Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8592: Thunder Cast

Looking at the scene in front of him, even Li Tian himself followed with a shocked expression at this time. He didn't understand what the situation was before him. At this point, he could only say that he was concerned about these things that happened here. I don't know much about it yet.

Li Tian knew that he had no other choice now. If he wanted to leave alive in such a dangerous place, of course he would have to pay some price at this time. Only in this way would he be able to handle the matter before him. What the result will be after this is still unknown. For them, it is not as easy as they imagined to accomplish such things.

"Although I really want to make myself stronger, I still hope that I can survive, so this time, I won't give up so easily." There is no extra words, all I need to do at this time is to do my best. It is possible to block the attack in front of them. Only in this way can they find the best way to change the world.

For them, such an enemy in front of them is already quite powerful.

These thunders have never been accepted before.

But at this time, there is nothing to say. Since I want to obtain such a powerful force, of course I have to bear the trouble that such power brings to myself. This is also a kind of thing, since I suffered it last time. Gifts, of course, you must also be prepared to accept the troubles such power brings to yourself. These are the issues that Li Tian needs to understand most now. It is not easy to deal with these things right now The thing, after all, the strength of the enemy they are going to meet is already in front of them, not easy.

Yin Lei, Li Tian had never encountered such a type of lightning before, and this was the first time he encountered it.

But looking at Lei You before, it seems that such thunder and lightning have not been used? In other words, Lei You also absorbed such lightning, but it was not a true and pure lightning. Instead, some transformations occurred, forming a unique way of lightning. If it is like this, it will be able to Let people understand a little bit, the situation before them seems simple and easy, but it is a little more complicated than they thought.

Li Tian squinted his eyes and looked at the thunder that came in front of him, and said nothing.

Soon, the Yin Lei began to attack Li Tian directly like an arrow. Although the speed of the Yin Lei is a bit inferior, they are very aggressive, as if mixed with very chaotic corrosion. In the current situation, it is not easy to block such attribute attacks. Li Tian already feels that he is a master among the masters, but in the face of such a scene. At the time, he was also confused. What happened here was indeed a world away from what I had imagined before, and I was curious at this time.

"Very powerful ability to break defenses. I believe that it is impossible for ordinary people to organize such forces into their bodies. Once such forces enter our bodies, what they have to do becomes It’s very simple, raging in our bodies, using their methods to completely tear us apart, this is the real headache." Writing his fist tightly, at this time Li Tian only I can clenched my teeth like this, after all, the scene in front of me is somewhat embarrassing for Li Tian.

Under such a scene, it is not an easy task to successfully handle the situation in front of them. It is far more complicated and tricky than they thought, but since it has reached this point, Since I chose such a thing, of course, at this time, I can only do my best to deal with this matter in my own way.

Squinting at the thunder in front of him, Li Tian sneered and said: "You guys are still trying to defeat me. It's a wishful thinking, but that's okay, since you think you can do something like this in your heart. As for the matter, let's give full play to your advantages at this time, come on, let me see how good you are." He roared like this, and then the whole body began to feel paralyzed.

Indeed, there is simply no way to resist such lightning. Just like some subtle germs, these lightning can always infiltrate from some very subtle places that you have no way to resist. Once they have infiltrated, This last situation is completely different. In this state, it is indeed not an easy task for them to deal with the situation before them. Even Li Tian at this time is also somewhat unspeakable.

What he said seemed relaxed and bold, but when he was truly able to withstand the thunder, it was not like that.

This strange thunder and lightning attribute not only brings you some numbness, they even cure the cold in your body. At first it was just a little numbness, but as time slowly passed, this time Li Tian could even feel that his whole body was like ice and snow, and the cold Yin Qi began to slowly penetrate through all parts of his body, even if it moved slightly, it became a little difficult.

‘Is this the power of the thunder? It seems that neither Lei You nor Lei Zhu deceived me. Once this power is truly mastered by me, it will definitely bring me great benefits and even change the whole world. It is not impossible. , I happen to need the help of this kind of power, but at the same time, mastering this kind of power also requires my own strong power. The pressure in front of this scene seems to be not small. ’

Thunder casting body, such a link is to use the power of the lightning to recast a person’s bodily functions, so that such a body can adapt to the existence of such lightning attributes. It seems very simple to say, but it is really The people who can complete this link are all selected from a thousand, and the slightest carelessness may be directly swallowed by the lightning in a short moment.

At that time, there will be no bones left, and there will never be a trace of yours left in this world, not at all.

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