If you really talk about this kind of strength, I believe that it is not very difficult to solve the problem like this. Li Tian really did not feel any pressure against these opponents in front of him, maybe it is really as before. In the same way, with my current strength, I don’t need to worry about dealing with such problems. If I really start, I can control the situation in front of me so easily. Although the opponent I faced may be really tough, I don't need to worry about anything this time.

"Good boy, I can force me to such an extent. Just on this point alone can explain a lot of things. Young people like you may really be as difficult to deal with as they said before, but this It doesn’t matter, I think I can handle the matter in front of me very well.” Smiling and looking at Li Tian in front of him, Eternal Nightmare stood up, the expression on his face was beginning to be a bit sordid. Get up, this guy really didn't expect at this moment that he would encounter such a rather troublesome thing at this moment.

"Understand now, there is no way to defeat me with your own strength, so what I have to do now is to kill you. If you die like this, I believe you, the so-called Dream Eater race. , It should have completely disappeared from this world. This is my goal, to completely destroy you." Li Tian held the sword in his hand tightly, and the opponent in front of him seemed to have nothing to do with him. It’s just a matter of winning the case. Maybe I was able to play against myself before, but at this time, I didn’t have the ability. By this time, this battle has almost reached the stage of white-hot. It was impossible for the guy in front of him to defeat himself.

Such a big difference between the two parties, even if they really worked hard in the process, but what will the final result be? This is something that no one can determine. It seems to be a simple problem. But in fact, there are still many troubles that they can't imagine.

"This is the result you want to see. Now all of this is in front of you. Everything is like this. It is what you want to see. It has already happened. I am very curious. Now, what do you have to do now?” Li Tian said as he slowly walked forward, here is the world controlled by himself, it is impossible for the guy in front of him to defeat himself. of.

With the current situation in front of him, Li Tian does not need to worry about anything at this time. The guy in front of him will be a very powerful master in the eyes of others, but if he is on his side, the situation is different. Up.

The guy facing me is very strong, but it's just like this. I'm quite confident about defeating the opponent in front of me. I didn't think I had much chance of winning before. After all, such a difficult opponent should be. Very rare, but Li Tian is full of confidence that he is like this. The opponent may be really strong, but he will not give up the idea of ​​defeating this opponent this time. As long as he still has such an idea, to Time to defeat this guy in front of me is really an easy thing that can't be easier.

"Boy, you can do a lot of things with your strength, but it's just like this. You really think you can change something like this." He sneered and looked at Li Tian in front of him. The Eternal Nightmare wiped off the blood donation from the corner of his mouth, and then slowly exposed the mask on his face. This guy was also the first time that he showed what he was like.

This is a human!

Yes, a guy who looks the same as a human, it can even be said that there is no difference at all. Such a guy is looking at Li Tian in front of him with a very indifferent look, and these things are revealed in his eyes. It's also quite simple. This guy wants to really wipe Li Tian from the world this time. After all, being bullied by such a young man, whoever he is, he does not want to continue like this at this time. Up.

"You look like this..."

"Is it weird?"

"It looks like it is indeed like this. I thought it was really simple before. A guy like you must have a pretty weird background in the past. I am really curious now. You What kind of guy it is." Squinting his eyes and looking at the strange guy in front of him, many thoughts flashed in Li Tian's heart, but he didn't know how to describe the scene in front of him. Didn't expect this eternal nightmare to be a human?

"Hmph, you humble human being who transformed me into this way, now I naturally have nothing to say, do you want to stop me? Very good, maybe you really have such a possibility, but now I I won’t be merciful anymore, I won’t retain my own strength. Although I really didn’t want to do it like this before, you guys forced me to do it all. To blame, I can only blame you for bad luck. Well, this time I won’t let you go like this!" With a sneer like this, I really put my mind on Li Tian in front of him at this time. The Eternal Nightmare is really angry at this time, this one in front of me. Young people already have a lot of unimaginable places for themselves, so this time it can only be so.

To completely wipe out this young man from the world, such a young man who started to want to destroy them, if this young man survives at this time, what will be waiting for them will be A very miserable result. In order to avoid such things from happening, what these people can do at this time can only be like this, and change the situation in front of them as much as possible.

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