"Well, it seems that something happened to you during this time!"

"Let’s talk to you slowly, now I need to hurry up and start our actions in the future. I thought this problem could be very simple, but now it seems that it’s not so easy to deal with. These opponents are far better than I thought Yes, it’s more tricky and more difficult.” Frowning, Li Tian doesn’t know what to say at this time. It’s true that many times the problem is not as easy and simple as it seems, and wants to deal with it. It also takes a lot of time to get things done, and in my current state, it's not a simple matter.

But even in this way, you still have to devote one hundred percent of your energy to these things at this time, and always deal with the problem.

"Let's say it, but as long as I can know what is going on, there is of course no ambiguity on my side."

"Immediately we will encounter some very terrible opponents. All the universe will be destroyed as a result. So what we need to do at this time is to destroy all our enemies. The destruction plan of the Taixu family should be on the agenda. , I can’t continue to let these guys disrupt my plan here. If they continue like this, we won’t be able to prepare for it. When the war begins, we probably won’t have any effect! "When thinking of this, Li Tian also gave a helpless smile.

Now the dark world must have correspondingly understood some conditions in this world. When they are ready, they can attack this world directly. If it is really like this, according to Li Tian's Strength, whether they can handle such things well is an unknown, but now whether it is possible or not, what is in front of us is a fact that requires them to think carefully and go all out, so this Under the circumstances, whether you can or can't, you have to fight your aura.

"Of course I have nothing to say about you like this. I believe you are not joking with me this time. Since you are like this, it is of course no problem for me to help. If you are really going to deal with these idiots At that time, I will follow my people accordingly, and I must be able to successfully solve the problem." said the **** of war.

At this time, it seems to be clear, what kind of situation is in front of you, what kind of trouble you will encounter later, seemingly simple little things, but in fact there are many things involved in it, and there is no them. It is so easy in the imagination, so what the result will look like after this, and what changes it might bring to them, are currently unknown.

What kind of method should be used to handle such a thing? This is also something they can't figure out at this stage.

"Now this is two completely different concepts from what we imagined before, but there is nothing to worry about now. Of course, we can still find many clues with our methods." Li Tian said: " Let’s look for it and see what the current Taixu people are doing. We will destroy what they want. We will definitely be able to succeed in this way. By the way, I also want to know, Situ Ningbing. Where is it!"

Although everything on the surface looks normal, Li Tian’s heart is not like this. At this time, there is still a little nervousness in his heart. It is completely because I don’t know what the current situation of Situ Ningbing is. It wasn't that he was hurt. If it was like this, Li Tian couldn't forgive himself for a long time after this.

However, if you think about it carefully, the possibility of such a situation is still very low. According to the character of the Void King, according to the contradictory relationship between them, the Void King is definitely going to torture himself. Since you want to torture yourself, of course you need to be present to be able to do these things!

"I know you are very anxious now, but you have to know that you are not facing a weak guy. The strength of the Void King is very strong. In addition, after the previous clearance, the current strength is even more complete. It's completely to the point where we can't imagine it. If you really think that you can easily fix the problem in this way, you are really wrong!"

"I know, I know what the situation is now, and I also know what kind of trouble this kind of thing will cause us." Li Tian nodded and said, although he was worried at this time, he also knew he had to calm down now. If you don’t calm down, it’s impossible to help Situ Ningbing pull out the devil's claws. The Void King here must also be waiting for him to take action. He only needs to do something wrong in some place, and then he will be truly dead. In order to avoid such things from happening, there is still a lot to do at this time.

"If you think so, I will relax a lot. The only thing you guys worry about is this woman. If you really want to know something, I am worried that you will not be able to control yourself in this way, so it is better to say these things beforehand , The problem is very serious, not as easy as we imagined, so how you want to solve this matter, it will take some time to get a headache!"

"I see. I always have to find some way. At this time, look for it slowly. As long as we still have such an idea in our hearts, we can always find a way or something. These opponents think they can control me. It’s impossible to control everything here. With their strength, how can they easily control me? It’s just a daydream!" Li Tian still looked dismissive at this time, even if it was true. It is a little troublesome, and it will also let me understand how much effort I have to use to pass such a test.

At this moment, looking at Li Tian in front of him, the fighting **** here nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

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