in, in this state, all his thoughts were devoted to dealing with Li Tian, ​​and the situation became quite simple for a while.

There are not many people in the entire city-state, and the identity of these dream eaters has gradually begun to be doubted by Li Tian.

At the beginning, I really thought of them as some alien creatures, but from their appearance, these guys really seemed to be a bit like alien creatures, but as I slowly began to put my mind on When dealing with some other things, naturally they discovered that these guys were not the same as they thought, and even what was going on, even Li Tian himself couldn't make it clear.

"These guys look like some alien creatures, but what they have done is definitely not like this, more like a human being." Li Tian frowned, and the situation in front of him was really so I felt a lot of unspeakable things. It is of course possible for these guys to say that they are alien creatures. From the outside, it is indeed the case.

But everything they did, including the construction of such a city, is more like a human style. If these guys have absolutely no connection with humans, they don’t look like this. I believe that not many people would be willing to believe that this is the case. At this moment, in the face of so many things that have happened, they still don't know what to say.

"Indeed, these guys look like some aliens, but many places are even more normal than humans. If they are the monsters in these rumors, it is impossible. These people are more like human beings. Another form, it doesn't look like a monster!" Canglong also said here with great interest, this situation is not as easy as they thought.

"If I have the opportunity, I hope I can investigate these things clearly, but the top priority is to find out where these children are. These guys are really difficult. Even if many people are sent out, in this city, There are still all kinds of different eyeliners. If you toss like this, it is still a bit difficult." Li Tian also encountered a lot of troubles in this city at this time, although he said that he was already I have made a lot of psychological preparations, but when I really enter this city, I still have to express such feelings.

It seems that these opponents were really underestimated before. He thought he would be able to deal with these opponents easily after encountering black elephants before, but obviously, the things in front of them were not as easy as they thought. The process takes a lot of time to find a way to change one's own destiny. As for what the result will become after this, I believe not many people can clearly say.

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