Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 843: Enemy: Hell Gate

"Kill...Kill me..." Facing Li Tian's frantic roar.

Liu Yiyi's raised palm stopped in the air for unknown reasons, and at the same time her delicate face showed endless contradictions!

Did she go for it?

Li Tian was raised and raised by her own hands. She has stayed here since she received the order from her master... She has been taking care of Li Tian from childhood to growing up... Now she is going to kill Li Tian by herself, she Can it be done?

Endless contradictions filled her, and her delicate body trembled slightly...Looking at Li Tian's scarlet eyes full of pain...

At this very moment, a strange voice suddenly came from inside the church.

"Unexpectedly, the poisonous scorpion that killed people like a scorpion in the past... would have a moment of soft heart! It really surprised me today!"

With that ghastly sound... Then he saw a man in a gray suit and didn't know when he had already appeared in this church.

He was very thin, with a pair of gold glasses slung on his sickly white face, and his hands were as thin as a woman, and he walked out with a smile.

It's him?

it's him!

It turns out that he is the spectacle that met the poisonous scorpion in the Chenghuang Temple!

However, the moment the glasses appeared, the faces of the ghost servant and Duguxie were shocked, and Li Tian stayed there in the same surprise.

Who is he? Why did he appear here too?

But he said that when the spectacled man in a gray suit came out, he first looked at Li Tian over there with his gloomy and vicious eyes, and then took a look at Dugu here with interest. There are evil servants.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth for an instant: "Yes, not bad! You did a beautiful job... I thought this famous immortal servant Ghost Servant, and the evil sword Duguxie was a great master... Haha , I didn't expect that they were all planted in your scorpion's hands today!"

"It seems that there is a saying: The most poisonous woman's heart, this is not wrong at all." The glasses said there with a grinning grin.

When the spectacles said so, the ghost servant roared out.

"You bastard...what are you talking about? Believe it or not, my ghost servant broke your neck with his own hands!" The ghost servant roared there, panting.

The glasses laughed haha: "I believe it! Of course I believe! The famous shadow ghost servant... Twenty years ago I had heard about glasses... At that time I wanted to see you... Hey, it's a pity that there is no chance... "

But he said that when the guy in the gray suit suddenly said his nickname and glasses, the faces of Duguxie and the ghost servant suddenly changed.

He turned out to be glasses! ! !

Because the two of them recognized him at a glance...

He is: glasses!

In the past, the top killer who only recognized money and didn't recognize people was famous in Southeast Asia, glasses.

For more than two decades, the name of the eyeglasses has become quite famous in the killer world in Southeast Asia...Because at that time Cthulhu and his brothers rushed to the Vatican to kill the Pope, so I heard of the name of this killer in Southeast Asia... ...It's just that they haven't seen it before! Now I didn't expect that this terrifying killer in Southeast Asia would now appear here!

Could it be that he and this scorpion are in the same group?

Is it also to harm Li Tian?

After the abrupt appearance of the glasses, things became more and more confusing.

Now Li Tian, ​​Duguxie and the ghost servant don't know why these once awesome cold-blooded killer glasses and Liu Yiyi, the poisonous scorpion in front of him, would deal with him? And it took so much effort to deal with them? Why is that?

Also, if the poisonous scorpion was right, Li Tian turned out to be the one who took care of her in the orphanage since she was a child!

Why is this happening? Why would this poisonous woman who used to kill people like numb and caused headaches for both black and white to take care of such a young Li Tian? And it takes more than ten years to take care of it?

All of this is now an unknown mystery to Li Tian, ​​Duguxie and the ghost servant!

"Why did you appear here?" Liu Yiyi suddenly raised Liu's eyebrows, looking at the glasses with cold eyes.

At this moment, the glasses turned his head slightly, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, looking at Liu Yiyi.

"That's because I'm afraid...you are soft-hearted...you won't be able to move!"

"Nonsense! When did Liu Yiyi have a hand that I can't get down..." Liu Yiyi said angrily, as if to prevent the glasses in front of her from seeing the only kindness in her.

"Really? Then you kill! You kill this kid now..." The glasses suddenly pointed at Li Tianzai and smiled at the poisonous scorpion Liu Yiyi.

"After you killed him, you also completed the task that the master has given you for so many years...In that case, the two of us can return to the gate of **** smoothly." The glasses said suddenly there.

The gate of hell? The gate of hell?

When the name of this terrorist organization was spoken, Li Tian and the ghost servant and Duguxie immediately understood!

It turns out that they are all from the gate of hell!

No wonder...no wonder... they want to kill Li Tian and harm themselves!

When Li Tian suddenly heard the three characters Hell Gate, fiery hatred appeared in Li Tian's eyes... His eyes were about to bleed, but it was a pity that his body couldn't move at all!

"It's you... it's you bastards... who killed my father back then!" A word suddenly came out of Li Tian's mouth with endless hatred.

The glasses turned his head slightly and glanced at Li Tian.

"Yes...your evil **** father...we did it...it's a pity that we didn't kill him back then! Hey...but all this is not important anymore, he will die sooner or later...just like you... You father and son will meet in **** sooner or later!" said coldly in the glasses.

"You bastard... I'm going to kill you... I'm going to kill you myself..." Li Tian roared, trying to stand up, but unfortunately he didn't have any strength.

What about the glasses? But he didn't bother to pay attention to Li Tian. At this moment, he looked at Liu Yiyi and said: "Scorpion, do you?"

"Finish things early...Let's leave this ghost place early." said Liu Yiyi with a smile on the glasses.

"kill him!"

"Kill him as soon as possible!"

Listening to the words of the glasses, Liu Yiyi finally took her steps and walked towards that Li Tian step by step.

She wants to really kill Li Tian...really do it!

Yes, she has no other choice! She didn't have any choice from the beginning. From the very beginning she was arranged here, and now she has no choice.

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